Why does everyone hate vegans?
Texas supermarket - even during a disaster no one wants to eat vegan
>low cal, so no energy gained from it
>expensive as fuck, money could be used for actual food or useful tools/aids
>probably doesn't keep well
fuck vegans
Hmm, you don't really address the tenants of vegansim though. Seems like you don't have actual arguments
Pretty much sums it up
>Why does everyone hate vegans?
Beause their pants-on-head retarded anti-human 'moral lifestyle choice' destroys human health in order to place dumb FOOD ANIMALS higher on the food chain than humans.
causing pain in animals is immoral and the majority of meat consumers contribute to massive factory farms where animals are in a living hell. anyone who has researched factory farming should at least see part of the vegan perspective as valid, and anyone who acts otherwise has simply not researched the subject
>waaaah, i don't like HOW you refuted all of my little meme dog shit, so i'll just pretend it didn't actually happen
>muh morals
who cares? ethics and morality is a spook
get fucked
fuck vegans
>all life is valid
Vegans stand for everything I hate
>even during a disaster no one wants to eat vegan
Except vegans of course.
Just because a food is vegan doesn't mean it is in demand by vegans. I've been a vegan for almost 2 years and have never bought a mock meat from soy, or any hippy dippy alternatives to cheese and eggs. Shit is expensive, impractical and not worthy as a substitute for other vegan foods.
Doesn't surprise me at all that nobody, even vegans, don't want to buy that shit, even after a hurricane disaster.
I know I'm getting trolled, but the tenants of veganism become irrelevant in a survival scenario. Between being a "moral" person and dying versus being an "immoral murderer" and surviving, the decision is not hard
That's not necessarily true. Many people would starve before they resorted to cannibalism. I'm not one of them, but there are plenty of them out there. I'm sure many vegans would starve before eating meat. Maybe not even most, but surely some.
For the record, I'm not vegan. I wanted to eat a dog in China but my wife lost her shit at me.
Unless you're 12 you don't actually believe this
Validity is not a word I have heard vegans use
>all life is valid
literally what
Animals are lesser beings and humans have every right to enslave and make use of them as they see fit.
Just like niggers. The emancipation proclamation is bullshit...
>gee shit is hitting the fan and I need food for my family
>I better buy low energy density expensive meme food because I don't want to hurt animals
Doesn't that sound a little ridiculous when you say it out loud?
chink detected
I am an omnivore. I eat meat. Live with it
Edgy as fuck
You know, like most things these days, nobody would give a fuck about it except for the fact that it's an internet meme.
>even the niggers aren't looting that vegan shit
I guess they're not as dumb as I thought.
they dont know it's food if its not coming from a drive thru
they only loot booze, pepsi, etc from super markets
fuck off back to redit
The sole purpose of the weak is to feed the strong.
>causing pain in animals is immoral
That's exactly what a bear thinks while it destroys your face. Pussy faggot
Boy you should be buying that shit if it goes on sale
Do you eat traps?
no they wouldn't.
Vegans primarily eat fruit & vegetables, legumes, potatoes and grains. The picture is of the shelves with the expensive mock meats, which are only consumed rarely, and mostly by transitioning omnis.
Vegan food is a better deal whether adjusted for quantity, satiation, calorie or protein content. Especially legumes and grains.
Your argument (and that of the one taking the photo) is the same as that fat cunt from FB who wanted to prove eating healthy is expensive and she bought 3kg grapes, or that other one who wanted to prove its unviable to live in food stamps and went and bought like 10 limes
>I wanted to eat a dog in China but my wife lost her shit at me.
not dog A DOG the whole thing
>consuming the eggs of a chicken or the milk of a cow that lives a completely stress free life under human protection is immortal
veganism, not vegetarianism
Texans are a practical, realistic people. Texas is also beef country.
The vegan lifestyle is literally paying more for an inferior diet because muh feelings.
i don't even recognise any of that stuff as food
vegans disgust me
they cost about the same if you include government subsidies. To the consumer yeah veganism is more expensive than Tyson's chicken nuggets and some powdered mashed potatoes but so is eating healthy in general.
seriously why would you buy food that spoils easily and has a low calorie density when you are preparing for a storm?
I'd rather drink animal cum then eat that shit tbqh
What is surprising is that in your pic they've left out only vegan high calorie food, which could have been very helpful.
I'm oretty sure they've left it there because it doesn't taste as good.
disaster or not , you would never see texans actually eat healthy food
>low calorie
For 66% of Americans this is a very good thing
Actually vegans and vegetarians have much lower rates of cancer, heart disease and obesity. And excluding products like vegan sausage vegetables are much cheaper per gram of nutrients, even protein.
Look: an apex predator that has been raised so unnaturally that it has become sentimental about its prey. Next, we'll be seeing lions lying down with lambs.
you and I are no exception.
>my call to nature
Why don't you shit in the woods and walk around naked
vegans need to be gassed
And the only reason any sane person gives a fuck about it is because the fucking Vegans WILL. NOT. SHUT. UP.
Seriously, I just wish they'd have the decency to hide their shameful fetish.
I do whenever I can, silly little sheltered helpless urban numale degenerate.
I quite like vegan food and even agree that we as a species need to treat animals with more care. But I don't think I could ever fully stop eating meat, I'm very sceptical that it's not unhealthy to do so.
pls kill yourself you disgusting pseudo kike
probably because vegan food is twice as expensive as the same food but not labeled as vegan.
