>wanting to be anything more muscular than Nate-mode able to throw powerful punches with maximum cardio. mental strength from acting like a nigger with his crew and regular marathons allow him to never back down in a fight and only grow in strength throughout a match, which is terrifying if you're fighting him.
nate is just one of many examples of why even physique bodybuilders are way too big for prime masculine alphaness.
Camden Gutierrez
diaz bros do jiu jitsu, boxing, and cardio almost all day every day, though. that's a lot more time than I'm going to spend training, sorry boss
Benjamin Russell
You will never be patted to death by Nate wel
Parker Barnes
why are you apologizing to anyone but yourself
Josiah Foster
It's like bulky muscles don't help in a fight.
Aiden James
yea u should become skinny fat and you will be just like nate diaz!! xdddddd xddd :^)))
David Watson
you are a meme
Jonathan Robinson
it ain t just thought, he s also tougher than a motherfucker. cant train for that, I don t want to fight anyone my face is too pretty fuck the bullshit.
Bentley Rogers
How do I Robbie Lawler mode
Ian Wright
if nate gained 30 lbs of muscle he would be a better fighter period. if weight classes didnt exist every mma fighter would be jacked as fuck or jacked adn bloated as fuck. youa re just a skinny little twink kid thats making an excuse for not lifting. i would bet money that you dont even fight or do any sport LOL
Wyatt Rivera
Vitamins and lots of juice user!
Austin Lee
legit gaining a large amount of weight through muscle and fat will give u more success at fighting then actually learning to fight
Dominic Butler
obviously u need to combine the 2 if u rly want to be best fighter possible not considering weight class onyl RAW FIGHTING POWER
Grayson Parker
Lots of juice bro
A lot of fighters fell off when testing became more thorough
Adam Morris
>powerful punches >Nate diaz When? >Powerful punches >Tyron woodley All the fucking time
Christian Bailey
tyson's decline actually began when he started hitting the weights after getting out of prison. he was naturally thick/muscular but the weights did not help at all.
Camden Anderson
People who advocate lifting for striking arts never understood the difference between loaded and unloaded movements.
Basically, if your coach tells you to lift for boxing, he hasn't got a clue about sports science. And you should change clubs.
Easton Smith
A stronger athlete is a better athlete. Strength training is never wrong. For fighters it's less important than fight training but it is still important.
Jaxson Bailey
lol no, skill>everything else. it only take a few pounds of pressure to break bones. obviously being big and having knowledge is ideal, but i'll take the knowledge of how to use someone's weight against them over not having that knowledge and being big
Mason Gray
Wrong. Wrong. Wrong.
You don't have a clue about sports science and should stop posting. Really, loaded vs unloaded movement is like the basics.
Jacob Mitchell
Dude, you don't have to be muscle bound to be stronger.
You can have a healthy amount of muscle and strength and still be a good fighter. Don't act like we haven't seen plenty of lanklets get destroyed by stronger fighters who can grapple fuck the lanklets like wet noodles.
Kayden Hall
Again, l2sports science, you colossal retard.
>Don't act like we haven't seen plenty of lanklets get destroyed by stronger fighters who can grapple fuck the lanklets like wet noodles. Oh God, how can America have Yale and NASA and people as ignroant and retarded as you? You really think a good grappler can grapple a lanklet just because he lifts a lot? And what does this have to do with striking?You know, the thing we're talking about.
How low is your IQ exactly?
Daniel Flores
If Nate gained 30lbs of muscle, he'd have absolutely no height or reach advantage over the people in Middleweight.
If weight classes didn't exist, every fighter would try to find their absolute heaviest possible weight, without losing any other attributes.
Look at Pride FC, in the open weight categories. Not everyone was walking around looking like a tree stump. There were still plenty of slimmer guys competing.
But I agree with you, OP is just a fag trying to make excuses.
Isaiah Young
>If weight classes didn't exist, every fighter would try to find their absolute heaviest possible weight, without losing any other attributes. Wrong. That wasn't the case when weight classes didn't exist, ie. for most of the time combat sports actually existed.
And if you look at the studies about boxers' punching power, you'd realize that punching power doesn't correlate with increasing weight anyway. Neither does punching speed decrease with increasing weight, btw.
Again: Neither punching power nor punching speed are significantly influenced by weight class in boxing. Dunno about wrestling.
William Davis
I love it when literal dumb asses like you get on some sort of intellectual high horse because it's very easy to tear you down from it.
For starters, it's nice to see your first argument consists of arguing like a woman. Putting words in my mouth to make my argument seem dumber, thus easier to attack hu? When the fuck did I ever say that lifting weights is "THE ONLY" reason a smaller guy would out grapple a lanklet?
Obviously there is plenty of skill and technique involved, but the added strength helps when it comes to grappling. If you can't see how strength helps with grappling, then you don't know even basic physics.
As a Judoka who competes regularly, and who follows training regimes of other Judoka. It's no surprise that the modern day Grappler really is a modern athlete who does all forms of lifting and strength training as well as other forms of athletic training.
