Fat girl I matched with on tinder (flattering pics) got mad when I told her why I seemed uncomfortable when we met irl. Have a laugh fellas
Fat chicks
>Be fat
>Take pictures of yourself at meme angles to hide how fat you are because you know being fat is unattractive
>Don't change your diet or do anything to stop being fat even though you know being fat is unattractive
>Go on a date with some guy that you tricked into thinking you aren't fat
>Get upset when he doesn't like the real you
Just be honest and this wouldn't happen. Or stop being fat in the first place. FFS what is wrong with these women?
When will they learn man
when they can no longer get 99% of guys to fuck them anyway
what if he is well aware you're fat but takes you out anyway just to get to say mean things to you for pleasure?
She has a point, beggars can't be choosers.
Also you have to be an idiot not to be able to tell if a girl is fat or not from a selfie. There's plenty of subtle signs that will give it away. You just need to look for them
This, I know that's against our biology but we must get some real standard
>falling for angles on tinder
Get fucked. Or in this case not fucked.
Yeah I will admit that I fucked up. Will look out for signs next time
Guilty as charged here. I mean I have standards when it comes to relationships, but if I'm just looking to get laid, I'll pretty much fuck anything that moves. Is that biology or laziness?
OP here, didn't get baited so hard because there was a body pic and she didn't look fat. Maybe old pic
best rule to follow is to swipe left if there's no body shot of her. Stop getting hung up on a cute face. Butterface's are preferable to a landwhale with a nice face
What I don't understand is I try to put candid photos on a dating site so people DO know how fat I am upfront. And I put in my profile my focus on health and fitness. I've dropped 45lbs since my photos and guys are still surprised by my size when they meet me. It's always the fat nerds, too, they honestly have the highest standards. Chads just want to fuck, which I'm not looking for. I just want a chubby nerd to go to the gym and make healthy meals with, the fuck
I dont understand, why call him an asshole?
Why cant people apologise
Neither. It's undervaluing yourself, user. What's better; quality or quantity? Play the game with legitimatly attractive women and bed the challenge
Also check the fingers as well as around eyes, cheeks and chin, and compare it to a photo of a skinny girl.
Personally I find that if I'm in a situation where there is a perceived scarcity of women (I'm in CS in uni so there are zero females) my body will eventually trick me into women I otherwise would never actively pursue. Ended up with two girls at my workplace that I can look back at afterwards and only hang my head at. They weren't fatties though, so maybe you should start just setting no-go standards for yourself or else you will be drowning in fat puss.
>admitting that they were the one at wrong
Women will always blame somebody else no matter what. It is incredibly rare to ever find one who owns up to mistakes.
>expecting people that aren't superficial
lmao at this woman
Tinder is fucking hilarious. With some girls its like having a window into a train wreck.
>people still use Tinder
2011 was fun lol
>tfw literally fuck anything that comes my way on tinder- good and bad
I just try it with every girl, doesnt matter what they look like... think Im sexually broken
>be fatty boombaletty
>gets booty-called in the middle of the night
>fat, so really desperate
>vag is oozing
>doesn't get user's D because
>calls user superficial
keksus maximus
Tinder is not the place for that; tinder is for whores. You'd have better luck finding someone like that just playing video game
This is exactly what I've been wanting, where are you from?
I'm using okcupid not tinder. And I have found plenty of guys online through games and shit, but I'm obviously looking to meet someone local.
Pls be in London
You guys in reality are the same level of aesthetic as the "uglies and fatties" you're so lovingly describing. Guys , especially here in fit, greatly over estimate their level of aesthetics and end up shooting themselves in the foot as they're trying to hit out of their league. I've seen face threads here, you guys in general are pretty damn ugly. Maybe you guys should take a better look in the mirror and accept that you're just not attractive, inside or out
your vag is oozing
I'm not fat though
Regardless, a bad face isn't on the same level as being fat. If go for a fit girl with an ugly face over a fat chick, and fat girls choose to be fat. If women care that much about the face that's just more proof that women are a lot more shallow than men
> wanted to meeting in the middle of the night
> didn't know it was superficial
Seems like her brain is all fat too.
>Women will always blame somebody else no matter what.
Feminism in a nutshell.
>I majored in Women's Studies and I make less than a male engineer. It most be the patriarchy's fault!!!
The VERY FIRST LINE is her apologizing, are you fucking blind or lack simple reading comprehension? The only reason she said anything after is because he made a passive aggressive bitch remark about it being "inaccurate " (which would only be true if she actually photoshopped herself to look skinny or something similar to changing the actual photo). A pic is still accurate, even if it only shows one angle. OP even already admitted he should've judged the pics better and was in a rush to get laid
What's that? You're going to post a pic to prove me wrong? Oh no, heaven forbid you reveal you're just another bitter ugly guy bitching about not getting laid by models. Do try to be more creative, that trope is so played out here
An ugly face is worse than being fat. You can fix fat, ugly not so much (still in genetics even if surgery). If you think not being fat qualifies as attractive, you're probably not attractive
I banged a hambeast last night fellas (though by tumblr standards she was probably a "smallfat," only 40-50lbs overweight) and I currently hate myself more than when I let another dude jerk me off in the club.
