What will give me the most confidence: lifting or boxing?
What will give me the most confidence: lifting or boxing?
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lifting because it will change your appearance. Nobody will know that you are a boxer so it wont do much. People also rarely get into street fights so it will likely not help you much.
shhh. do both ;-)
In boxing you can get beat up by niggers
In lifting, you get stronger so you CAN beat up niggers
Your choice
Boxing gives you standup skill so you can beat someone at standup. Lifting gives you strength to put people through walls and the ability to kill people with a brick to the head. Both are good.
boxing because even sparring can get you retarded and retards are always confident
It's a community sport. You're not just on your own. Going mano a mano with another person will do wonders for confidence
I think you're on to something. This could also be used for strength gains as well since retards are always strong. Although I don't know about physique. Potato mode probably wouldn't catch on.
Lifting, because you're not competing with anyone
Getting your ass beat in a boxing ring humbles you like nothing else
Boxers are almost always confident
Lifters are people that browse Veeky Forums and make feels threads
Do the math
Speaks a man that's never stepped into the ring.
If you enter the ring you're stepping up to be judged. You're willing to put it all out there. Willing to take a beating if that's what's coming.
How many boxers give grief to an opponent after a match? How many hug and congratulate each other? Once you've been in the ring you'll be respected by everyone in the business because you stood up to be counted.
Lmfao you stupid fucks do realize that boxing isn't the best fighting style? You could only box for a couple years, and if you got in a street fight with a guy the same size as you who wrestled in high school, he would fucking murder you. You would have no fucking idea how to react after he goes for an immediate takedown (that you don't know how to counter) and your head and back smack the pavement while he goes to ground and pound. It's not even a debate, wrestling is the best foundation for MMA. BJJ, Judo help you after the take down. Boxing helps you before it goes to a grapple (it will). But any person who only knows wrestle will know how to take you down and stay on top of you, from that point he won't need much practice to fuck you up with his elbows. Like I said, 99% of the population who thinks they could just box to win a fight would have NO idea how to respond when a wrestler gets a low grip around their waste and and throws them to the ground. inb4 I would just knock them out with muh boxing skills before they take me down hurr durrr No, you fucking wouldnt
>mma autism
for defense you either use a gun or Krav maga or some shit, mma is retarded.
I skipped over the part where he mentioned he wants to beat people up.
He just wants confidence. Boxing will give him that
Or maybe he doesn't live in some third world hell hole or ghetto where that shit matters.
Boxing objectively makes you dumber, and dumb people tend to be pretty confident. I guess go with that.
This is what the best defensive boxer of all time looks like against a decent MMA fighter boxing for the very first time.
How do I find a good boxing gym?
if you lift you WIIL become a insecure little bitch and get body dysmorphia
but if you try boxing you will think that you can beat anyone and probably die by doing it, just start jogging!
The internet
>just start jogging
I found a "boxing club" that's a half hour away, and a bunch of MMA places nearby.
No amount of boxing skills or muscle will truly make you confident. Just look at Jon Bones Jones, in good shape and a great fighter, but in reality he is more insecure than the average Veeky Forumsizen. And then look at Jack Black. An ugly fatass, but he radiates confidence. Why is that? Because TRUE confidence comes from within, not from external factors like looks or appearances.
I've been doing MMA and bjj training for a while. And most wrestlers come in fresh from highschool or college and they were champs or somewhere close. They all had no hands. Boxing does not emphasize just throwing your hands. It's the science of hitting and not getting hit. A guy that has some experience with footwork and pivoting and throwing fist and elbows in a clench with have a easier time in a fight then a guy that just constantly goes for a takedown.
>not remembering the poerlifter who got beat to death by an mma fighter
How about both op
Shouldve also posted the part where he got his braincells knocked around so bad the ref had to step in
Do those helmet head cushion things actually help or doesn't other person just punch you even harder
>>not remembering the poerlifter who got beat to death by an mma fighter
No, that faggot had help from a dozen other little faggots.
What actually did him in was the giant rock some twink slammed onto his head.
Or am I confusing him with the catch wrestler...
Either way it was just a gang of faggots beating up one huge retard who thought their heavy gear abuse powerlifting or wrestling would help them in a fight against gangs of limp dicks.
If he wasn't a pampered fat ass who could only survive in the safe confines of a stable society and did fucking boxing and carried a piece he'd be alive today.
Yeah but the knowledge that you know how to fight is massively helpful for confidence. Even if you only think you know how to fight.
"Karate confidence" is a phrase for a reason.
>Boxing for the first time
Wew lad, nice meme.
You also forgot the part where Mayweather laid that mick the fuck out
I've boxed and done MMA.
Also lifted for years.
Still an introvert.
If you seriously think Conor's boxing or MMA boxing or whatever sort of boxing that isn't boxing even comes close to real boxing in any sort of fisticuffs, you know nothing about boxing, fighting or anything in general and should get the fuck out of my board.
OP, I started boxing some seven years ago, and has my first MMA fight four years ago. Frankly, boxing is a more humbling experience than anything else -- you get your ass kicked and try to learn what you did wrong. It's more about getting rid of your shitty habits, whereas lifting you're just getting bigger and stronger continuously. I find lifting helps my confidence a lot more, whereas fighting just makes me fight better and notice my own weakness more.
Top kek non boxer faggot
Go for your little gay take down homie, it's called fucking foot work and I side step your dumbass as you lower your guard and open that chin of yours up for a delicious uppercut that will, 99% of the time, land you a bed at the hospital.
sucking cock gives you confidence
you will never make it bro
This one dumbass
Didn't him and some other guys actually kick the dudes ass the entire day till they finally got him to fight and this dude drop kicks him and they stand around watching him beat him to death.
Oh I know. In any other fighting spinning your back around any time you're hurt gets you laid out.
Nobody seems to know. Every article is a literal copy and paste of some shitty blurb. But I think it was a dick measuring contest between lifting and mma and the mma fighter won this one.
>How many hug and congratulate each other
because this is what society expects of them and all competitive sports.
you think 100% of them believe and respect the other one?
then you truly are cucked