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Health #427
A level beyond Chad?
Looking for protein powder
Has anyone else noticed that the number of yoked girls is increasing? Is there something in the water?
Aside from looking shit, are there any dangers to not training chest ever but training back constantly...
Do you think you could beat golden one in a fight?
Increase testosteron how?
FUCK YOU Veeky Forums!
Saturday feels
Assholes too lazy to make a thread again thats why youre fat in the first place because of your overall laziness edition
Hey Veeky Forums
Wtf is going on?
So what are my boys up to, today? Legs? Delts? I want to hear everything about it
FPH thread, for all your fat hate needs
So now that the dust is finally settled and we all agree that the superior routine for the natty lifter is the Upper /...
/totalFap/ for total focus
What do when some fag cat calls your girl from a moving car?
Vegan General
Drink it. Now
Enter gym
Mental Health Thread
I cant get over a girls past what do
Newfag here. Someone mentioned "safeties" in the context of lifting in a power rack. What are "safeties"?
Why aren't larger traps on women more popular? Tell me that back isn't juicy fellas
Mewling actually works. It has opened up my nasal passages too; breathing through my nose is way easier now...
Search catalogue
Lift for girl
Use to follow a strict routine
What does it feel like when you herniate a disk?
Looks at pictures of western men during the two world wars
Finally land fulltime job
Friendly reminder
I've come to the conclusion that deadlifts simply aren't worth the risk unless you are a powerlifter
Veeky Forums I just started lifting 3 months ago but today I visited Urijah Fabers new gym
New Buzzfeed Video: Skinny Dudes Get Muscles for a Day
Realistically what is the best way to talk to girls at the gym
Hey guys. I'm a relatively new lurker, this is my first post...
150 calories
ITT: exercises that scream "im new to the gym"
Veeky Forums Ideal Template
Even fat fucks can get a cute gf
Still got another week at home before uni starts
2 years transformation
Seriously Veeky Forums, why isn't your dick big? gains can't pleasure a woman in bed, but a big dick can
What hot girls want
Is biking worth it for cardio? I tried once, but my chain kept coming off and couldnt get it back on...
Another Friday night
/plg/ - powerlifting general
When Florida is about to get absolutely fucked by a category 5 hurricane and Rich Piana wont be alive to record his...
Friday Night Veeky Forums Feels
Good Feels General
Veeky Forums alcohol thread
Ask someone whos been eating one of these everyday for 6 months anything
Why isn't your dick big Veeky Forums? gains are useless without a big dick
If you can't OHP 185lbs over your head can you really call yourself a man?
Tits or Ass
Veeky Forums humor / humour
How am I supposed to eat 120 grams of protein per day?
Veeky Forums Webm gif Extreme
Veeky Forums is retarded and can't train
How long do I have to keep working out before girls start to fantasize about having me eat them out?
What do bros wear to the gym?
Do you microwave your food? There seems to be a lot of research linking it to cancer... Also
What happened to latsbrah?
Tfw you dont even workout and look better than 90% of Veeky Forums lmfao
Finally I understand why this shithole is obsessed with GOMAD
What do you eat user?
Daily reminder the NFL does not use squats, dedL, ohp for gauging strength...
What are some good snacks that aren't too calorie dense? I'm getting hungry brehs
How has Veeky Forums affected your life?
When he treats you right, makes enough money to spoil you, and gives you the life you've always wanted
What is the best routine that doesn't build legs? I don't want big legs
Women don't hit on me anymore after becoming fit
Clarence doesn't have the stats he does because of superhuman freak genetics...
>Boogie will never lose the wei-
One life
Achieving this petite triangle
Female here
My gf is about this size what can I force her to do to make her gain weight
How do I quit the smokin' jew?
Reddit fitness doesn't have Starting Strenght as a beginner program
What's the best routine to survive in Thailand and not die in saunas...
I'm a 24 year old woman but have spent most my life being fat and ugly so have never had a boyfriend or even gone on a...
How to escape the monotony of life?