We've seen these latest champions use more strength than technique in comparison to the past. (which has created some resentment with traditionalists, since Judo is considered by many an art that's not meant to be about strength)
The only thing I'll concede you were right in and I was wrong in, is that you were originally talking about striking arts. I didn't read your first message and I just wrote in response to the last few messages you and that other guy were responding back and forth with each other, in which the word "fighter" was thrown around without me having knowledge of the context.
I agree, in Striking arts, strength doesn't really matter as much except for a couple of instances here and there.
Cardio, timing, speed, and technique matters the most in striking arts.
Evan Brown
>I love it when literal dumb asses like you get on some sort of intellectual high horse because it's very easy to tear you down from it. Oh God, here comes the American again. Dumb as shit.
>For starters, it's nice to see your first argument consists of arguing like a woman. Putting words in my mouth to make my argument seem dumber, thus easier to attack hu? When the fuck did I ever say that lifting weights is "THE ONLY" reason a smaller guy would out grapple a lanklet? Is that supposed to be a rebuttal? Strawmanning much? It was implied because we were talkign about weightlifting and it's influence on the force of combat techniques. I dunno why you started with grappling, but hey, you're an American.
>Obviously there is plenty of skill and technique involved, but the added strength helps when it comes to grappling. If you can't see how strength helps with grappling, then you don't know even basic physics. But we're talking about strikng, you idiot. Oh God, why am I even answering this shit?
>As a Judoka who competes regularly, and who follows training regimes of other Judoka And here we start with the making shit up phase of the American discussion technique.
>I agree, in Striking arts, strength doesn't really matter as much except for a couple of instances here and there. And you're still doing an insulting tl;dr wall of text? Ah fuck it, I'm out, you go fap to black cocks or something, like all Americans do.
Jackson Gomez
You're just saying "WRONG WRONG WRONG", but all MMA combat sports knowledge to this very day says otherwise.
We've seen fighters go up and down a weight class or two and find themselves a completely different fighter at a more comfortable weight.
Fighters try to fight at their most comfortable weight while still not losing attributes, this applies more to wrestling than striking, but do you seriously think it doesn't apply to striking? I mean, we saw the best shape we ever saw Buster Douglas DESTROY a Prime Mike Tyson, then, when it came time for him to defend his belt, he came in heavier, and lacked the speed he had.
But forget about that, in MMA there has been PLENTY of Open Weight fights that have happened in our history of the sport, and not everyone tries to get as big as humanly possible, they try to get as big as possible without losing attributes such as speed and stamina.
We also saw what happened to Nate Diaz in welterweight. Or Conor McGregor in Welterweight.
Blake Rogers
>Hurrr duurururr American hurrr durrr American
God you're so fucking gay, no, not gay as in faggot, but gay as in GAY.
Lincoln Hernandez
but what if the bodybuilder was equally psycho
Thomas Perez
>Oh god, here comes the American again, dumb ass shit
Strawman, the irony from the retard yelling the word strawman first.
>Is that supposed to be a rebuttal
>Strawmaning much?
HAHAHAHA god you have no self awareness.
>It's implied because we're...
No idiot, it's not implied, you implied it. Next time don't work on implications like some sort of double digit I.Q. retard who hail from countries that have never done anything important in the last couple of decades.
>But we're talking about striking
I already acknowledged that, idiot, can't you read you imbecile?
>And here we start with the making shit up face
Another strawman from the idiot with a typical female lack of self awareness, boost your test levels bro. Oh... is believing someone competes in a sport that's well known world wide so unbelievable for the complete loser? Bet you think a college degree is also unobtainable LOL
>more and more strawmaning
Thanks for letting everyone know that only people who attack people on the basis of being American, are the real retards.
Jayden Russell
If he can't fight, he can't fight. Doesn't matter how big he is.
Chase Butler
a pro bodybuilder with 6 months mma training will destroy any mma under 160lbs no matter how good you are
William Jenkins
Neck yourself
Zachary Bailey
Justin Clark
All successful fighters do strength training, you fucking retard. They don't do SS or bodybuilding routines, but specially tailored training, designed to complement their training. But I guess you dimwitted faggot are neither lifting or fighting and just running your cocksucker's mouth.
Jordan Price
DAMN, Scarlett Johansson looks like THAT?
Logan Evans
Are you from Eastern Europe by any chance? Because they like to have contrarian opinions and getting butthurt like hell when someone disagrees with their delusions.
Austin Morales
Lifting helps prevent injury. Good luck training with a torn ACL or labrum because you neglected lifting. >source: my labrum
Ian Cook
I don't fight
James Foster
What a terrible example. Nate Diaz has a 19-11 record. He's mediocre at best.
Levi Moore
lifting improves rate of force generation which is the main ingredient for striking as well as sprinting, vertical leap and most other movements associated with sports. this loaded vs unloaded movements shit youre talking about is pure nonsense and is not supported by sports science at all. Please name me a sport where the elite dont do some resistance training, at least in the off season. Spoiler, you cant.
Levi Robinson
Are you fucking retarded? He was stronger than most people his whole career he always lifted. Watch his early fights.