>bunch of veggies on vegan packaging $3.87
>twice as much veggies and without fancy vegan packaging, $3.00
>hey, a hurricane just destroyed and flooded everything in my town
overpriced meme vegan foods are great for people who are transitioning to a vegan diet and for people who want some variety and junk food. noone should base their diet around these foods.
i'm vegan and i haven't had a meme sausage etc in years
Nothing wrong with being cucked by cattle.
These nigs get it
The nigs don't. Grains and legumes are cheaper and keep better than meat and animal products unless they're "shelf stable", and they're "vegan"
meanwhile can't climb a mountain without dying hahahaha. Fuck vegans
>Why does everyone hate vegans?
Because they bring up serious issues that most people don't want to think about
They weren't big dogs and were sold whole. Something like pic related.
>one woman dies of altitude sickness on one of the most dangerous climbs in the world
>everyone ignores the meat eater who died of the same thing on the same climb that same day
because veganism is stupidddddd
I mean come on as edgy fedora as it is to say we are all just animals on a rock in the vastness of space nothing is really important there are no morals or reasons for anything ever why not enjoy your time being alive and eat a fukken steak
ego is boring
Vegans are better than meat eaters desu
Come on bro that's fucked up, you don't need dogbro meat to fuel your gains
Not that poster but meat is meat, just because your culture teaches you that eating certain animals is taboo doesn't mean it's taboo for others. Hell in India cows are sacred, should I put down my burger and steak. I would actually like to try dog myself but it's not available in america
we dont hate vegans.
We hate vegan food because its gross and retarded like "vegan sausage"
Keep that gay shit in /Austin/
You've never had a pet that you loved, have you
I'm the guy who posted the cooked dog pic and I have had dogs I loved. I just don't see the cooked dogs the same as I see the pet dogs I had. You don't have children, do you? Because if you did, you would understand that the love you feel for an animal cannot actually be compared to the love you feel for something you actually truly love. A dog is just a dog, and no matter how much you might love it, it's still just a dog. You would be lucky to get 13 good years with a dog. They are temporary companions at best.
Low calorie yes, but it's not that expensive compared to meat especially any ground "beef" products. No fat to drain so you get exactly what you buy. Also it all keeps far better than meat.
I actually love fake ground beef, fish filets, "chicken" nuggets, ice cream and fake frozen pizzas. Will I make it?
So stupid and mentally challenged people should be killed or enslaved? Lmao
.>Because you love one being more than another it's okay to mistreat others.
>So stupid or mentally challenged people should be killed or enslaved? Lmao
Oh okay carry on then
Because Texans are muh preshush masculinity-tier. Not even vegan.
'Cause it's all they fucking talk about
What do you mean by "no fat to drain"?
Nigga you ever even eat ground beef? Whenever you make tacos, sloppy joes anything that requires you to put ground beef in a skillet you'll get a ton of fat buildup. Even with extra lean ground beef you'll get some. This reduces the yield size and is annoying.
Never heard of someone draining fat from food, you just use that instead of oil when you fry something later.
Usually strategically, like cook hamburger and then fry your veggies in it for the tacos.
I honestly didn't know people just drained the fat, but I grew up poor.
What's wrong with either of those things lmao
I eat meat sparingly.
But I eat a lot of animal products - kefir, yogurt, goat cheese, and eggs mainly.
Those products are generally probiotic and protein rich and can be harvested without harming the animal - and in return the animals are kept safe from the dangers of the wild.
Probably a fair compromise.
The rest of my diet is plant based except for once a month I grab that juicy fucking ribeye.
Holy shit man that's gross, my family was also poor but that's like next level poor.
Where are you from?
Literally have no heard of someone not doing this, Appalachia here.
Eggs can be obtained without harming the animal but dairy can't. You deprive their young on milk and you forcefully inseminate them.
Great white north.
Letting a bull fuck a cow does not mean you are forcefully inseminating them.
The calf can still drink some and it's diet is supplemented.
Of course I'm talking about local small farms, so yes dairy CAN be obtained without harm.
But dairy is nasty and not good for you.
I suppose but what do you do with the calf? Hard to keep that sustainable if you're constantly impregnating cattle?
>they're not human, therefore they're fair game
I find it ironic that you can literally be imprisoned for jacking a horse off yet if you cut off its penis for consumption suddenly nothing is wrong.
Raise the calf and either sell it to someone, use it for dairy if it's female, or butcher it.
Just saying there are ways to do it without killing harming an animal.
>use it for dairy if it's female, or butcher it.
>Just saying there are ways to do it without killing harming an animal
>or butcher it
I like meat and a cow's life is worthless to me. That's it basically.
Sorry that I'm not trying to push a narrative and listed both the harming and non-harming ways the calves could be treated.
I would agree that meat is meat and killing and eating a cow is the same as doing it to a dog. But did you know that the chinese that eat dog believe torturing the animals before they kill them makes the meat more tender? The kill them by literally crucifying, hanging, and boiling them alive.... When i first saw footage of this i got sick to my stomach. Google it, yulin festival.
Have you seen slaughterhouse footage? :^)
Again the non harming way wouldn't really work for a small farm. Because you'd run out of land really quickly if you tried to feed our dairy needs.
Run one over then put it in a bag. fire up the grill, put some salt and pepper on that thing,baby you got yourself meat for dinner
And you (or the other person) said there is no way to collect dairy from cows without harm.
Nothing was ever insinuated to be global, both you and I could purchase dairy without the cows being harmed.
>people still respond to vegans when half of their argument is"You raised good points, but those don't count"
>people still get assblasted when there are vegan threads on Veeky Forums and feel it's there duty to come and shit post.