-To meet one girl (a serious relationship probably going to marry her)
-To have a lot of girls (just having a lot of girls you fuck time to time, you can't be with just one)
-To fuck a lot of girls (in night clubs with friends, fucking sluts)
Just curiosity
Colton Mitchell
I don't care. Ideally I'd like to meet an oneitis and lead a merry life like any other bastard that frequents this cesspool but it's highly unlikely. I lift because it gives me hope and I like to think that at least I'm trying to improve.
Eventually it gets to a point in which you don't give a fuck anymore. You don't care whether you're a dyel, a turbo autist, a chad or whatever the fuck you think you are. I lift because five years down the road I'll look back and say that at the very least I tried.
Adrian Young
Lifting isn't "important"
Sebastian Stewart
A lot of attractive warm holes to abuse savagely, tenderly, angrily and lovingly. And occasionally to warmly hold in the middle of the night when the world becomes to painful. But mostly it's to smash and dash.
Sebastian Lopez
Sounds like you don't get pussy
Asher Ross
isnt important for what?
Justin Foster
I started lifting to fuck all the sloots, hasn't really worked because I am 5'7 and autistic. Now it's just become a habit and i don't want to be a fat mess so i just carry on with it. I think if i lowered my standards and went for the uggo's and fatties I might stand a chance of getting layed more
Leo Gomez
Started lifting before I met her, she does a lot of exercise. Want to keep doing until I make it.
Noah Edwards
Worse. I turn down pussy. Dysmorphia + anxiety = less pussy and fucked up sexual opportunities.
Exercise is to help overcome self hatred and build better self esteem.
Samuel Williams
I'm a 31 year old KV wizard, so I'll take whatever interest I get, if it ever happens.
50 more lbs to go before I even consider bulking.
Jaxon Richardson
I lift because i'm tired of having a shit sex life. Yep, to have a lot of girls...
Luke Ward
I lift because I looked in the mirror one day and was literally disgusted by what I saw, that's the biggest reason. Although there is a girl, not a oneitis but I would choose her over any other, that I want to be in great shape for. But like I said the main reason is for me, I want to look better and never go back to the person I saw in the mirror that I was disgusted by.
Adam Lopez
To gather nice compliments, kinder treatment and more friendly interaction with girls. I am not single and love my gf, but if you look nicer, girls tend to be nicer to you and it boosts your self-worth.
Brayden Lopez
I used to lift a lot and still masturbated......
Cooper Green
a-are you me?
Nathaniel Torres
I'm married now, but before I married my wife she once told me that she likes really buff dudes (we were already in a relationship at this point). I was a skelly at the time, so I wanted to give my girl what she wants.
Nolan Watson
I want a harem of average girls that worship my mainly gains and perfect chiseled face
Christian Young
>not lifting for a 2D waifu go back to .com
Ayden James
so many shit cunt miscers have come here lmao
Lucas Murphy
idk, but my time in college has taught me that the guys who lift aren't necessarily the ones who get mad pussy or even one gf.
I used to lift in hopes of getting a gf, but now I realize it's just apart of bettering myself.
Cameron Reed
if i meet dream girl one day and there will be small chance shes wife material i also want to be as attractive to her as possible.
I dont want to marry obese pig or ugly af girl just because i will be desperate
25 kissless virgin represent.
Chase White
>apart cmon breh
Evan Smith
I should proofread my posts more.
Julian Edwards
How do I rid myself of one-itis?
Michael Nguyen
Autism, the post.
Jace Edwards
Stop thinking about her and think about other stuff.
Or ask her out. Once you know for sure if it will or won't happen, you can actually move on.
Jack Young
this is me
Jaxon Hill
Fuck bro I'm 23 kissless... fuck
Brody Turner
For a specific girl I'm in love with. She friendzoned it and I can't help but blame myself for it, maybe if I had been fitter it would've been different.
Aaron Hernandez
started out lifting to have a better chance at dating my /oneitis/ but quickly realized that that is a retarded reason and just lift for myself ever since. It gives me a feeling of progress at something that other people instantly notice and it fixed my depression, that's good enough for me. Also I recently exchanged nudes with a girl for the first time and when she got my pic she sent me the blushing emoji, sounds stupid but it pretty much fixed my self-doubt about my body instantly.
Benjamin Ross
Friendzoned me*
Cooper Murphy
All of it. Right now I can only get laid if I wine and dine and be nice and shit. I just want teens coming up to me randomly at the mall.
Henry Peterson
You try online?
Ryan Cook
lol why didn't she just get a buff dude? She fat?
Gabriel Williams
Talk to more than one girl at a time.
Hunter Hill
already have a girlfriend, I just want to be better than everyone around me and hopefully gain the added benefit of turning down girls
Isaiah Ramirez
I'm so glad that I'm not like most of you, keep chasing women's asses. lol
Cameron Rivera
I have a gf too, but I only have a gf because otherwise it's too hard to get pussy regularly. Ideally I'd have a harem.
Christopher Allen
Why is this so common on this board
Tyler Brown
because we shit on people with a perfectly great body all day every day
Jayden Brown
Same. Once you have somebody that is nearly perfect for you, rejecting other people gives me a mental high that is better than if I had cheated.
Leo Allen
I currently have a gf but I want to be attractive, both to her and to other women. I get a huge rush when a woman/women is into me into me. But if I was single it would definitely be: >-To have a lot of girls (just having a lot of girls you fuck time to time, you can't be with just one)
>-To fuck a lot of girls (in night clubs with friends, fucking sluts)
In fact, that's exactly what I wanted before I was with my gf, and still do, but I'd never break up with my gf just to have some cheap fun.
Carter Price
exactly the same as me damn
Julian Diaz
OP's pic looks like my sister desu
Easton Baker
I dont want sex until marriage, I want to maximize my desirability to improve my chance of finding a marriage material girl. But meeting female virgins is going to get hard soon. I'm 21 so I'm probably starting to run out of time.
Carson Hall
I lift for my girlfriend, among other reasons.
Joshua Barnes
>Lifting for girls instead of lifting for guys What is this BBcom?
Jokes aside I lift so that I will look good naked for my future bf
Jackson Allen
Post nudes of sister
Jeremiah Lee
I lift so that the girls who meet my standards for relationship material won't be out of my league.
Jose Rivera
I lift for my wife and kids. So, somewhat related.
Dominic Cook
I lift so a girl will go crazy over me and I can reject her ass and make her suicidally heartbroken. Maybe because that's what happened to me awhile back and I'm a naturally vindictive person.
I barely talk to anyone in the first place anymore however so I've only done it once and that was before I started lifting. who else unironically /a bad person/ here?
Charles James
>tfw married >not even lifting for her >lifting for myself >and for the side pussy Admittedly never cheated in person, but sexted plenty of whores. Body helped with that but it was mostly charm that got those wins
Gavin Price
Me and my girl work out together so in case we break up, I am going to look good