>Meet mom's new bf
>He's significantly smaller than you
Good Feels General
Other urls found in this thread:
>not sexually satisfying your mother yourself
Do you know who was Oedipus?
It's Oedipus Rex to you faggot
Pls no. This is not where I wanted the thread to go.
Beat him up for fucking your mum
Welcome to Veeky Forums
I thought Veeky Forums was better than that.
Him spilling spaghetti around you is punishment enough.
Is it morally wrong to fuck your best buds mom?
Only if you don't take pics of your dick inside her without showing her face and send it to him and then wait a few hours and send pics of your dick inside her showing her face so he knows he fapped to pics of you fucking his mom.
>meet moms new bf
>realize that your entire life, intentionally or not she raised you to posess none of the traits that she finds attractive in a man, and that you have to unlearn that beta handicap if you want to get anywhere.
Oh, you said good feels
>comparing yourself to the dude fucking your mom
>not wanting this thread to go this way
Kinda, but I'd do it anyway without him knowing, given the chance and if she was that hot
Op will become someone's wife's son
It's more about not wanting to see him as a dad.
nah, it's fun bro shit and gives you bragging rights, do it you faggot
>letting chaddy daddy take away mummy and sucky fucky time from you
I don't know why but this is the best op on any board I've seen in years. The nip only adds to it.
you're not really best buds if your moms aren't game for a friend to fuck
>Chaddy daddy
Go away Alex.
>not stepping up as man of the house and fulfilling all of her husbandly needs
>letting another man step in and do it for you
Pretty gay and definitely not gonna make it desu
>meet sisters bf
>she tells me he gets nervous when I'm around
U wot? Is her bf threatened by her own brother.
Maybe, he senses that she wants your D?
Does he get nervous around your parents as well? Could just be that he doesn't want to fuck up around a family member.
>be me, circa 2 years ago
>have nerdy fat girl roommate
>was pretty cool to be around until she went full tumblr, but fat chicks are a no go for me no matter what, so pretty good roommate material. At least until she tried to get me to feel guilty about being a fucking white male, but neither here nor there.
>2nd year of living together she starts dating a lot
>Always thin nerdy guys who laugh nervously and look at the floor when I'm around, even when I had a date with me
>Tempted to tell them they have nothing to worry about because I wouldn't touch that ever, but nah.
I wish I could do this but with someone else's mom
not if u post pics
>lose about 25kg from May
>only a few people seem to notice up to July
>now people returning from vacation are really noticing, and a few are totally blown away
It sucks I was such a fat fuck, but I'm glad I'm getting there.
I laughed too hard at this
>tfw when i need a life
>even when I had a date with me
>dating yourself
Have incels gone too far?
This is hardly related to fitness
My favorite part of living in a hyperliberal west coast city is all the scrawny dudes.
I used to live in Utah and the stock there is huge, football is big so a lot of guys my age are yoked. I felt average height and build at 6'4 230
You guys wanna talk good feelings?
>take public transit to and from work
>stay late
>I'm heading home around seven thinking about enchiladas my gf made for dinner
>live in relatively trendy neighborhood
>it's later friday evening so saw three or so couples out on dates
>dudes all noticeably puppyguard their dates whenever I'm around
>One guy holds door open for date into restaurant while I walk past and just watches me, holding door open, after she's already inside. like 180 degrees and five seconds of neck twist here.
Haha I don't know if it's cause they think the women will check me out or if they think I look like a criminal mugger but either way it's nice to be recognized for my largeness and muscularity.
Honestly I think I look like a nice dude. IDK where they're coming from other than I'm a big guy and a bout a foot and a half taller than anyone they know.
>meeting my gf's friends special others
>they are all noticeably smaller than me
Did he really feel this way about Ultra Black?
>mom dating a guy literally named chad
>He's a chubby loser who loves war documentaries and Star Wars
>actually pretty chill
thanks chad
I don't know where you expected it to go.
This is what I opened the thread for.
Is that her? Because if so, no
i just moved from a beach city to Utah, pretty comfy here desu
This man knows his anthropology.
>Fapping to pics of your friends
The only time I did this was when a lesbian friend of mine sent me pics
Kek, they are miring/gay for you
That's what bros do.
Utah's great. Enjoy, especially the outdoors.
I'd love that desu. my gf loves my gains but she's sort of obligated to, I want widespread gains appreciation.
Jun Serizawa, only gravure though. no porn.
>Mom is 6'
>Moms husband is literally 5'
i'd get that pregnant tbhwy
it was p funny
>He's Indian
>His family is of hardcore Indian culture
>They would all hate that she's already got a son
>tfw she asks if you could introduce yourself to them as her brother
I won't
>Being more fit than someone
>Not fitness
Then post fit feels of your own.
>finally lose weight
>go aesthetic ottermode
>find a cute right wing fwb feminine trap GF who likes videogames and is chill
>feels good man
Doesn't even pass well
Source on that gif, please.
