>tfw no qt3.14 gearwhore gf
Tfw no qt3.14 gearwhore gf
>tfw no gf
>tfw no gear
Thats easier fixed than Only takes about 10min to order and 2-4days till delivered
Where can you order it?
I feel you, I feel you deeply.
>tfw born in a world where it's basically impossible for women to become muscular unless they roid.
I just want rpg stat growth to apply to real life
shes a qt til you see her clit
>implying I don't want to suck her huge femdick
a couple vendors sell on amazon pretending to sell used pokemon games.
My nigga.
We're all gonna make it brahs
i want to force feed my gf with anavar
Why does their face always look so manly? It really kills the appeal, tbqh.
Do they also sell mail order brides? Seems like a frugal way to get both, and combine shipping.
This chick's pussy smells like axe body spray
Testosterone is what makes a man's face acquire manly features. Low test is the reason why it's harder to tell the gender of children, and why women retain childish features throughout their lives. Roids are just different forms of test.
I tried ordering a bride from China but when it arrived, I opened the trashbag to find she wasn't alive. The Chinese will send dead women to your doorstep. Do not buy their brides imo
One OP I heard on this board before was mixing 10 mg anavar with her food without her knowing and he said it worked well was getting decent gainz for his gf according to him. You just got to make sure you cycle it out right or her liver might go bad
>tfw I would also do this If I had a gf
same tbqhwyf
Mmm which flavour though
Ahh, thank you.
I can imagine a bunch of jacked little kids playing Pokemon on the playground
>tfw no final boss gf
That's so fucked up though
sauce? whos that semen demon
dani reardon the future ms olympia
Fuck me i think i remember that . i remember the one where user was putting weight gain in her shakes when she went to the gym and she got massive
>ywn secretly put var in your dyel gf's proton shakes and watch her get swole
U got pics brah or did he never post pics I remember him just talking about it
Muscle girl game thread on /b/ for anyone interested.
juliana is still there though
not for long
The weight gain guy did show pics but i haven't got that sad to say , i remember it was because she cheated on him i think so he gave her the weight gain sup lmao
>female bodybuilding fans exist
How gay are you?
>muscle girl game
wtf is that?
Ffuukk the pics someone post if they have it
On a side note how is that a punishment If I had a gf id put he gear on even though I don't, unless he was fulfilling his fetish
>spoonfeed me pls
Go see for yourself faggot.
It was more that she was trying to get in shape like a good Thot , and he just found it funny to fuck with her progress before he fucked off and left her , don't think it was a fetish
Damn I don't mind sloppy seconds if he turned to a muscle girl but thots gonna thot
Literally perfect.
Ah yes the good old "I'll pretend I don't know what the word gay means then use it against these anons to get easy replies" bait. Never fails that one
You know how dudes can get gyno when they stop? Do women get like a masssive surge of estrogen?
We need this answer bump
absolutely no tits. No chance "she" wins
you mad bro?
>Shannon had a child at peak roiding
will wonders never cease
cringy shit virgins do