>Jewish martial art
>nothing but cheap shots
Veeky Forums will defend this
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Who cares? They have to use quick shots because Muslims are sneaky terrorists who fight dishonorably.
>ok, it really is the Jews, but that just a.(((coincidence)))
>>nothing but cheap shots
The Jews play to win. If you're not up to that, that's your problem.
>cheap shots
Oy vey, those shots are only worth HALF of what you're asking!
Anyone have any experience with krav maga? Theres a place near where i live, alternatively theres also a boxing gym but too many abos there and those fuckers dont drop
Do you live in Melbourne? Is it IDF Fitness?
I prefer defendu. The kikes aren't cheap enough for me.
Nah south sydney, just moved here. Mainly Muslim territory unless you're into fighting in which case the abos come out to play.
Cant complain though 5 acres is nice for leg gains.
its not a 'martial art' . its meant to be taught to soldiers to BTFO terrorists , its not meant to be 'fair' or 'sportsmanlike' in any way .
t.had a krav maga course in the army
The UFC has proven which martial arts are real, and which are choreographed dancing.
It helps weak people with their self esteem though right?
This fuckikg picture
Krav will give you more options for a street fight. That's it. If it is a good instructor who has had hand to hand experience, you will learn decent form and have a few good techniques under your belt.
That said, the "choreography" is supposed to just help you react to certain stigmata, i.e. a choke from behind. It is supposed to help you react, not necessarily be an end all.
t. guy who was trained by veteran from IDF.
> inb4 dirty Jew.
He was self-hating.
>cheap shot
krav maga was created to break the opponent as quickly and efficiently as possible.
>implying a martial art is the same thing as a fighting system
A martial art is deeply rooted in tradition and (generally east asian) philosophy. A fighting system is designed to win fights.
krav maga is meme shit and you'll get embarrassed by a high school tier wrestler or an amateur boxer
if a martial art doesn't have sparring and a competitive component of some kind it's worthless
If you're gonna fight then fight to win.
Dead men tell no stories of honour.
>The UFC has proven which martial arts are real
>3. Ring / Fighting Area Requirements and Equipment
>The ring floor must be padded with ensolite or similar closed-cell foam, with at least a 1-inch layer of foam padding.
There's a significant chance that you'll encounter pavement in an actual fight.
>15. Fouls
>Eye gouging of any kind
>Striking downward using the point of the elbow
>Kicking the head of a grounded opponent
>Kneeing the head of a grounded opponent
>Stomping a grounded opponent
No Muay Thai, no Karate, etc.
It does have sparring. A lot of it. They have your opponents wear full body suits and they try to beat the living shit out of you. They tried to establish a competitive fighting placement but "traditionalists" would not receive their presence of asking because they know their competitions are regulated, where as Krav is not. In fact, it seems fucking retarded that they did not accept them into that community because they could have just restricted certain moves like they do with any competitive sport. It would have been to their advantage.
It's a street fight not a sport
Welcome to the real world road rules bitch
>tfw taught spitting in opponents eye is a valid fight move
Complain all you want goy, you'll be dead and I'll have your testicles for a trophy.
that's why you use PRIDE rules
if that's your aim buy a gun
if you do it for sport, cheap shots are out
Guns aren't always available
Plus if you're a 6'3 215 Ib jacked dude and you're getting robbed, you think you'll look cool by pulling on a 1911 instead of laying down the wrath of your gains?
jesus fuck this is some next level ad hominem, who the fuck cares this much to waste their life making these images
Pretty sure that last panel was the only one that was edited. I don't recall who it was originally aimed at, though.
It is designed to prepare you to take on average street thugs as quickly as possible.
It is NOT designed for professional/competitive fighting.
So, are you looking at martial arts because you want to learn how to defend yourself, or because you want to be a pro UFC fighter?