My mom got a new boyfriend when I was about 9 or 10. I would call her a whore and she would slap me around. My real dad was always drunk and would pass out by 4pm when she dropped us off to his place every second weekend. I hate women.
Thats not even my trap waifu, it's a random trap on twitter.
>even when I had a date with me
Selfcest best cest.
>date new girl
>cute as heck but always wears baggy shirts and hoodies
>a-user I have rather big breasts and I think they look gross thats why
>show me it cant be that bad
>motherfucking 56J natural tiddys on an otherwise not fat at all girl
I also hit 1/2/3/4 recently but more importantly, DUDE, TITS
I'm sorry to hear that, user.
Do you think Veeky Forums would be good fathers?
Jun Amaki
Check her insta tits all the time. Esp the stories.
Yea but never ever think of bullying me, my wife's son or else I'll report to ur mum
>being from a broken home
Isley knows his well chested Asians, I approve
Good feels
>have crush on girl throughout highschool
>text and become close friends
>after highschool I leave for college and we grew apart
>two months ago go on tinder
>see crush's profile, super like
>she super likes me back
>we talk a bit, ends up giving me her number
>hang out with eachother
>start dating
>spent the last 4 hours laying in my bed holding each other while talking about life
>feels like a dream, never expected this to happen
Now for bad feels
>im in the national guard
>irma is fucking up florida
>supposedly being deployed for hurricane relief for the next month or two
>have to withdraw from college for the semester to go help
Good feels again
>she says this doesn't phase her
>says she had a crush on me all throughout highschool
>says there's no way she's going to let this bother her
>"I'll being waiting out the storm for you, user. Take me on a date when we get back, ok?"
And now Chad is dicking her better than you ever could
I want to shoot that dog with my gp100.
>bad feels
>being deployed for hurricane relief
Do you even realise how many cool-dad points that gives?
Good dont abide
>t pajeet
Of course it's related to fitness, because his dick sure doesn't fit this miss.
>right wing fwb feminine trap
No such thing, you and your trap are degenerate leftists and will hang on the DotR.
You do realize she is a slut that will cheat on you? She IS using Tinder after all, no decent women do that.
post pics of ur trap gf
same desu
My mum dumped my dad a few years in. I'm the clone, physically and mentally, of my dad.
Mum just fell out of love, and it destroyed him
It is really funny when virgins give advice about relationships.
w2c slim gf with grossly oversized breasts
Lost 50 lbs since last june, back to school and everyone notices. Teacher during class starts asking "how i got so fit over the summer", 6/10 jokingly goes, "wanna take me to lunch?" Gay guy who used to call me a virgin loser mires me (miss me with that gay shit). Best part is im still pretty dyel so when I make it it will be even better.
Pic unrelated
No idea desu, we met through some unrelated nerd shit at uni and it evolved from there.
>Return from university for a month during the summer
>See my parents and siblings
>Every single one of them comments daily on my progress
>Siblings told their friends that I got a lot bigger
Feels nice knowing it isn't just lip service. Though I still have quite a ways to go.
Whats hilarious is that you think a tinder whore won't cheat on you. There are no non-sluts on Tinder. Its a fucking app for finding one night stands and fuckbuddies you retard.
Pretty sad reading this thread
That's not her
>meet wife's son
>visit Pittsburgh to help step sister move into college
>Go out to dinner with family
>Decide I want whiskey
>Go up to bar
>Step behind guy in what I assume is line for bar
>He bumps into me
>Turns around
>Holy fuck you're big
>He's about 5'8 160
>I'm 6'1 240
This happened in August
I mean like I'm near Manlet standards by Veeky Forums
What is it with metros and cities that breeds tiny people?
>I'm a big guy
not if she looks like that
all that work for a mentally ill dude? Wow what a waste.
big buildings make confuse the body, it believes itself to be a super manlet in a world of giants. Like dwarfs living in mountains.
if that's her, no because your friend probably should just be happy you got some top tier ass
>be highschool senior
>been working out since junior year
>always saw the sweetest looking girl with perfect rack in the hallway dresses modest
>never had the balls to introduce myself since I knew nothing about her
>flash forward to this year
>she is in my AP European Hist. class
>start talking to her, we have that connection(eye contact, laughing at every other thing we say, etc.
>this goes on for two classes until I ask her on date and she says her parents might not like it
>ask to see if i could meet her parents
>she said sure, I'll know next class if her parents are cool with it
Finally not getting strung along by fucking sluts and shit at my highschool and getting their number and then ask then on a date and them saying "ooh I have a boyfriend tho!"
Then why the fuck are you acting like a flirty bitch with other guys fucking whore
Anyway, looking up for me bois
Its his mom not his wife. She has to fuck sometimes too, might as well be someone who has a semblance of care for her.
Women don't know how to raise men, they'll do it as if you were a girl.
Solid feels.
Post the guilty story pls
>this gif
why she keeps taunting me?
Hey man you're fucked. Sorry.