Is the golden one natty?
He's definitely red pilled, but are his red pills filled with dianabol?
Is he natty
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He is not natty
looks natty to me
As much as I like the guy and his physique he's not natty fellas. He doesn't look like he blasts like a retard, but his proportions are simply not natural. His chest is even bigger in his later videos. Aesthetic as fuck, but hes cycled.
He claims natty
And I want to be leaf
But I've never seen a natty chest look that joocy no homo
Not natty but not juiced to the gills.
Why is this a question look at his chest.
He's said that he's gonna start roiding when his natural test start dropping and since he's blatantly admitted to that then there would be no reason for him to lie about being natty now, besides his physique is very obtainable as a natty if you eat, train, and rest well.
Claims to be natty
Says he will juice when he reaches his maximum
If I believe him that's another story, still the motivational shit he does works for me
>Look at him in this pic where he's got a pump and is in good lighting, obvious roider.
230 lbs 10% bodyfat
Yeaaaa totally natty xD
>10% bodyfat
he most certainly fucking isn't, 12-15% on most pics I see it on. Besides he's 6'3 as well and I think he's closer to around 220 lbs
he benches 4pl8
No stupid.
He's a chuuni narcisstic cunt.
Of course he juices.
Anyone who thinks this mong is natty is a fucking retard
lol no it's not unless you're in the top 1% for genetics
That's what I thought before I watched his videos
I find him likeable and admirable so I wanted to believe his claims
I think he is natty. Anyone can look good in cherrypicked pictures with good lighting and a pump. In normal situations he doesn't look as good.
Look at this video for example
He doesn't look unnaturally big or lean there. His traps and delts aren't popping out or anything and he's not very vascular. Compare him to an actual roider like pic related and there is a massive difference.
Maybe the golden angel just runs test at cruise levels
Friendly reminder that the natty limit is franck yang / omar isuf, and that golden one is a rat faced roiding fag
>again, less than 1% chance, and i'm being o so generous with that
He claimed 104Kg 10% himself...
His pectoral insertions have drawn apart, probably tried to progress too quickly on the cycle.
Jesus what the fuck is with that shoulder to waist ratio. I know he's flexing his lats, but seriously.
>His pectoral insertions have drawn apart, probably tried to progress too quickly on the cycle.
nigga wat
he's a hard to one to determine
1. his chest IS really big and broad for a natty, but it's not impossibly big
2. he has trained ever since he was a teenager, really long-term dedication would put him in his genetic limit which most people don't reach
3. his delts aren't balloon sized
4. his bodyfay is not in single digits, which makes his muscles look full instead of veiny
I honestly think he could be natty, if you look at him in his videos his body fat isn't very low, so he could definitely maintain that size and strength, and he isnt absurdly huge either. He could also be a subtle non natty and not be roiding up like a retard, Hes also been lifting for a long time
You need to have been born with an extra chromosome to believe that he is natty.
It looks like he had a bad injection on his right delt. He doesn't look like piano but he's not natty either
I haven't been on Veeky Forums in like 6 months
This guy got fucking huge. Not natty but still impressive. Holy shit.
shhh don't ruin it
people need to believe
are you talking about that indentation at the top of his delt? you really think you stick the syringe that high? into the bone?
god, natties are so fucking retarded
He looks like a drawing made by a kid who lives in small town and the only recollection he has of a buff guy is from a movie trailer he had seen on an VHS tape with his alcoholic father a few deserted years ago.
really a shame there is not way to fraud that ugly ass cave-dwellin-goblin looking face
just eat clen tren hard xD
This. Look at more than one picture of him and you can tell he just looks like a guy who's been lifting a while. He's not really that lean either and doesn't have that great of vascularity.
>welcome to /fit, where everyone whose body isn't complete trash must be roiding.
If he's roiding then his physique is pretty underwhelming desu.
lol you niggas are blind
look at this fucking shit. his shoulders are the size of his ugly ass head, and look at the size of his pecs give me natties that look like this, I will wait.
as user said, if this nigga is natty, his diet is perfect and so is his training
You seen just regular pics of him too right? Like of him just doing MMA training or whatever?
you sound upset.
Lmao poor golden guy
I think he cycled or cycles but not the retarded Carrot Top way, the smart Christian bale way
It's great that he covers his face more lately. It shows he knows his major minuses.
Poor guy's on a sinking boat.