ITT: exercises that scream "im new to the gym"
ITT: exercises that scream "im new to the gym"
I have a bad back fuck you
What's wrong with db row
Db curl to press
there's nothing wrong with dumbbell tricep extensions
flat BB bench
BTN press
above parallel squats
cable chest flyes
the guys who do the above are either obviously on gear or dyel, there is no middle ground at any gym i've been to
nothing inherently wrong, but too many people do these with incredibly light weight and do millions of reps bc they don't know what else to do other than curls.
bench press
>flat bb bench
Of course newbs are gonna do this one, but that doesnt make it bad bro
Sumo or just deadlifts in general?
obvi bait is obvi.
Latlet confirmed.
Oh yeah I hate that shit. These and various arm raises and extensions with 10 pound dbs that they could do standing up but take up a bench anyway. At least most are too self concious to do flies.
pullups/chinups >>>>>>>>>>>> dB rows for lats
Lat pulldown
>doing one exercise per muscle
i do db rows becaus op is faggot
and you just sit there and judge
>makingfun of people because they are new
and if i say im too afraid to go to the gym you guys call me a fag
i like cable chest flyes at the end of my workout to finish off
>DB flies
>machine chest press
>tricep kickbacks
>standing curls
>barbell rows on the deadlift platform
>tricep pulldowns with anything other than a rope
>any type of forearm isolation
>low weight DB shrugs for 500 reps as fast as they can
>anything involving a kettle bell
>anything involving a smith machine
What a fucking shit thread
Only good reply so far
Half the time it's at the behest of some garbage gym trainer. But what gets me isn't that they're being stupid and ineffective, no, god knows I did a lot of stupid shit and wasted my time early on too. But a lot of these people don't even fucking try. They use featherweights and wave them around, never breaking a sweat, going red in the face, breathing hard, or taking any set to failure. Even back when I didn't know shit I knew that it was supposed to be fucking hard, that the point was to force the muscles to overcome resistance.
>flat BB bench
>cable chest flyes
these are nice isolations after the big chest exercises
include me in the screencap
so try getting under the bar. Even if you start light and people hate (never to your face and then only recommendations on form or exercises) people will notice the dyel actually showing consistency and maybe even be happy for you when you finally squat 1pl8 for reps. We all start somewhere guy
>Super light half squats outside of rack
>Super light RDL
>Curl machine
>Weighted crunch machine
>Assisted pullup
>not wanting to get big to make fun of people who are making the same mistakes you did as a newbie.
Why even live?
We hate on clueless fags who do no research and then spend 45 minutes hogging a flat bench to make zero progress. Do regular fucking exercises for sets of 15 or less and nobody cares
>BTN press
>implying snatch grip btn isn't GOAT upper back/delt work with zero injury risk
stay dyel
also even standard grip btn are fine t b h.
This, only ever seen DYELs and people on gear do these
True lifters exclusively do calf raises, face pulls, wrist curls, and shoulder press.
bench press
back squat
People only complain about their exercise when they can't do it properly, like squats. Instead of talking shit about what you can't do, work around it and learn it or do other exercises.
Doing the most effective exercise for back thickness is being "new to the gym" now? News to me.
I went there.
ITT: posts that scream "I'm a raging faggot"
You made a post ITT...
this 100
bodyweight exercises at home to get your upper body numbers up
then act like a no-day-is-leg-day gymbro trying out SS
you'll blend in so hard
That faggot who puts their back into every exercise from curls to presses.
Holy shit seriously kill yourself
Klokov press is the shit
Using machines.
Fite me
You're a fag if you do and you're a fag if you don't, haven't you figured that out yet? So who fucking cares? Get hard.
>tfw no velociraptor qt gf
>doing anything but weight pull ups 3x8 at your house 3 times a week
Srs? Your lats look weak as shit. Also start training legs and chest asap then you'll look better
no thanks, in 6 months from thinspo to a better body that 99% here, i certainly dont need advice from you
>DB flies
m8 wtf do you do for chest abduction? they are great done on the floor
>better body that 99% here
fuck off
its true and i only work out 15 mins a week (including rest), Veeky Forums is full of cucks
I think you look good my man. Nice genes amigo
thanks senpai
>assisted pullup machine
Actually makes me cringe everytime
I see someone do it. I get some people can't do pull ups, but is way better for them to do rows.