I'm currently, what I think is, the THINNENING, lads
Is there even any point to lifting if you fail the toilet roll test? No girl wants a pencil dick
Weird shit niggers do at the gym
Ok real quick Veeky Forums, I've just been offered some cashmoney to have my body "worshipped" by some guy...
Why do normies love retarded gimmick fad bullshit like running marathons but with paint all over their faces or...
I dare you to a find a song that peaks your testosterone more than this one
Veeky Forums makes a pokemon team
How much do you need to lift to avoid this?
How is your mental health Veeky Forums?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
I fell for the home-gym meme
Scared of the Gym
I weigh 101kg and need to weigh 80kg
/NoFap/- Morning Wood edition
Veganism doesn't wo-
2017 and RETARDS would rather have big ass ugly broad shoulders with huge arms as oppose to having an aesthetic...
For long term health you shouldn't deadlift and you shouldn't back squat
Jason Blaha is the only person you should listen to
Bf estimate?
Why even try?
So now the dust has well and truly settled and it has been decided that PPL is the greatest routine for natties...
What's located on the left side of the lower back? I feel a numb pain there from improper deadlifts
Guys I'm gonna dick fukmy babysitter to-nigh
Is AJ natty?
Thots in gym thread
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Have never heard a vegan denounce the practice of halal slaughter
How smart is Veeky Forums? Work on those brain gains mates. Post results
How fucking pathetic do you have to be, to take roids...
I broke up with my girlfriend today...
All of these threads about banging hot sloots and having them mire your gainz...
Post your back
What can i actually take to increase my HGH?
Someone is slamming weights loud as fuck
Why isn't your dick big Veeky Forums? gains are useless without a big dick
What is your number 1 problem in your training right now
Vitamin d supplementation inneffective - could be dangerous
ITT: DYELs you respect
Veeky Forums approved
Have any anons fucked with bi or polyphasic sleep...
I know that the whole spot toning thing is bullshit so how can I lose this gut...
364 lbs to 190 in nine months
Anyone else lift for their celebfu?
Uni roomate is hungry hungry skelly, wants to start working out
Why did you start lifting anons?
Veeky Forums majors
Resting heart rate of 96
Anyone else here feeling like that they are living an empty life?
What do you guys think of Alpha Destiny's naturally enhanced workout program?
Why am I not an elite athlete?
We all know my dad can beat up your dad, but can YOU beat up YOUR DAD, Veeky Forums?
I've found hte holy grall, the perfect diet which makes you gain muscle and lose fat at the same time
Is he still relevant?
What's the point in getting fit if you don't have a large penis?
Have costume party in a couple of days, any ideas to show off gains to sluts attending? Nothing too expensive please
I look so fucking disgusting. i lost weight through unhealthy means, and look at me. i am so flabby and just nasty
Veeky Forums career thread
Veeky Forums girls thread - Failed archive edition
What instagram fitness grills do you follow?
R8 MY Veeky Forums BODY
Why even bother?
Need help in getting rid off sugar in this recipe
Peanut Butter
Is hip genetics the most important thing in female aesthetics? My waifu here barely works out...
Daily reminder that liking braphogs is for the gays. Only real men like skinny women
Thoughts on caffeine?
30 year olds tell me its not too late
Supplements are BULLSHIT. I can think of a single supplement that you couldn't get through a well rounded diet...
As a grill, how many pounds of muscle can I gain doing SS as a previously untrained individual?
I'm 5 foot 11 inches 233 pounds and joining the navy. What exercises should I do to get fit? My recruiter said push ups...
What can I do to get more mucus in my ass for smoother shits?
Hes right you know
What are Veeky Forums's thoughts on the 5x5? More specifically this one:
Hey whats up Veeky Forums this is Owen from Real Social Dynamics, Ask me anything!
Is my friend natty? He's been lifting for 6 years
/Heg/ Height general
Forearm gains, advice?
Want to be Veeky Forums
How many hours do you sleep a night, Veeky Forums?
Want to start lifting
How do you give up the ultimate gains goblin...
