How strong you would need to be at bench/pull ups/squat/deadlift/curls

How strong you would need to be at bench/pull ups/squat/deadlift/curls

In order to be able to kill anyone bare handed with 1-3 punches

Not very strong, you just need luck and to know how to punch

But in case i dont know how to trow a punch and i want my hits to be so letal i wanna broke their spine ?

In that case like 3/4/5/6 and fast.

What is 3 4 5 6 thingy, gimme numbers

you are most likely going to break your knuckles before that happens.

Thats a good deal if in exchangue i broke a spinal

140kg overhead press
180kg bench
220kg squat
260kg deadlfit
>Probably more for squat and deadlift.
If you can catch them with quick hooks with your whole body behind it you could incapacitate and maybe kill someone.
>Fuck your a weeb dude.

Insane,anyways i think the bench should be 500/550 lbs

Yeah Brian Alshrue is the kind of guy who could potentially kill a guy with three punches, if you get killed you don't pass on your genes.

You don't use your biceps for a punch

i hope your ambidextrous

Not particularly strong at all, the average fella can kill another dude with a king hit to the head

well the cross is probably the most powerful punch from a boxing stance, the muscles used in the punch is the delts, chest and tricep. so pretty much just do lots of pressing exercises and your punch will be stronger. but the no.1 most important thing is technique. people that can bench 1plate can throw harder punches than powerlifters that bench 3plates.

lurk more, retar

You're Australian aren't you?

You will never kill anyone with 1-3 inch punches.
People survive kicks, why the hell do you think a 1-3 inch punch can even come close to that? Not even Mike Tysen going full force can match a strong kick.

Anthony Joshua said recently he can bench 140kg

physical strength means nothing when it comes to generating powerful blows. It's entirely technique. You can bench 700lbs, if your punching form is inefficient, your punches will not be effective.
Anybody who benches 1 plate should be able to kill a man with a perfectly executed punch in the right spot, if they get lucky.
It's all about where you hit, how you hit the person, and the technique used.

it has nothing to do with strength, everything to do with technique, mass, and some weird genetic x factor that nobody can really pin down

some dudes just hit hard as fuck

AJ is gigantic but gets outbenched by random gymgoers half his size, hits so hard he could probably kill anyone in this thread outright if he landed clean

my mate hit some dude in the head at a bar and he fell and died because he hit his head on the floor. i guess that counts

his diddly is over 270kg

You probably won't deal lethal damage in 3 hits to just the cranium, especially not barehanded. You won't be able fracture the skull enough to cause any lacerations, nor will you be able to provide enough concussive force to sufficiently kill someone in that few of hits. Your best bet would be getting 3 solid hits to the trachea to cause them to asphyxiate, but it shouldn't take that much strength to do against an average man