You look great except for your terrible legs. But what do you expect when you supposedly only do pull ups.
Hijacking this thread 'cause it's kinda related: Usually I go as heavy as possible for 3x8-12 on DB rows but lift with a fair bit of momentum, like a real row in a kayak.
Yesterday I had to lower the DB row weight by ~10kg (worked extra hard on my main lifts) but my form was way better, it felt like I was getting more out of the exercise.
Should I always do this Veeky Forums?
Thank you blessed bird of gains
the assisted pull-up machine is useful for women who cant do any pullups and are progressing to doing 1
Keep her away from the leg press machine.
>it's actually over five years of progress with good diet and protein supplements
Understandable for a pullup-only routine. Now get the fuck out shitposter
cheat reps are valid! im doing it for the negative!
why are you rowing?
what weight or bodyfat is it reasonable not to be able to do a pullup?
kill yourself faggot. You've probably been here less than a few months.
a beginner not being able to do a pull up is fine, but assisted pull ups are dumb because negatives are so much more effective for progression to just doing regular ones
I still don't know if I'm doing DB rows properly after years. It always feels like they work the rear delts instead of my lats.
I use kettlebells tied to a chain, when I do dips, because it is easier to fit two of those between my legs then getting two big o' plates.
Rows are on my other day, buddy. Assisted chins help my fatass work up to proper chins.
To row away from the feels because lifting them seems impossible
what on earth is this diagram trying to convey
I actually am new to the gym, and was told to do 3x10 starting at 8kg. I'm up to 12kg now.
I'm actually feeling stronger from it, so I hope so. A trainer showed me after I mentioned I was worried my left side was weaker than my right.
you mean chest adduction?
ANd DB fliys are shit. The strength curve of the exercise is completely retarded. Cable flyes are a bit better, but not good.
The best way to do it is to use a machine. Youll have even intensity throughout the whole range of motion. Which is better for growth and strength,
What doth life?
These are actually the goat exercise for a balanced physique since your other side can't do most of the work like it can in most of the barbell lifts
Nothing developed my back as much as db rows. I see you want all that back gains for yourself, op.
Using some momentum is beneficial in the row, but only if you focus on lowering it slowly.
DB rows are one of the few exercises were cheating is beneficial.
my nigga
I'm trying to figure out how this exercise is supposed to work my back - I do my best to keep right form, but I mostly feel my bicep and forearm as opposed to my lats/back even on heaviest weight I can hold, as opposed for example to things like lat pulldowns that burn my lats. Am I doing something wrong?
pull with your elbows. If you feel it in the biceps its becuase your cheating by curling it closer to your body, reducing the leverage, but also tires out the biceps before the muscle of the back.
Rows aren't just for lats retard also, you probably have a bitch grip and drop your deadlifts.
This, Rows work different different muscles than pull ups and chin ups. Thats why they say you do pull ups or chin ups for width and rows for thickness.
Maybe I'm missing something here, but how do you perform the exercise without curling the DB on its way up? in order for the elbow to go up you have to hinge the elbow, which means you have to use the bicep. I'm looking at the correct form and I don't see/feel myself doing anything different:
Yeah, there is flexion in the elbow, but excessive flexion(curling) will make you feel it in the biceps. Your forearms should almost be vertical.
The link you posted is a guy doing very low weight, and it seems like hes using too much of the biceps. That site isnt very good for technique, but its decent.
And on a different topic; There is a also a big difference of you keep your arm close to your body or further out from the body. Keeping it close tend to work more lats. Further out tend to work more mid-traps, rear delts and oter muscles.
Thanks. Have a qt.
Everyone in my gym except like one guy does really shitty half-rep Yates rows from the squat rack that are obviously miles too heavy for them. Saw one dude doing them and his form was atrocious and he was cheating every rep pulling it to nowhere near his stomach and he just kept chucking more weight on and getting worse and worse. What is the deal with this?
I normally don't care but they take up the fucking rack every single time as well.
Just do both you fucking pussy
You mean have a whore
How do you think she got like that?
It's not manly like the barbell row. I also personally hate it and feel like a tremendous faggot waving my ass in the air Doggystyle at the gym. And I don't get near the full back activation I get with pullups/chinups/bb rows/ seated single arm cable rows/ or even cable lat pulldowns.