How many years to get to this point naturally?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
If it get buff will girls stop ignoring me?
Which would you choose, user?
Mirin thread
Food allergies
What does Veeky Forums eat when cutting?
Shit only white people do
Is it easier for girls to be "fit"?
Move into a new apartment
Show me a better pw meal
How fit do I need to be to fuck emo chicks?
Clean Bulking?
Be American
What is the ideal Veeky Forums haircut?
Be ugly, short woman with tiny tits and no ass
Give me one good reason why I shouldn't roid in my early 20's...
Cheat Days
Post motivational pictures
Which would you choose, user?
>Vegans can't make gai--
Post your diet
Is it possible to live a happy life as a man without a partner?
Is it too late for self-improvement if i'm halfway to 27?
Tfw it's leg day
Daily reminder that squats and deadlifts are meme lifts and you can get bigger without those lifts
Self improvement
How are things going, Veeky Forums?
Music you listen to, when lifting
Why do guys have such specific standards for girls but when a girl wants just ONE thing in a guy they get really...
Tfw no qt3.14 gearwhore gf
What's Veeky Forums's official favorite 5/3/1 template?
"Hey user come over here"
Ywn train this hard
Mike Mew General
Vegan General
Which chest exercise do you feel the strongest mind-muscle connection with?
Only 3 something months till next SIR comic
What do you think about my body, Veeky Forums? Should I lose more weight? I'm 5'5 and 108 pounds btw
Is PPL a meme brosplit?
Name a 4 day upper lower strength hypertrophy program that evolves around ohp bench squat and diddly that isn't PHUL or...
What's a good strength and size routine for an intermediate?
Has lifting taught you anything about women?
Does John Haack roid?
Tfw pilonidal cyst
To any other anons with depression, how do you get to the gym on a bad day...
Tfw never leave a lasting impression on people
How do I achieve his physique?
Texting qt3.14
Supplement Thread
Resting heart rate 54
Is there a healthy alternative to pic related?
OLD THREAD >>42756182
Tfw you get banned from the gym
Lifting won't bring the dead back
Is there any point squatting? I'm a beginner dyel and my squat is fucking shit, it's level with my bench at lmao1pl8...
Delusional Lifters Thread
Coccoon mode
I literally do not own a tape measurer
Plastic water bottles
What is Til's routine?
Veeky Forums pls help
Hypertrophy or Strength
Why do 'men' under 5 feet even bother existing
Fit Rates my body
What's one thing that irritates you about Veeky Forums?
Do any of you seriously lift?
Injuries that will hinder your lifts/well being for the rest of your life
Redpill me on corn Chex Veeky Forums
What's the BEST way to get stronger forearms? Some people say wrist curls, others say forearm isolations are a meme
How effective is vegan diet?
Why is it so hard to find a fitness program for a fatty like me? and dont recommend SS, i know its a meme
Stop lifting porn
Wake up juicehead, it's all over. Heh, looks like all those muscles didn't help you in a real fight
Halloween thread (/cgl/ crossover)
Over emotional
Fatty behavior
Is it really that bad to mess with starting strength? Ive been wanting to swap rows 3x5 for the powercleans...
Is nofap a meme? I wanna increase my test levels but I think the reasoning behind nofap seems like broscience
No fap for girls!?!
How does this happen?
Data from okcupid
CBT: Helpful Edition
Maybe he should consider taking test
When do you have cheat meals Veeky Forums?
Mew/Tongue Posture General
Go to local gym
Tfw you find a rare sips at the store
What would be the pros of me gaining some weight?
Plank Thread!
This is the natural limit
Sleeping naked
What do you think of these pants?
/fraud/ Steroid General
Mental health
Met a girl on tinder.. She said she's naturally sub and is looking for a Dom
Before lifting
Diet plan general
Which muscles should I focus on if I want to lift for women? What are the best workouts for those muscles?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Lifting music
How much can she bench?
What does Veeky Forums think about marijuana?
Is the gym the ultimate redpill?