To be fair, I told her upfront that this was a fuck and chuck situation, a one-off smash and dash if you will, and she was fine with it. But my god, in that post-ejaculatory moment of clarity I felt pure, enveloping shame. Then she wanted me to stay until her roommates came home so she could, and I am quoting as best I can, "show me off" to them.
Jesus. Don't do tren, guys.
lol we got a live hangry fatty, anons.
Oh I know.
try bumble its so much better good luck to you
Did the dude jerking you off make you finish?
No, probably why the shame of that night is softened.
This goes directly against
>Go on a date with some guy that you tricked into thinking you aren't fat
Because the point is they hide it and get mad at the poor dudes
Did you leave before they got there to hide your shame?
>Having subpar genetics is worse than making terrible choices
Found the fatty. Judging somebody for being fat is not at all equal to judging somebody for having an "ugly" face, and most men aren't as shallow as women. Even fat women like you are more shallow than most men. The hypocrisy is on your end fatty not ours
> Meetup with girl who was a lot bigger than what her old photos showed
> Still liked her and try and meet up again
> Fucking ghosts me
It's been a month and it still affects me she's not even in my league what the fuck
just let it go. not everyone is going to like you.
>Let's meet and fuck
>You're superficial
God damn you kiddos do silly mental gymnastics trying to make your urges socially valid.
I'm in CS too, there's this one autismo 6,5-7/10 girl with a solid 8/10 body who keeps forgetting her phone and I always end up being the only one to notice. We awkwardly had lunch together a few times thanks to me spontaneously asking where she's going to get lunch and that I was thinking the same, so we're like friends I guess. I'm still spending a lot of time with my high school love though so I don't know if it'd be like betraying her, but she's a lot more outgoing than me. The autismo girl on the other hand has a special cuteness in my eyes as she's just like me.
I can't choose between
>Trying to get it on with this girl in my class who's basically a female version of me
>Staying loyal to my high school love who's physically tiring me every other day
Come on now, use your brain.
I made an account on pof the other day and I was literally flooded with requests from fat girls lol. Literally got 20 overnight. I'm not even a closed minded dude but none of them had anything going on in terms of careers. This is what it must feel like to be an attractive girl on dating sites...just flooded with shit
not always true. sometimes they are pics that look good but are actually like 2-3 years old. they can gain a lot in 2-3 years and youd have no idea going into it.
p-post pics?
>20 overnight
First online dating experience was in like 2003, hambeasted tattooed catfish... who brought her brother or someone along for the date. Things have not improved since then.
can we talk about how women have taken over tinder to the point where 95/100 profiles say "not looking for hookups"
it's a fucking hook-up app goddammit. if you want to be romanced get an okcupid profile
Not the fat girl but how come Bumble is better? Haven't tried Tinder nor Bumble and I'm curious
women are liars
when i was young i dated a single mother i met via work. she was pretty and seemed cool and collected. she said she was engaged when the baby's father cheated on her. i wasn't planning on marrying her or taking care of the kid, so whatever.
anyway long story short, she had ANOTHER KID that she lost custody of. at that point i noped out. you have to be pretty fucked as a mom to lose custody of your kid
never again
Well you better off hooking up with him in my opinion, in the ways of society is working these days no one would even care... better yet, you're a grown adult. you make your own decisions.
No, I not at the same "aesthetics level" as a fatty because first of all as I said neither of the women I was talking about at my workplace were fat. I can tell by the way you write that you are either a whale or a guy who's at about the same T level.
It's so fucking annoying, I match with a super hot girl, look at her profile "if you're looking for a hookup then fuck off, only here for friends"
Every time
you think
>Well im sorry im not the ideal type but i guess it is what it is
is a real apology? shes being a sarcastic bitch because she got called fat.
>calling you a superficial as whole
I'd just remind her that she wasn't exactly hooking up with overweight dudes and call her superficial and a hypocrite
I got about 8 months of wiping my ass back to college football weight, about 150lbs over, should I post my college photo to catfish some chick to let them know how it feels? I was quiet the stud back in the day
>Match with qt sometime in 2012
>Pictures show she's short, but what I would consider Curvy and not unhealthy
>Apparently she's gained a lot of weight in the last couple months and is way fatter than I could have imagined
>She rolls up like a hungry hungry hippo
>I pretend she must have me mistaken for someone else
>Briskly leave the cafe, uninstall tinder and become gay
Worked like a charm
They're just saying that cos they don't want it to be awkward if someone they know sees their profile
No, everyone knows why people use tinder. It's because they're hypocrites
>sarcastic I'm sorry
Lol... Not to mention how delusional you are.
>take picture of car you crashed you no longer want so you can sell it
>take it from an angle avoiding the damage
>what do you mean you dont want it? I never lied about its condition!!!
stupid and fat. Go kill yourself
These kinds of threads make me feel pretty bad cause I was just recently diagnosed with Hashimotos, which is basically a auto-immune disease that lowers your metabolism (I'm serious, google it). For steady like 5 years, I gained 10lbs a year without negatively changing my workout/eating habits. I actually worked out more and ate less/healthier.
