>ywn have Cara feel your gains
Why live?
Also, qt 10/10 thread
>ywn have Cara feel your gains
Why live?
Also, qt 10/10 thread
>coal burner
>"10/10 qt"
Wtf is wrong with her eye brows? Are they painted or something?
Salty AF
I'd gf a girl with Cara's face on the spot. She's pretty much 10/10 for me facewise.
Shame about her bod, tho.
She's actually fit in valeryian w/e it's spelt, weirdest boner ever would balls deep and empty sack.
Only literal cuckolds would call coalburners qts. No women who find these apes attractive will ever be cute and will forever remain as subhuman beastiality fetishists
>sour grapes
shes a lesbian you retard
>dat hoverhand
Anthony wat r u doin lad?
Seriously, I don't know why people find her attractive. The only thing she has going for her is a symmetrical face but that's not enough to combat all the other shit wrong with her face.
She is fucking ugly
cara is fucking ugly holy shit
He's probably uncomfortable because he has a retarded looking girl clinging to him. Just because you agree to fill a Make-A-Wish request doesn't mean you have to be comfortable for all of it
>Shame about her bod, tho.
Shame about her face, mate
The guy is far more qt than cara. And also noticeably uncomfortable
Hasn't she got a gf?
Nah, her face is god tier.
>Coalburner b8
They can have her desu senpai. She has the physique of an 11 year old boy and two fucking catepilars live on her face
> 10/10
> not run of the mill coked up ho
I'm against racemixing, but Joshua is honestly too good for that coked up skeletor.
>I'm against racemixing
Anthony looks so uncomfortable
>If a white man fucks a non-white girl he's a cuck
I love how /pol/ literally constructs a bizarre reality where it is impossible for white people to not lose yet still considers them the master-race.
>the state of /pol/
>being so ideologically insecure when someone asks you a question you have to respond with memes
What in that pic says anything about white guys fucking non-whites? What in your post said anything about that.
How does this answer user's question? Your against racemixing because of memes?
the guy is fugly as shit and cara is a dyke
In a vacuum racemixing is still unnatural and throws out thousands of years of genetic isolation and creates people like the mexicans and turks who are worse off being mixed than they were when the races which came together to make these people were separate.
Still most of my issue with it is that we do not exist in a vacuum, and coupled with birthrates, race-mixing really only facilitates the genocide of certain peoples and an absolute end to diversity.
Because it creates mongrels with self-identity issues. If you care about diversity you'll keep white people and black people black instead of trying to create some disgusting beige mass with no identity, history, or culture of its own.
>racemixing is still unnatural
Really? What happened to the neanderthals, if you don't mind me asking?
>throws out thousands of years of genetic isolation
Which only serves to increase the rates of genetic defects and isn't even of any intrinsic value because the people thousands of years ago weren't equipped with the scientific tools to determine what phenotype was ideal and which genotype it corresponded to
How do you know they're worse off then the separate precursor populations were?
>the genocide of certain peoples
>an absolute end to diversity
And why are these important? No memes
>deriving identity from your race
It doesn't get spookier than this
I don't care about racial diversity that much desu, only the diversity of ideas and viewpoints, and even then if one "perfect" complete ideology is found - in the same way one "perfect" phenotype may be found through racemixing and meritocracy - then ideological diversity is irrelevant too.
So you're against peopls having free will because
>haha le white genocide xD
Anthony joshua is a cool guy.
>Worse off
When Greeks and regular-Turks mixed to make modern-Turks the new mixed race people conquered the entire former Eastern Roman Empire and then some which the unmixed Greeks had been trying and failing to do since they lost Justinian's conquests.
it is worse end of discussion
t. turk
>I don't care about racial diversity that much
Of course you don't. You americans are a cautionary tale of le melting pot ideologies.
No, I'm against racemixing because it produces ugly brown babies that lack the good qualities of either of their parent races.
I'm not American
Not the guy your second reply is to, but do you have any evidence that the babies lack the good qualities of their parents? Because basic genetics would say otherwise. Unless you were unironically attributing characteristic to "races" like some pseudoscientific 18th century anthropologist, in which case kill yourself. Also, do you even have any evidence the babies are ugly?
>Turkey in 2017 is worse than Greece in 1452
You could have just said you're trolling from the start.
Turkey just sucks in general.
Nice reading comprehension
Attributing RPG-esque characteristics to "races" and chalking them up to the concept of the race itself rather than to the genes found abundantly within that racial classification is textbook pseudoscience.
"Races" do not have strengths or weaknesses, genes do. And those genes go into a mixed race individual just as much as they do a non-mixed one.
>Desperate nig trying trying to hold onto BBC meme
No you idiot, assigning characteristics to race is exactly what race is, genetic characteristics shared by a group of people. That is in no way pseudoscience. Just because your university professor says it's racist, doesn't make it pseudoscience.
You are viewing genes as if they aren't very complex mechanism which require whole groups of genes to work in the intended fashion. Certain genes can be expressed in totally different ways if another gene (or another few genes) somewhere down the line are changed. The more genetic distance in the partners, the more chance that you'll get a mix match of different genes that will negate the strengths of a specific group of genes that require multiple genes to function properly. For example american blacks (those with european DNA) are way more likely than both pure whites and pure blacks to suffer from heart attack, cvd and stroke because they lack a lot of cardio protective genes due to the mixing.
