>saw literally at least 5 9/10s and it was painful each time >can't force myself to give up reading books I find boring without fear of being called a pleb, even though I know it's stupid >Reddit/incel hammered in the blackpill when I got home (the truth is addictive and cleanses the spooks, no matter how painful)
I won't even go on, that was more than enough suffering. Instead of Pepe I've posted picrelated
Background: >aged 26 >no friends or social life since 18 >no female attention ever >went through university with zero social experiences >became the loner nobody talks to within two days of my current job >never been to pub, club, or party >missed out on all the 16 - 22 formative social experiences that people look back on fondly (teen crushes, school prom, school dances, university fresher's week, any sort of relationships at all) >know that women all have 5000 tinder matches and think the average male is ugly
Isaiah White
Incels seriously make my poss boil. Useless humans that would rather blame anyone else for their miserable life.
Charles Collins
here's how you fix this. Go on a vacation to Thailand. Buy a new dirt-cheap hooker every day. Realize that women are a meme. Come back, realize that western women are ridiculously entitled and overpriced. Read /r/MGTOW. When you're in your 30s and up your sex drive should drop a lot anyway. Also stop listening to the (((media))) telling you that the purpose of life is to fuck sluts, your insecurities were all created by companies trying to sell you things.
Could also try steroids, though that didn't help me much Tbh.
Ian Carter
Nicholas Wright
seriously. I would kill every incel if I could
Samuel Murphy
So are you gonna change or what?
David Stewart
>Im a lazy piece of shit and its everyone elses fault waaahhhh
Just fucking kill yourself you pathetic wretch
Joshua Edwards
How do you beat the system? If a girl has 5000 matches when I have only 50 how can I be less needy?
She can just text Chad any moment what do you have to offer?
Aiden Price
Veeky Forums in a nutshell. useless vermin
Joshua Barnes
Not even mildly related to fitness. Go back to /r9k/
Joshua Diaz
Best advice imho, or if you have a decent amount of money then come fuck sluts in germany and buy cheap excellent beer while doing so
Jordan Flores
Fucking do something about it then plebiscite. Also, how tall are you?
Nathaniel Hernandez
I just had an uber ride with a fat middle aged man who spent 15 minutes telling me about how he used to be a chad, 4% body fat banging sluts in San Diego by just telling them they had nice eyes. Can we go back to only having pajeets and east africans as Uber drivers please?
Sorry not related to the topic but sort of related to the picture
Lincoln Wright
hey buddy i think you've got the wrong door... /r9k/'s two blocks down
Ayden Thompson
Best city to visit? I'm thinking of flying into FRA for some sight seeing since flights are cheap these days -- would love to see some ancient castles if that's a thing
Jeremiah Lopez
Bruh if your complaining about it go get a fucking hobby. Go do literally anything, get a new job or something. Literally anything that puts you around new people. Make sure you are at the very least hygienic and people will talk to you if you're new to something.
Ayden Morgan
life is rough brah
start reading philosophy 2bh
Oliver Turner
Become chad you stupid nigger.
I dont care how overweight or unfit you are 2 years and you can have a great body.
Build confidence in free time, go to pubs, bars, gyms and talk to people
You think chads were born with amazing bodys, nice haircuts and confidence? They had to work on it, youre clearly not working on it. No women wants a man thats too fucking lazy to take basic care of himself, how will you take care of her.
If you have a job. You could wander down to the local meth house, because those are currently the women in your league.
Grow up, do something about it
Brayden Watson
Chad was born with an amazing body, nice hair and confidence you retard. That is the point. You think Chad works out besides a few curls and crunches 3-4x a week?
Thomas Gomez
The only thing Chad was born with is (maybe) nice hair. Screw that even, the only thing "Chad"s are born with is height, and if you are a manlet, well then I guess you should learn.
I never get this "Chad was born with" incel bullshit. It's the same shit fat women do when they say someone was "born skinny". No one is "born" skinny, they were raised with parents that weren't mouth breathers that taught the how to take care of their own body and to put down the fucking fork. The eponymous Chad, was forced by their fraternity to go to the gym and do brosplits 5 days a week for 4 years.
Let me guess, you spend 10-12 hours a day sitting in front of a computer, eating doritos and drinking mountain dew and you are confused as you why your body is shit?
Here's a better idea, kill yourself.
Jose Cooper
Does Chad work his frame and jawline in the gym too? Stay delusional bro
Adam Carter
>it's another "fit doesn't understand chad is the result of both good genes AND hard work, not just one or the other" episode
This is like the 12th time this week.
Easton Young
>your insecurities were all created by companies trying to sell you things
This. Your brain has been boggled to the point where you think any girl below 7/10 is unfuckable. Get back to earth and start dating girls you have a chance with. 26 is too late of an age to develop a charismatic personality that can compensate for your shitty look.
Jaxson White
Man did I read your post wrong or what? You're reading books you dont like for fear of being called a pleb? As though those 9/10 girls are gonna be like
9/10: Hey user, how's it going, did you read 50 Shades of Grey?
You: Well I started but I didn't get into it
9/10: *giggles* oh my god what a pleb.
Nah... nah it can't be that stupid. I must've misread your post.