Underactive thyroid lady here

Im average hight and just walk an hour every other day.

If i ate whatever but it was around 1700 calories a day, i can just be an average weight right?

Ive done fasting for ages to control my eating habits so i dont have seconds or thirds or big giant lunches anymore.

Whatever i want, not was


I've had hypothyroidism since I was 11, just make sure you're eating at a deficit your thyroid shouldn't be a factor if you're properly medicated for it.

Who knows

1700 can be a lot if you're a midget and too little if you're an amazon.

I'm guessing you're just a fat sedentary woman, though, so I imagine 1700 is just a little too much for you.

Either way, weight yourself everyday and adapt your intake until you reach the weight you want.

Well ill try to go to 1600 then

Walking does shit all, there are probably more calories in your the "snack" you "treat" yourself with after your walk than the calories you actually burn in your walk. Go jogging/running, or swimming if you're too fat to jog.

Find out how many calories it takes to maintain your weight now. Deficit the number. So if it's 1700 to maintain cut it to 1500. Walk daily. Drink water.

You can eat what you want, but I assure you, better foods will leave you feeling more full. But eat like shit and feel like shit. I would know. Am fatty currently lost 50 lbs because I started giving 1 fuck.

I dont do that treating shit cunt go die

Thyroid problems have been solved over the past forty years. If you don't want to be on maintenance medication for your entirelife, instead of your average daily cal intake of 2200 you should take what your body actually burns.

Speak to your doctor and don't blame your body for any stupid decisions you make in life.

But if im taking the medicine i can just eat around 2700 calories right?

Speak to your doctor.

obviously not you fat retard

Honestly, I don't have a interactive thyroid, I'm just an obese faggot that lacks will power.


Fuck u faker

>faker calling out the real me for faking
Shut up you pathetic faker

Btw thats only half true i ate too much in the past and now have a thyroid dosorder and trying to be normal but when i get psychosis stress my earing gets out of control

Anyway i meant 1700 before... Not 2700...

I've heard anywhere from 1200-1700 for thyroid issues. Just try cutting down 100 at a time for a week or two each and see how it affects your weight/mood.

If you are hypothyroid take your fucking synthroid and move on

Eat less and move more

Holy shit OP, you sound like your trying waaaaayyyyyyy too hard to fit in here. All of your swearing and insults sound unnatural, like you've just discovered this place