how does Veeky Forums warm up before doing deadlifts?
How does Veeky Forums warm up before doing deadlifts?
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Do 30 with the bar only
Banging your mother
60x3, 80x3, 100x3 120x3, 140x3, 160x3,180x3, 200x3, 220x3, 240x1, 260x1 (kg)
>Set with bar
>Set 1pl8
>Set 2pl8
>Set 3pl8
>Set 4pl8
>Then a set with 200 kg, maybe another with 210 kg
>Working sets
that's a nice hips,glutes and core warmup actually
>good mornings with the bar
>x5 1pl8
>x4 2pl8
>x3 3pl8
>x2 4pl8
>x1 475
>working sets
i do back extentions with 10lbs
what would your warm up be if you were doing 2x5 ?
The same.
and what's the average rest time in between sets?
I deadlift 4 plates for 3x5-7
My warmup is literally lazy as fuck
1 rep at 2 plate
1 rep at 3 plate
then just do my 3x5-7 at 4 plate
My warm up is always based on my work set weight.
2x5 at 40% work set weight
1x3 at 60% work set weight
1x2 at 80% work set weight
1x5 at work set weight
I don't which is why I threw my back out
I do cat cows and some bodyweight glute bridges
Helps get rid of stiffness in my hips/lower back that i might have from earlier in the day
495x3 for sets
then working set of 5 reps for 3 sets usually 3pl8 + 20-30kgs as i progress
start at 3pl8 then work up to working sets
Up until I get above 405, just as long as it takes to load the bar.
Why would you do 3x5 for deadlifts?
Because I'm not an SS faggot?
It's just a worse way of doing them.
What stretches do i do for bench?
Why are you stretching for bench?
3x5x120kg squat
this. I just do lighter weight deadlifts. My max is 3pl8 tho
By doing lighter sets of deadlifts.
>2x5 40% of working weight
>1x3 60%
>1x2 80%
>working sets
You want to do some dynamic stretching, followed by light weight.
Dynamic stretching-
>alan thrall
yes shut up, anyone can show stretches just watch it
Then whatever im doing that day
How do put or take plates off the bar in an easy way?
I guess you use the sort of levar to put the bar on the ground? I train at home desu, don't have the space for this shiet
It's a jack, you stick it under the bar and it lifts it off the ground for you.
Basically there's no other easy way besides just sucking it up and jamming the plates on.
step 1: put a small plate under the plate you put on first, that way the other plates can slide off easily.
Step 2: tilt the bar so the plates on the other side conveniently stack, then pull the bar out (it's now vertical.
I have one of those, except it only lifts on side at a time. It's small enough to just lean against a wall. you can make one yourself if you handy
By curling the weights prior
great idea lad, thanks, I will try tomorrow
10 @ 1pl8
7 @ 2pl8
5 @ 3pl8
working sets
All warmups are with no belt & double overhand. I add chalk for 3pl8 depending how sweaty I am.
>3 plate double overhand
the most I can do i 2x275 before I need a mixed grip. What do you do to work on your grip strength? Just more deadlifting?