Stupid frogposter
Characteristics are measured, not assigned. And anyway, that's not what rave is, given that race is a unironically a social construct based on a tiny section of a genotype , and the only helpful term in science is populations.
is what I meant by my post, and is what you failed to read
It doesn't work that way at all, in the most variable area of the genotype (the immune system), it's literally the opposite and two immune system that are as different as possible will give the healthiest baby. Women are even more attracted to the sweat that indicates an immune system that's more divergent from their own.
Citation for more genetic distance of partners, phenotypic component strength negation
Source on the increased risk of American blacks due to racemixing
The prevalence of high blood pressure in African-Americans is the highest in the world. Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure increases your risk of heart disease and stroke, and it can cause permanent damage to the heart before you even notice any symptoms, that's why it is often referred to as the "silent killer." Not only is HBP more severe in blacks than whites, but it also develops earlier in life.
Research suggests African-Americans may carry a gene that makes them more salt sensitive, increasing the risk of high blood pressure. Your healthcare provider can help you find the right medication, and lifestyle changes can also have a big impact.
Also in terms of immune systems, there is no need for racial diversity in order to find a drastically different immune system. In a tribal society all that would take is at the most having kids with somebody who lives on the other side of the stream, not on the other side of the world.
Cara is an ugly bitch who's career is solely based off her family connections.
When a girl says that she means she just won't date you or white guys. There are no real lesbians, every relationship needs a dick
>not linking an actual paper
Please try harder
But the person who's from a different "race" is way more likely to have a far more different immune system, and in all societies, especially smaller pre-industrialisation ones and extremely especially smaller pre-agriculture ones, the populations will tend to homogeneity, and this will happen drastically faster for smaller populations. So your attempt at a refutation is terrible
>literally every woman over the age of 16 wants to fuck Anthony Joshua
M-muh coal burner guis!!
Exactly, and also
>could beat up most people on the planet with ease
>multi millionaire
>cool guy
>10/10 body
>literally every woman over the age of 16 wants to fuck Anthony Joshua
t. Americuck
>hover hand
what a virgin hehe
He didn't want to touch the crack whore. Can't say I blame him.
Did she fugg Taylor Swift?
I read somewhere she fugged Taylor Swift.
I would like to fugg Taylor Swift as well.
do u think they recorded it
i think they recorded it
That would be sweet.
>whites on this site
Taylor is loyal to Karlie.
Why is he Asian? Should be whitey
Why is an asian larping as a neo-nazi?
Good lord, she's attractive.
>You can't hate blacks and have sex
Good point, every person who disagrees with you is a salty autistic virgin.
C'mon bruddeh, you know that's not inherently true.
Enjoy it while it lasts. You won't see many of these in 30-40 years.
>every teen wants to fuck some nigger
>the state of american "women"
Holy shit, americans are pathetic, your whole lives revolve around worshipping nigger celebrities, nigger athletes, nigger months, nigger days, nigger presidents.
pick one, tumblr
The reptiles use this ploy to pacify the simple blacks.
In reality, white trash and niggers must unite and save the world from the NWO, but it may be too late.
She's pretty ugly really, only a model because very skinny.
Triggered niggers.
>literally every woman over the age of 16 wants to fuck Anthony Joshua
Literally 98% of white women find the idea of race mixing repulsive and will never do it lol. You are delusional boy.
Cara DePibe
This. I guarantee you will have a very fucking hard time finding a woman in Europe who wants to fuck niggers, no matter how rich or successful.
This culture of nigger worship is only in America, the main victim of the Jewry's propaganda.
I'm lefty anti/pol/ here but why? I know fuck all about this guy but he seriously reminds me of a donkey in his face. Unless that's what you're going for and this is bait in which case good going.
>Literally 98% of white women find the idea of race mixing repulsive and will never do it
Does racemixing bother you that much that you need to spew fake statistics?
I'd say realistically 90% of white women are open to racemixing and 50% of them are in a non white relationship
yikes. being you must be so unfortunate.
good luck with your small penis, user-kun :^)
Lmao Germany got cucked for a reason, nothing to be proud about there, they ruined Rome, they ruined Christian unity, they destroyed 2 generations of Western European men.
Without German tribes we would have a stronger Europe but I also wouldn't exist so I don't know how to feel.
not the guy you're quoting, but:
>50% in a nonwhite relationship
yeah, no. maybe 10-30%. statistically most people don't race-mix. more people do it as time goes on but most people don't. some urban centres might have higher concentrations of race mixing; i noticed it was really prevalent in montréal when i visited.
t. someone in an IR relationship that doesn't care and isn't delusional about it
user he just called him out on bullshit statistics and posted some himself to either take the piss or bait. You can't just go around giving (You)'s away for nothing, it only feeds the autism and keeps /pol/ and /pol/ threads on Veeky Forums
if you wanted this bad thread to die you would have saged