I have a personal trainer, I lift weights, I eat a high protein low carb diet and I count calories (No way to overestimate since I actually have a meal plan delivered everyday that has premade meals) and I've only continued to grow weight. I went to the doctors recently only because my roommate noticed that something was off (I'm 5'2 and 160lbs) and she suggested I get checked for hashimotos. Went to the doctor and I guess thats what I've had for the past couple of years and I just never realized. Starting medicine now, but it takes it for awhile to kick in.
I guess it just feels bad cause everyone kind of lumps me into the category of people who are either lazy or don't try hard. No one really treats me with respect, and it's hard for me to not get jealous of other girls who I see eating a bunch of unhealthy foods and never working out and still staying slim. Guys assume I'm lazy or a pig, my last boyfriend cheated on me with multiple skinny girls, blaming my weight gain, and even though these girls knew he had a girlfriend and actively cheated, his friends still all said shit like that he upgraded cause he wasn't fucking a fat chick anymore.
Didn't get promotions at work even though I was trying as hard as my other female coworkers. People didn't want to take photos with me. For the people who aren't mean to me to my face they try too hard to censor themselves. Sometimes I wonder if behind my back, everyone just talks shit about fat people.
Feels bad man.
I remember when it was colloquially the "myspace angle" (high downward angle, possibly puckered lips)
Most girls with two brain cells have moved on to filters, like the infamous Snapchat filter that adds blush, thins the jaw and enlarges the eyes. Also look out for the dog face. The reason it's so popular is because it distorts the centerline of the face in photos resulting in your brain assuming symmetry where it otherwise didn't exist; this being due to the even distance between the center of the dog nose and ears, your vision just fills in the blanks. (The latter is for ugly skinnier girls). I'm willing for anyone to prove me wrong so I can improve my theory.
Same end strategy, different techniques. Never trust anyone who doesn't have a high definition, at minimum torso and above, picture. This excludes the "sororistitute pose" with the twisted waist and and elbow pointed towards the camera with that accompanying hand on the hip. Minimizes gut and excentuates tits.
what's wrong with them you ask? well, they're fucking fat. it's a mental illness. nobody in their right mind would allow themselves to balloon to whale proportions
Feel bad for ya user. Just keep on doing what you're doing and hang with ya good friends
No you're right Snapchat filters do hide ugliness.
this is a legit difficult balance for me on dating apps
Do i hide all my flaws and accentuate my features?
but if i show my true self then i know the girl is cool with it.
(i think i look better IRL than what i look like in most photos, based on responses)
okcupid is also mostly just for hookups, sorry to say
it was tinder before tinder was a thing
I have Hashimoto's and it has been in my mother's side of the family for generations; I'm 5'4" and 100 lbs. You might have some other health problems user; good luck to you.
>I take dishonest pictures of myself from the most flattering angles, lighting and make-up possible to sucker in people that otherwise would not find me attractive.
>You're the superficial one.
women belong in the manlet pit
Are you the female version of me? I have 10/10 face but am fat. I put in my profile I am fat and trying to lose weight went from 345 down to 282 last 4 months. Put up candid photos really looking for a nice gym partner that will motivate me and where we can always workout together. You know go on walks together, hikes etc etc.
Because of nice face get a few dates they always comment surprised how big I am even had one girl say your face looks like you weigh only 180 pounds. Like wtf.
>10/10 face
Pick one.
Just the way my body is bro, I literally have split muscles on biceps and my calfs. Very little fat on face and arms and legs. Yet have a huge gut and upper chest.
Body is weird.
Further more when I was in the doctors off at 342lbs. My blood pressure was 120 over 80 and my cholesterol levels were damn near non existant after my blood test and everything is damn near prefect with my blood test. I never really ate fast food so IDK.
Doctor couldn't even believe it. The nurse takes my blood pressure he looks at the chart when he gets in and says well were going to redo your blood pressure because maybe she screwed up. Still 120 over 80, that fucking guy.
>beggars can't be choosers
I have never heard this stupid idiom used correctly. OP is not a beggar. Both people on tinder offer the exact same thing. Nobody is begging. And even if OP was begging, he can still choose. There are plenty of women on the app and there's no rush to find one.
Do even understand what 10/10 means?
Yeah that phrase doesn't apply to the situation at all. Not even close actually.
>I have 10/10 face
Go on then, indulge us.
Yes, I do I've been offered face modeling jobs for magazines..
Oh christ
>she made a conscious decision to take that photo and put it as her display picture
dude same thing happened to me. I ditched her pretty soon after we met up. fuck fatties and their FGAS bullshit
>2000+ likes
Jesus Christ, why people are feeding this orca's ego?
They know what many men are so pathetic that they will just fuck the fattie anyway after already going out for a date.
The dog filter thingy:
a) hides ugly noses
b) does everything the beauty filters do but it's quirky to use a dog filter and pathetic to use a beauty filter
you're on Veeky Forums, why do you feel the need to lie to strangers you will never meet? fucking kek
It's an amphibious vehicle
Are you able to offer a swift rundown?
>what is wrong with these women
>with these women
Phat bitches meet me in LONDON.