/run/-Running General Comfy Fall Runs Edition
Be honest Veeky Forums, what do you think is the actually most reliable source of fitness related information?
Why am i sleepy all the time ? no matter how long i sleep i feel sleepy. My eyes are closing by itself
Can music and fitness complement each other?
Just got my testosterone levels back
How can I achieve this physique?
Can anything compete with a standing overhead press?
What's your faith, Veeky Forums, and does it motivate you to train?
Go lift
How much can Veeky Forums deadlift?
What should I do? Cut or bulk? Pic is me right now. 190cm tall and 85kg. #SkinnyFat problems
Progress Before/After
How the fuck is this guy so strong? How do I reach this mode?
FPH FPS for all your fathate needs
/fph/ thread
Theres a skinny chick with huge tits at my gym
Mental plateaus
Would it be possible?
Cock Enhancement
Fat chicks
You will never meet rich piana irl
If you are over 100 pounds overweight, you have less than a 1 % chance of losing and keeping it off...
Why aren't you guys eating rabbit to switch things up from chicken? It's low in fat, high in protons and tastes great
I might've gotten into fitness and healthy eating too late...
You have exactly 10 seconds to name a band that's better to listen to while working out than Skillet
Fit aesthetics throughout the ages
Tell me about the people in your gym, Veeky Forums
Eat a banana because it's fruit and there's no way it could be unhealthy
How much money are you paying for your annual gym subscription?
Is there any point in lifting when I have more 40 pounds to lose? I want pic related's body
Does rugby have the most aesthetic physiques in sport?
Always tired from work
Who do you lift for?
7th day of not smoking
Behold, the princess of Veeky Forums!
Search catalog
How to achieve sexy 40 year old mode?
Do roids make your face uglier?
I don't know what to do you guys... At my heaviest (11 years ago when I was 13), I weighed 200 lbs...
Why does Veeky Forums seem to think strength and size are mutually exclusive?
Drawing exercises
Keto Tread
Just as much protein as chicken breasts
Where do I get clothes that fit a muscular physique? I'm 24 and don't want to dress like a kid
Are deadlifts worth the risk if you aren't a powerlifter?
Current body thread
ITT:Nightmare Fuel
Adult Dental Braces. (I cant get Invisiline)
Can do a chin-up
What do you guys think of cut off shirts?
Are my legs decent at 10 months lifting? I'm having trouble with glutes tho
Is there any benefit to not drinking coffee?
Why is the Overhead Press not included in powerlifting instead of the Bench Press?
Veeky Forums will defend this
People who lift for girls
You could have been a Chad if you decided to wrestle in school
How do you reconcile with the fact that you experience infinite unconsciousness after you die?
Answering The 1/2/3/4 Question
Tfw no gf
Creatine newfag
Connor Murphy BALDING
That guy who lifts hoping that one day he'll bump into his highschool oneitis again and she'll fall for him despite...
Do you notice a difference in jaw line?
If roiding meant having his body and strength then I would not even hesitate for a second
I've always been a work your entire body out every day kind of guy, but I'm noticing a stop in my muscle progress...
All the same day
Jesus fucking Christ, is this guy trolling us? wtf
Why are box squats a thing? Why do trainers try to push this shit on new lifters?
Show me the natty limit
What's your PROTEIN™ of choice?
/Fasting/ General - Mobile Edition #3
Boys I need help. I've just moved to Cambridge, specifically Davis Square. I work in Harvard Square...
Wanting to be anything more muscular than Nate-mode
Where to buy Finasteride cheap online without prescription?
How do you deal with gym bullies?
Dead meme
Gym queen laid another batch of eggs
Do you have a genetically gifted/ easy to train muscle ?
Oh, hi there, you mirin?
How would one decrease the size of their calves?
Guys, I started dating this girl but I'm scared to have sex because I've only done it One other time...
Autism general
Symmetric Strength general
How much does fapping degenerate you as a person
How the fuck can I "train" to do pullups?
I have a few questions Veeky Forums
I'm 6'4, is this attainable natty? If so how long?
