Guess my Bodyweight

Guess my Bodyweight
(yes, 18 years old, fresh otta high school - still got them body wellness gains)



I think it should be a rule that you have to be over 18 AND not a high school student to post on Veeky Forums.

His pic is literally from the inside of a high school locker room, and this thread quality is what you would expect from a high school student

Keep hatin

uhhh no, just graduated. Started lifting in bodywellness second semester senior year. It's a YMCA

nice pencil neck faggot

Real height?

Thanks twink
You're right, sorry - 6'4".

If you "just graduated" and have had no other life experiences, you're a high school student.

I got plenty of expereiences
-Your Mom
-Your Sister
-Your girl
and now your ego

Get fucked idiot

Why don't you improve :

1- Your shitty neck
2- Your haircut
3- Start mewing
4- Your posture
5- Probably your fashion

You're a 6, you can get to 8/10.

Just giving you my honest advice, now that you got an honest advice from a gay guy will you follow it? Are you gonna try and reach the best version off yourself or are you gonna be average? Like you are now? If so, why not just kill yourself?

Haircut needs to occur, I recognize that.
Posture is usually better - this photo was a bad representation of that.
My fashion is usually pretty good outside of the gym. I've been told that I dress good. Isn't mewing for people with a weak jaw? Like some shit they get after physical therapy from car accidents?

post your feet

Got some disgusting ass feet not gonna lie, never gonna show them to anyone.

how the fuck do you Mew should the teeth be in resting postistion or together?

OP here, if anyone wants to know I'm 160 lb in the evening.

Are you also still a virgin in the evening?

you're cute post dick pls

>basketball shorts


Idgaf about your body weight but Jesus Christ start hitting your calves more

This gay has given you solid advice.

post ass

>posting their face on Veeky Forums
>literal fag

Bruh you dumb shit why would you identify on this board with your face. Include me in the screen cap when someone mails him dildos.

>mails him dildos
>acting like thats a bad thing

Tell me how to hit calves effectively

Dildos are hella expensive so I'd just sell them

Go be a faggot somewhere else OP, starting a thread for people to guess how much you weigh is autistic as hell.

OP definitely can improve but no fucking way will he ever be an 8