Friendly reminder
Everything you post on Veeky Forums is being stored somewhere and your IP will be logged. Stop posting about your feels, stop posting about your job, and stop posting real life information
They are saving the information
Friendly reminder
Everything you post on Veeky Forums is being stored somewhere and your IP will be logged. Stop posting about your feels, stop posting about your job, and stop posting real life information
They are saving the information
> will they send me one of these beauties ?
Idgaf. I mostly shitpost and even if I didn't, I can say whatever the fuck I want. I don't live in Cuba or best korea
none of that will matter when the world gets ravaged by earthquakes, tidal waves, and solar flares all at once
>implying I'm not spoofing my ip and lying about who I am.
you honestly think the kikes don't know everything about you already?
They know your name, your age, your location, your family, your life up to this point, your medical record, your criminal record, your fetishes, they've read every conversation you've ever had over the internet
who cares
>implying I care if people see what I post on a Tibetan cat herding forum
>implying people care about me at all
I think we're fine. If they are watching Veeky Forums posts then %90 of what they believe is a lie anyway.
This 5"8 furry has nothing to worry about.
>the secret of Blade is in its SCIENCE
>Tibetan cat herding forum
normally gloss right over these but this was the money shot
user...every single thing you've ever seen said or done on the net has been recorded by your isp.
Also every place you've ever been on the net has been logged by google and facebook.
Every single site with a G+ or Facebook logo? Yeah they can tell where you've been and are tracking you. You have a facebook account and google facepage or whatver shit they're doing now whether you want one or not.
I'm not even going to bore you with the little fact that your phone is litterally a tracking device and microphone that THEY are using to record every single thing you do and say and every single thing they hear.
Did you know that there is a device that can let you sit about...a mile or so away look at someones home and see their heat signatures. they can tell what you're doing.
They can tell what you're typing by simply listening to your key strokes.
Something even more fun?
Windows has had an NSA backdoor in their operating system since motherfucking windows 3.0?
Which is pointless now because every single fucking motherboard on the planet has a hardware backdoor that they can get into your computer on.
Well...sweet dreams.
Oh and tinfoil hats work. I don't want to tell you why...let's just's not good.
Damn Ive said some shit on here and done some shit on the internet. GG.
How do tinfoil hats work?
Why would anyone care about me and/or what I post on Veeky Forums? I'm a pathetic NEET literally living in my parent's basement. They stand to gain nothing by collecting all of my data. So joke's on them I guess.
None of your damnend business.
Everything I've said can be handwaived as being fucking silly bullshit or the ravings of a lone nut.
The thing with tinfoil hats will get me fucking killed.
b-but I have a dynamic ip?
I hope they find my youtube channel
If I was really worried about this sort of thing, I certainly wouldn't be subscribed to Netflix, or Amazon Prime, or watch YouTube videos, or have a cell phone. Seriously, if you're worried about this stuff, chances are it's already too late and you're already willingly giving all your information up.
>not hiding your power
>not posting equally true and fictitious things
>using Veeky Forums as your person blog where you post your info and personal information/feelings
lmaoing @ you
>>w39oooooooopp{0i71k1l5. polo
> (OP)
>> will they send me one of these beauties ?
Nice to have you in the office for me and I am so excited about the dumbest shit. I am hoping to be in the world because it is a very good place to be a gymnast and a half weeks after 9 months of the surgery of the appearance of the rest of you don't train legs and back so that you don't fathom
>>not posting equally true and fictitious things
Some of this is of valid concern but you really need to get back to /x/ buddy
Good thing I make up so much bullshit it would be hard to distinguish between the truth and reality.
Yup I'm gonna get my brain cooked in a female camp for the shit I've said on here. I'm fine with that NIGGERFAGGOT
Faggotcocksuckerniggerkike put me in the literally Hitler camp you worthless cucks!
Shit, I've downloaded enough anime, manga and porn to feed an entire continent. What the fuck do I do?
A couple of years back I had a bit of anxiety and panic attacks and actually low level formatted every hard drive and SSD I had. Took me several days.
>Everything you post on Veeky Forums is being stored somewhere and your IP will be logged.
same with ever other site
to find out who i am, they need to contact my ISP for my personal info