Why didn't you collab with me, big guy? It's sickening, I told you what would happen
I'll start tomorrow
Protein Shake Recipes
How do you deal with calluses, any home remedies you'd recommend, or handwashing routines?
Anons do you think natural bodybuilding worth? or its just a waste of time and money/effort?
Tell me about your gym crush, Veeky Forums
/ephedrine/ general - The only true source of pure ephedrine hcl, prove me wrong
Homegym Thread
What is some advice you wish you could given yourself before you started lifting?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Actual strength
Is Xe Our Xe?
How many eggs per day do you eat?
Tfw when you're 5' 11" and your gf will never watch you like that
Is the whole "bulk/cut" thing even relevant for beginners?
The average European athlete vs. the average American athlete. What does Veeky Forums think about this?
Is yoga for homosexuals and women?
What's the name of your gym?
Are you a novice?
Rest day
Day 3 of NO FAP
Want to start swimming for cardio
Are women worth it?
Veeky Forums
Guys I trained in the forest for a while and used to put my hands (no gloves) on the ground for certain exercises
Veeky Forums shame
Start lifting to deal with depression and social anxiety
/fat/ TRUE fat thread, wojak edition
Falling for the gym meme
/sss/ Starting Social Skills
/fat/ Loving Lily edition
Transformations that blow your mind now matter how often you see them
How much faster can you get through training? If you're born slow, is that it?
Veeky Forums memes you fell for
Vegan General
Is volume underrated?
What are the worst things youve seen at the gym?
Hey Veeky Forums
CBT dyel vegan edition
Does edging and not cumming boost test?
How do I get somewhat Veeky Forums without going to the gym...
Check out this 1 year transformation on GEAR
What will give me the most confidence: lifting or boxing?
Quitting Cigarettes?
Is it possible that protein causes back acne? Is it some kind of allergy...
"eating well"
Rate my meal Veeky Forums
Is there any point of losing weight and getting Veeky Forums if you're straight up ugly? How do I cope bros?
CHAD thread - New King Edition
How to stop hunger pains?
SS has ruined my body
Manlets rejoice!
Is anyone amazed at how weak the average female is?
Born in 95
How do i achieve Daredevil mode Veeky Forums?
For us roasties, is roid voice reversible?
Why do manlets wanna get "big n buff" so bad?
Low reps heavy weight
How do you guys manage to conceal studies and fitness?
Why are Indians so bad at lifting?
Yesterday was first day lifting. Ever
Nice sleep supplements?
Saw another qt at the gym today
Better before or after?
The average American woman is a fat repulsive mess
How has Veeky Forums affected your life?
Skinny fat guy here, how do you fight the skinny fat problem?
What is your relationship with alcohol?
When did you realize that dipping tobacco is the most alpha drug? Doesn't fuck up your lungs and stamina...
It's finally happened Veeky Forums, I've matched with an archaeologist
Is alcohol bad for acne...
User, why do you lift?
Who are the most Veeky Forums world leaders right now? Also, what mode is this?
Is Veeky Forums aware that it's possible to be Veeky Forums and not being buff and muscular like Arnold? Also...
How do I lose a fat ass...
Do you think gut bacteria cravings are a real thing? And does limiting yourself from eating sugar, for example...
Straight Veeky Forumsbros
Nootropics/supps general
Planet Fitness
What's the best deodorant?
Hate doing cardio
How do I get these lines around my waist?
Hey boys tell me what earbuds I should buy for working out. Noise cancelling preferred...
How do you pronounce dyel exactly?
Whats for dinner tonight Veeky Forums?
Last Rep Face
Personality improvement
Perfect height
How about I go vegan except for whey? Is that fine?
I'm back after three years of being off fit. Do we still lift for tay tay?
Are Chiropractors Legit?
Daily reminder GENETICS determines whether or not you should squat and deadlift...
So how does your girlfriend feel about your love of fitness?
Aren't lateral raises guaranteed to snap your shoulders?I've been avoiding them for the longest...
