Generally speaking, why are you stronger when you consume more carbohydrates?
Generally speaking, why are you stronger when you consume more carbohydrates?
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You need fuel both for activities and for repair of your muscles post-workout when you're sleeping.
>and for repair of your muscles
no idiot, that's protein.
ffs are you guys retarded, god, protein is building material, carbs are energy. Your body needs BOTH to repair intentional damage to your body by training.
you have fat for that, you don't need carbs
0/10 bait, better luck next time
get the fuck out of here
there is zero need for dietary carbohydrates for the human body
Nope, and nope. I'm an endurance athlete, have been for years, and I know better. 0/10, lurk moar.
>Nope, and nope. I'm an endurance athlete, have been for years, and I know better. 0/10, lurk moar.
you are faggot, suck my dick, educate yourself more.
Carbs are not necessary in the human diet, they help by giving more energy, but are from a biological standpoint NOT NECESSARY
that is not a need, there are fat endurance athletes setting new records
you don't even understand the definition of need
>literally die if eat zero fat
>literally die if eat zero protein
>fine if eat zero carbs, they are just energy and fat is a better source once converted to ketones
you lose brah
>Nope, and nope. I'm an endurance athlete, have been for years, and I know better. 0/10, lurk moar.
bro, niggers in africa can outrun you, and they never ate reese's pieces, only fat and protein for them.
Carbohydrates are stored as glycogen in muscles. Glycogen acts as a readily available fuel source in addition to energy substrates from the blood, bypassing the limitations of membranic fuel flux speed
Carbohydrate can be used anaerobically, bypassing the limited availability of oxygen in the blood.
Mitochondrial glucose metabolism is much faster than fat metabolism, such that ATP can be resynthesized much quicker after depletion
Fast-twitch glycolytic muscle fibers require glucose and glycolytic-oxidative muscle fibers prefer glucose. Both of these are essential for strength and most sports, whereas slow-twich muscle fibers are only dominant in low-energy endurance exercise
Low carbohydrate intake leads to cellular adaptations that favor retention of glycogen, rather than usage, and oxidation of fat, which impairs performance
English, doc!
define necessary, you cunt
You feed your intestinal parasites so they make you feel good
this is interesting, mind expanding on this?
carbs are not necessary, if you cut carbs the body will respond in a glycogen efficiency adaptation, with a miniscule impairment of performance in the first weeks until it fully transits to fat oxidation, something the body was built for in the first place.
Fat adaptation always includes carb impairment when fuel demands are high, even if glycogen is present. Glycogen is no longer utilized quickly enough to support high intensity muscle contractions and exercise (and fat oxidation is too slow anyway)
I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that the body was "built for" fat. Average man will burn ~10 grams of carbs an hour, fasted and at rest on a mixed diet, giving some indication as to what constitutes a reasonable minimum carb intake that will sustain adequate glycogen status and use.
Broscience: the post
>I don't think it's reasonable to suggest that the body was "built for" fat.
early man didn't have such a high source of carbs, his energy was mostly derived from fat, as with other mammals.
Lets all live like cavemen then that sounds great
better caveman, than pigman
fetus is in ketosis
baby is in ketosis
toddler is in ketosis until fed frosted flakes by parents and then his teeth fall out and is diagnosed with adhd, gets on anti-depression meds etc
go keto breh
I disagree
Since current evidence indicates that humans require large amounts of dietary carbohydrates for optimal health and performance, while excess saturated fat is toxic, it is reasonable to derive that humans evolved in a context of liberal carbohydrate consumption (specifically starch) - which is also what evidence suggests was the case, with starchy tubers consumed forever, and grains and wild beans consumed for 100,000+ years
There is also some evidence compiled in the above article indicating that mothers with lower blood glucose, insufficient carbohydrate intake or in ketosis produce lower-IQ, poorly developed babies.
ITT: American education.
