Do any of you seriously lift?
The more threads I read in this shit hole the more I realize this place is fucking infested with dyel manlets.
Do any of you seriously lift?
The more threads I read in this shit hole the more I realize this place is fucking infested with dyel manlets.
Hey fuck you, I'm not a dyel manlet! I'm just a manlet.
I lift I'm just really really bad at it
Everyone just write how long they been lifting in this thread
4 month
This board is full of dyel's who have been lifting for 4 years.
3 month
5 year dyel reporting in
3 years.
ive lifted for a year
with a pump im just barely out of DYEL mode
2.5 years
Veeky Forums is literally /r9k/ that lifts...and by lifts I would say probably 40% of the people actually lift and have gotten proper results. The rest, as you have suggested are DYEL manlets who have nothing better to do than whinge about their perceived genetic shortcomings. That and fat fucks like boogie.
I have been coming to Veeky Forums for 3 years and lifting for 5 years. Never got swole tho, I work a lot and have a wife and kids and shit. I still find time for the gym when I can, and as long as work doesn't slow down I will be buying a house next year and turning the garage into a weight room.
Dude from my state said he worked at chipotle, offered a free meal to any Veeky Forumsizen that drove to his job.
Went there expecting the dude to be yuge but he was dyel. Food was good though.
3 weeks...
I've lifted for more than 10 years, natty
Post body. No hate, genuinely curious
I lift but not to a level /fit would call serious due to my sports requirements
8 mo
Post body. No hate, wanna fap.
12 months in 2012. On and off until now where I'm on week 2
1.5 years
i have never shat on anyone though
5months seriously
on and off since 2013
Sure you do Socko.
This place should be balled Veeky Forums - Manlets and Baldlets
7 years
Those aren't the same trip codes
Fugggg I saw this kid in the deepwebz. He is fucked. If this is really you, move out now and hide somewhere. You're fucking dead, kiddo. Think next time before you post too much info on a user Russian hacker board
i spend a lot of time thinking about lifting