Nofap day 15
Calories in/calories out is bullshit
How young is too young to start weight training?
Search catalog for fph
Push Up thread
What is the cause of stretch marks? How do you stop them from coming in?
Reminder that heavy lifting is not sustainable
/fat/ wojak edition
How do I into Gorilla mode?? All they do is eat shoots, leaved, fruits, and nuts. How can they be so strong?
Hair thread/healthy hair
He can't grow a beard
Money Gains
All you have is a 15 lb dumbell. Whats your weekly workout?
Friendly reminder eye area equals to 90% of facial attractiveness
So I'm a natty lifter and plan on staying that way, although I do know how to get juice if I really wanted it
Who's your fitfu? For me it's Diana Maybrook
Why haven't I seen a balding thread? Let's start one
How to achieve this aesthetic
Anyone else find it funny how weak girls are?
Do I have gyno?
How much does being lean improve facial aesthetics?
/plg/ powerlifting general
Boogie will make i-
Tfw small wrists
Bench and Squat am i retarded ?
How many years does it take to get a body like the dude on the right if you start out as /SKINNY/ ?
What's your go to arm routine?
Is 5x5 actually good for beginners or is it a meme?
Goal body?
Can someone give me advice on how to gain healthy fat...
What does a sauna do exactly?
Are melatonin supplements a meme or will they actually help me sleep better and fix my sleep schedule?
What is the best fighting style for real self defense?
Help Veeky Forums i have anxiety everytime i go to the gym on chest day
Why does this picture look so weird?
What was his name,Veeky Forums?
Do you even lift bro?
Find an old post on the site
Why everyone on tinder is so fucking easy, one girl thought i was a catfish...
Who does Veeky Forums lift for?
What's your PPL routine? Discuss
I used to think Mike Tyson was super jacked, now he looks meh
Veeky Forums, normies keep telling me that i'm getting to big
What exercises or diet will give me a face like this?
Mew/Tongue Posture General: 2nd edition
Daily reminder that THIS builds upper chest, not incline
What's better for building mass? 3-8 reps or 8-12?
YOUR GOD RETURNS. Post pics to proof you're worth existing or dyel forever
Ywn have Cara feel your gains
Vegan General
If fats don't clog up arteries, what does?
Since i joined Veeky Forums i am finding myself more and more attracted to black girls
Protein shake before or after workput
What's more fun for a natty
I'm 5'2 and 100lbs, i could squat like just under 200 but i dont notice any difference in my butt
How much do I have to lift to get a qt IDF Jewish gf to raise children with and defeat the literal forces of evil?
Literally how?
Why do girls even go to the gym
Will we ever see powerlifting in the Olympics?
Most weight lost in one month thread and how you did it
FeelsGoodMan Veeky Forums edition
Can anyone confirm that Infowars' supplements such as the popular Super Male Vitality actually work?
Meet girl and we hit it off
How many freak heights come onto Veeky Forums? Those of you out there who are 6' 6" and over...
Is neck theory legit?
Meditation increases GABA
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
That hairline
Does weed kill your gains?
/bwg/ - BodyWeight General
Any other US military members here?
Only 20% of oral vitamins are absorbed
What's your excuse for not participantig in the gay subculture, Veeky Forums?
What really killed him?
Day 8 of nofap
Fit Vegan Aesthetics thread. Whats your excuse fat, weak, meat eaters? (no fucking betas please)
Shell never fuck you
How do I get the rugby body?
Shave my ass beard every month because i think its more hygienic
Texas supermarket - even during a disaster no one wants to eat vegan
Did you experice young love Veeky Forums? Would lifting have changed anything?
Hard Cut
Tfw about to smoke some good stuff after a tough gym session
/thatguy/ at the gym - late night edition
Any pre-workout recommendations...
When you guys say you bench 300 pounds are you talking a smith machine...
/Bulking/ bros - GTFIH
Be me
Hobby thread
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Please Help Me
Veeky Forums clothes
What does 1/2/3/4 mean?