Exactly how sedentary are you faggots? You probably sit on your ass all day, hit the gym for an hour or so 3-4 times a week.. If you actually had an active lifestyle you would understand the importance of carbs.
not necessary but you're retarded if you think forcing your body into ketosis is a good idea lmfao
being this clueless jesus christ. The early man eat a shitton of carbs, why are people this retarded?
could you name ONE keto endurance athlete who set record ?
>The early man eat a shitton of carbs, why are people this retarded?
>yeah bro they ate potatas and bigmicks
gtfo, humans as any other omnivore mammals had a protein/fat based diet with only small intakes of carbs through fruit or vegetables.
And because our ancestor only had acces to this it doesn't means it greatly benefit us .
of course those with low blood glucose ain't gonna produce good babie, user
ketosis puts your blood glucose at a steady healthy level, those mothers probs have pancreatic or thyroid issues brah, check it
I only trust Piano man
lmao brah i ain't your mum
do you need help tying your shoes too? we gunna leave you low energy carbers in the dust
name ONE , a SINGLE ONE , because I can't find a SINGLE ONE so they must be well hidden .
Ben Saunders
>Benjamin "Ben" John Saunders (born 5 August 1977 in Plymouth) is an English polar explorer, endurance athlete, and motivational speaker.
now post your mothers tits you fat fuck
Timothy Olson
>Running continuously for over 100 miles in mountain terrain takes a different kind of athlete—and a different kind of diet. Through years of training as an ultra runner, Timothy Olson has taught his body to become "fat-adapted," using fat from animals and plants to fuel him through feats that seems superhuman.
suck my dick bro
Meat is not necessary but you faggots still eat it
"I still use carbs, but mostly in the form of sweet potatoes and fruits. When I do eat carbs I use them strategically; I’ll eat sweet potatoes with lots of coconut oil the night before a race or long/intense run. I’ll have a green smoothie after a hard run with fruit and whey protein to replenish my glycogen storage and rebuild my muscles. I also take some amino acid supplements to rebuild my muscles after long/intense races or training sessions."
El famoso
>there are hardly any people doing keto in comparison to carb eaters
>of this small number, there is only a minority doing sport
>of this minority, only some want to and work towards being a professional athlete
>there aren't a plethora of keto coaches, chefs, frameworks, books
>there aren't decades of established protocols as there is with carbloading
>keto athletes are doing it all themselves
>and still this extremely small and new but increasing number is setting records and getting recognised as superior
>sport teams are slowly fat adapting by using bulletproof coffee, MCT's etc or straight ketones etc
we are coming, we will outrun you low-energy carbers
>how dat end of day crash, carby?
>what is cyclic ketosis
you just took the ketosis red-pill brah, now you see how having two fuel sources is superior
burgers fighting for their right to burger
that is because maybe we like meat ? maybe you should try enjoying life once in a while, you may like it you know ?
Who here eats a balanced diet of meat, taters and veges with the occassional meal of pasta?
why does that table not have ketones on it, just lmao at comparing fatty acids to glucose
beta hyrdroxybutyric acid smokes everything
Even in ketosis your muscle directly use fatty acids , ketone are only necessary to feed organs that can't use faty acids directly .
The reason liver glycogen is so shit is mainly because of the transport time , do know where ketone are made ? ( take into account that liver glycogen is directly in the liver , and that the fatty acids needed to produce ketone are even further since they need to go to the liver and then to the mitochondria ) Ketone would be even lower .
what? that was the most REVOLTING broscience i have even seen
But that's exactly how it work
Ketone are made in the livers
nice strawman, nobody said that ketones weren't made in the liver.
>muscle directly use fatty acids
you faggot, it is a well known fact muscles use fatty acids as fuel when no glucose is available.
Your muscles are taking up glucose and fatty acids from the blood, and breaking them down the same way as in the liver: glycolysis--> krebs cycle --> oxidative phosphorylation, or for fat straight into beta oxidation.
wtf you are the real life STRAWMAN
nobody said muscles don't use fatty acids as fuel
in ketosis, heaps of the fatty acids are converted to ketones which are more efficient than fatty acids and glucose and produce way more atp
>pic related, it's you
Keto follower believe ketone body are magic but they're just the poor's man carb .
the fuck are you talking about you retards, you shit on another mans post, and then repeat the same crap he said before.
GTFO go to /b/ to shitpost !!! This is a decent board
Hmm , so fat is already a bad energy provide in terms of atp/sec but adding travel to and from the liver + another enzymatic pathway will yield something better , really make me think, no wonder all those professional racer break records in a fasted states .
travel time means nothing you absolute mongoloid, the blood is filled with ketones just like it is with glucose, but ketones provide about45x the amount of ATP per gram and use less oxygen meaning they can be burned in the kreb's cycle at a higher anaerobic threshold before only glycolysis can be used when compared to glucose in the kreb's cycle
>hurr durr what about travel of insulin from the pancreas in order to put the glucose into the cell hurrrrrrrr
that is your level of thought
This is physiologically true but in terms of optimal function it just doesn't play out in the real world. Carbs work.
That's exactly why liver glycogen has a piss por atp production rate you absolute mongoloid , most of the energy come from MUSCLE glycogen ;
15 mmols would put you in a deadly state of diabetic ketoacidosis , wew tons of fucking ketone through our blood right .
you absolute DUMBCUNT
there can be 10mmol/l of ketones until harm is done AND THEY PRODUCE 4X THE AMOUNT OF ATP PER GRAM COMPARED TO GLUCOSE
there can only be 5mmol/l of glucose until harm is done
because they're delicious
"is setting records and getting recognised as superior"
Could you name one please ?
>so fat is already a bad energy
No it's not, it is the opposite, fat is a great energy source, that is the reason body stores it.
Now for all the retards here, we'll go through a muscle energy utilisation for retards.
Muscle uses:
Carbs > Glucose > Glycogen
[Depleted] then >>>
Ketosis starts*
Fats > Fatty Acids > Intramuscular Triglyceride
[Depleted] then >>>
Protein > Glucogenic amino acid > Glucose
[Depleted] then >>>
*Ketones are produced by the liver under these circumstances fasting, starving, low carbohydrate diets, prolonged exercise as a result of intense gluconeogenesis, which is the production of glucose from non-carbohydrate sources. They are therefore always released into the blood by the liver together with newly produced glucose, after the liver glycogen stores have been depleted. These glycogen stores are depleted after only 24 hours of fasting. Now since some cells like the neurons cannot survive on fatty acids they need ketones, because it passes the "blood-brain barrier".
But blood glucose is a minor ( very fucking minor ) source of energy for exercice, it's almost all muscle glycogen.
And if ketone is so good at producing energy than why does NOBODY does it ? ( hurr durr muh conspiracy muh news science )
Ketogenic diet have been popular since 196X and a lots of athlete are ready to kill their mother for a medal , and you tell me there is the wee super magic 8x more energy tricks .
Fucking retard , what sports and which division do you practice in user ?
>there can only be 5mmol/l of glucose until harm is done
>What is blood flow
>What is GLUT4 kinetics
Also, glycogen
>[Depleted] then
Nobody was aware of it and US lied and said sat fat is bad for you
but brah it's not like I care if you do well or not, we are growing in number and taking over every sport and new protocols being written for keto like they have been for low-energy carbers for decades
just lmao brah we loling @ you
glucose is harmful at that conc and higher, causes non-enzymatic glycosylation brah
are you a retard?
why do I even fucking ask
>TFW destroy all low-energy carbers ITT repeatedly with my ketone fueled brain
>t.beta-hydroxy master butyrace
Ketosis is cool, but you lose precious protein in ketosis.