Wanna do Keto but
Looking around for a new diet and found the "steak and eggs diet". You eat steak and eggs, cooked in butter...
What is Veeky Forums's opinion of steroids?
What's for dinner, Veeky Forums?
Tfw no Veeky Forums gf
Tfw I'm gonna lose 170 pounds in 10 months by only eating one big ass junk food meal a day
Veeky Forums motivation
It has begun
Would this be looked downed upon?
Can we get more like this?
/fat/ "Calorie Thief" Edition
Squat multiple times per week with heavy loads
Routine 4 natty
Veeky Forums i have sinned
Mfw turtlehammer got fat again
QTDDTOT: Grocery Day Edition
Is the bar supposed to touch your chest?
Banned from the gym
Is this achievable natty?
DUMB ASS CUNT - Her stupidity killed Rich!!!
Protein and suplements general
This is why you lift
What mode was the most popular kid in your high school?
How has lifting improved your life?
Whats your fucking excuse??
Broscience or regular science?
Idk if i have pecs or man boobs. Help
/FPH/ Fat People Hate General
Powerlifters are fat and unaesth
Has your taste in women changed since you started lifting?
Which mode was he?
The Feels and Veeky Forums Tavern
Cold showers are actually bad for you
Gf gaining weight
See a qt lifting at the gym
Can being Veeky Forums make you more capable of recognizing and distinguishing keepers from sloots?
Thinking of leaving the natty life
Daily reminder that the ONLY people who recommend veganism as a diet are either women or low test beta bitches
How you holding up, Veeky Forums?
How the FUCK can you eat 2400 calories every day while not wasting more than $100 on food and still get all sorts of...
Managing gym and MMA
Veeky Forums /humor/. Posting a classic
Its my 18th birthday and I am only 5'10
Pol has Ruined my self image
Reminder that you will never make it without roids
How do i get rid of anterior pelvic tilt?
I believe i have Klinefelter’s syndrome and i think i will commit suicide soon
Are vegans morally correct?
Does sex count as a workout? I hump 3-4 times a day sometimes and I don't have the motivation to work out afterwards...
My 14 year old brother wants to lift weights, should I let him? If so what weights should he do?
Boogie cracks and visits McDonald's! HAPPENING, GET IN HERE
/fit, what do y’all honestly think of tinder after lifting?
Trying to cook healthy food
Smoke last of weed
So I found a hand grip (pic related) that is adjustable from 10 to 40kg for 15€ is this a reasonable price...
Since calves are just genetic can we stop bullying people for 'skipping leg day' when we know they probably train their...
If I'm 5'9" is calisthenics enough to get me looking like mcgregor...
Anyone tried kegels? Did they do anything for you?
What supps do you use Veeky Forums? What are your recommendations
How do I live an interesting and exciting life Veeky Forums...
Are you part of the so-called 'swole left' or are you a fashy Übermensch?
Eating healthy is TOO expensive!
Only answer if you know your shit, no broscience please
Do you guys know how to make my trees juicy? I want them swole as fuck like pic related...
Does this stuff actually boost test?
How do i achieve russian factory worker mode?
Is wrestling with children a good Veeky Forums activity?
Can someone explain the reasoning behind these recommended macros?
Body Transformation 14-15
What's the stupidest exercise you've ever seen attempted at your gym?
How does Veeky Forums warm up before doing deadlifts?
Deadlifts are overrated for hypertrophy
Can I sip on keto?
Best exercise to get over a borderline girl?
Is he Veeky Forums in the form of a sitcom character?
Why is it that fitness catters to losers?
You're only limited to 4 exercises for the rest of your life
Pull-ups vs chin-ups
How is Frank Yang so big for someone who weighs 150lb?
Anecdotal evidence thread
How do i make eye contact gains
300 calories
Bone broth
Generally speaking, why are you stronger when you consume more carbohydrates?
/plg/ - Powerlifting General
Shoudl i do it guys?
/diy/ made fun of my homemade bench :(
Why can't I fuck bitches Veeky Forums?