Red blood cells need glucose, because they have no mitochondria, and if you go into ketosis, it means that you are in gluconeogenesis of both ketogenic amino acids and glucogenic amino acids, those necessary to produce sufficient glucose. Now the most utilised glucogenic amino acid is also the one that is used by muscles to repair themselves, namely Leucine.
By going into ketosis you are burning up your leucine supplies, that could be used for muscle repair.
>glucose is harmful at that conc and higher, causes non-enzymatic glycosylation brah
Nope. Elevated blood glucose from eating carbs actually has zero negative effects in healthy people. Neither hyperglycemia nor hypoglycemia occur in healthy people.
... It's one of the more absurd keto myths - diabetics get organ damage from permanently supraphysiological levels of glucose, therefore glucose above fasting is harmful. But then again, the entire keto cult is driven by a ciclejerk of obese American diabetics so it isn't conceivable to them that somebody would be able to digest a potato without losing an eye and a foot. Diabetes is so widespread in Murristan that disordered metabolism is considered the new normal. Pathetic
>what is muscle glycogen
get the FUCK out of my board.
Remember, Veeky Forums, be careful of who you take advise from.
>what is triglyceride
get the FUCK out of my board. !!! REEEEEE
I read this in Master Shake's voice
Because carbs are used up primarily in high intensity activities. Muscle glycogen specifically.
retarded anti-carb niggers need to listen to this post. the only time you should do low carb if you're doing carb-cycling/pseudo-ketosis, and even then you should be getting carbs from non-starchy vegetables. otherwise, whole grain carbs are vital for the body.
carbs are the body's preferred energy source but short term ketosis/low carb diets can help burn off remainder body fat.
hahahahaahaha it has been shown that even at 5mmol/l your brain is harmed and as a resulted alzheimer's is much much more likely
but i wouldn't expect you to know anything more than grade 10 biology or even look up any new research in the pas t decade at all
>t. low energy carber
brah the body uses glycerol to make glucose too, the backbone of triglycerides which are broken down t o fatty acids and then converted to ketones
the glyrcerol is then made into glucose, das it mane
You are absolutely pants down retarded.
Go read a book on nutrition that isn't written by a paleo-diet hippie.>Only $40 for check up in USA
I'll take the "Has never been to America, and doesn't understand how much their healthcare is" for $500
There has not been any evidence of carbohydrate deficiency syndrome in humans. It simply doesn’t exist.
It's called ketosis, dumbo.
>calling ketosis a syndrome
>you started life in the womb in ketosis
>you were breastfed a ketogenic milk
i run hundreds of miles on jars of mayonaisse, i bet you think your little cookie-powered jog is impressive.
excellent shitpost my goy
That's why I take glycerol with my preworkout :^) mad energy fasted on keto
OP is a carblet
>Carbs are not necessary in the human diet
carbs are quite literally what wight have made humans human. they provide immense quick access energy for our brains so we can utilize other macros better and grow larger brains. you are retarded, the human body needs carbs and ketosis is not a normal process
>you are retarded, the human body needs carbs and ketosis is not a normal process
no it doesn't, people can survive without carbs, ketosis is a normal process, a natural process, a biological process.
> There has not been any evidence of carbohydrate deficiency syndrome in humans. It simply doesn’t exist.
What is Hypoglycemia
>why does my car run when I put gas on it?
Increasing carb intake improves nitrogen balance and decreases protein oxidation almost in proportion to intake.
The more carbs you eat the less protein you can get away with eating.
>taking nutritional advice from a roided manlet who thinks he's a badass for eating nothing but bacon and the shittiest cuts of pork and beef
Also what the fuck does that pic have to do with anything?
whey increases muscle protein synthesis the most yes, but the window in which it stays elevated is shorter than when ingesting ANY OTHER KIND OF PROTEIN. Meaning that the net benefit is basically not existant, and considering the fact that no one worth their salt trains on a true fasted state, the potential supremacy of whey protein post workout supplementation is eliminated from the equation because your body is still digesting food from yesterday, or from the 2 previous meals before your actual workout.