Help. Nothing grows them. What the fuck do I do
/fat/ "Last chance to show off that beach bod" edition
There are ''men'' posting on this board right now that can't do 3 pull ups. If this is you...
Your go-to fast gains
Gay Veeky Forumsbros
How do you compete against a Chad? He is obviously a superior human genetically...
Tfw only thing i look forward to is the gym
Lifting Shoes
What's a good routine for making social gains?
There is literally nothing wrong with lifting for girls, it's one of the more natural forms of male motivation
/Injury/ General
/fph/ Fat People Hate
Thanks buddehs
Underactive thyroid lady here
Tfw there are naturally skinny people who don't have to count their calories and can eat whatever the fuck they want...
What I find interesting about fitness is this obsession about programming...
Have this webm
Can I cut any meaningful amount of fat in three weeks?
You're not fit unless you can run a 10k in under 1 hour
Why do people skip leg day?
Itt post your before and after pics on SS and what you look like now
My gym only has a 2.5 pound plate, nothing lower...
Are death lifts a meme?
Tfw Megan Trainors fat ass is the main reason t h i c c came back into play
Post your progress
There are still people not running a push pull legs
I'm headed to boot camp soon and to get prepared I upped my workouts to everyday instead of 3 days a week...
/run/ thread
How to willpower?
What are your thoughts on this?
How the fuck is someone that bench presses 700 lb so fucking small?
How socal brehs coping with the heat?
Alright time for a real vegan/vegetarian thread and not a shit throwing contest
Tfw hooker was miring as she felt up my back and glutes and thighs
If you get to fix your genes in the future, what is the first thing you'll change?
The gym falcon laid eggs in the squat rack
No matter how much you lift you will never have this
Just finished setting up my room for college!
ITT: webms of idiots in the gym. Bonus points for meme exercises
What was his name again?
So yo
Oh I wish I could work those lats forever
Only roids can help me now
Mirin thread: DYEL edition
Rate lean bulking diet please:
Post your daily routine
Bulking and cutting is a fucking meme. You're just like binging purging teenage emo girls
He blew it
Not particularly funny
No motivation to go to the gym
Veeky Forums always shits on manlets
Tfw ex gf posted a photo with her new boyfriend who is a dyel
Well guess what, fuckers. Reached 1pl8 squat today after one month of going to the gym, 3 times a week
Cute guy asks for a spot
Tfw only had sex 97 times with gf last year
God only takes the good ones
/Symmetric strength/ thread
Do women like babyfaced dudes with muscles?
Push Up Thread
Ever since I've started lifting I'm only interested in black girls
Hey guys I'd like some tips on how I can get more Veeky Forums and improve my body. Pic related
Does "Hitting 1/2/3/4" mean those are your 1RMs or you can do them 5x5?
That guy that cries in between sets
Vegan General
Day 4 of /NoCaff/
Body hair
Thinking of getting my first pup. What breed should I get if I want to run with his / her ass on pavement...
Friendly reminder GENETICS determines whether or not you shoud squat and deadlift and it's not your bad form causing...
What's the point of getting Veeky Forums if all my nights end up like this?
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Tfw no gf for a big muscular man to cuck me with
How the fuck do I take creatine? It has the most disgusting taste/smell/texture, and whenever I mix it with anything...
Lifting for 5 years
Dissociative Identity Disorder Lifters
What's the best workout to cure phimosis?
Weekly NoFap Progress
>Functional strength
How do you go from this
Never workout can i do it ?
What does Veeky Forums think about Through the Twisting Nether?
Gym and Depression
Ask a guy with a female gym buddy anything
Why are you so into big girls, Veeky Forums?
I need advice on some "side effects" that go along with a healthy, whole grain diet
This just came in the mail. Learning a lot. PPST should be required reading for anyone who wants to get stronger
/fat/ autumn hoodies edition
Which exercise do you most commonly see people doing with bad form?
There are black people browsing this board
Are all calories really equal? Or are some more equal than others?
Year 2020
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games