Are vegans morally correct?

I can't think of any ethical reasons why it's okay to eat animal products.

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no, they arent, fuck off with your bait thread

Clarence's smile is the cure for cancer.

yes, we are.

Because prey animals are inferior and can only serve their purpose in nature by being killed and exploited by genetically superior predator animals.

If you don't eat animal products, you are denying an animal its purpose. Animals exist to be killed and eaten, or to have some material their body produces harnessed and used for an important purpose. Sometimes we leave animals alive because their purpose is to sustain an ecosystem we find aesthetically beautiful, like dolphins or songbirds, or to produce a material we find to be industrially beneficial, like sheep or milk cows.

Meat-animals should be killed and consumed efficiently and thoroughly so that their purpose is respected by allowing them to fulfill it as thoroughly as possible. Refusing to kill an animal, or letting its parts go to waste, is the same as intentionally sabotaging your coworker so they don't get a promotion or get fired. You are intentionally stopping them from achieving their purpose.

ethical =/= moral

also, it's probably immoral but i really just don't give a fuck

You're literally the worst namefag in the history of this board. Fuck off shit skin

you must spend most of your day here m8 you and that frog looking faggot manlet need to get off this board

But why are prey animals only here to be factory farmed and slaughtered when the vast majority of the population could be fed just as efficiently with plant based diets?

We're the dominant life forms on this planet. We have the right to eat whatever the fuck we want.

because they taste good faggot

Because they taste nice.

would you accept that argument if a more dominant life form appeared?

No, I'd fight it the same way animals fight us when we hunt and slaughter them. Might makes right in nature.

yes vegans are morally superior. if you disagree with this you are retarded.

they want to reduce suffering and death of animals, the massive environmental impact of animal agriculture and the burden obesity and various cardiovascular diseases place on our healthcare system/society.

you can argue taste, social pressure, practicality, cost, whether or not we have the right to breed and slaughter millions of animals to satisfy our taste buds etc but not morality.

i'm not a vegan because right now it seems too impractical, socially difficult and i'm frankly too lazy to to follow a vegan diet . that doesn't mean that i can't acknowledge the fact that they win the moral argument.

>correct about literally anything
This board is about self improvement. Not self destruction


It's the way it's supposed to be. You could argue moral superiority should stop us, but imo that's a gigantic load of bollocks on similar criteria that brought down the greatest powers the world has ever known. The willingness, speed and completeness with which Britain conceded it's empire is the mark of a weak and delusional people. Giving even animals rights is a delusional extension of this


this is honestly the first good post i see you make

>meat causes obesity, not sugar

If you really wanna do something good for the world you need to start consuming just local products.

As much as Varg's a meme, watch this video on the topic:

They are. But I'm not going to stop using animal products.


No. Humans evolved to be omnivorous. We are a predator species.
It's immoral to grow animals in confined spaces, their lives only purpose being to become food.
But it's moral to hunt wild animals for food or for selling them as food to others. Unfortunately we need to get rid of a huge population of undesirable humans in order to go back to hunting.

>Are vegans morally correct?
They arent

If you truely cared about the animals you would commit suicide, your existance is already crippling theirs. Since vegans still exist you can conclude that they do care more about theirselves than the animals and thus there is no difference morally between a vegan and a meateater

why does clarance look chinese?

Hierarchy of species. Biomass must move through a system, it cannot exist in stasis or natural selection ceases to function. Plants convert sunlight to biomass, prey animals eat plants and process that biomass, and then predator animals eat prey animals and store the biomass.

Prey animals exist to be killed and eaten. If they did not, why would they exist? To wander around eating grass? That's not a purpose. God or Allah or The Universal Spirit did not place down cows and say unto them "Eat grass and fuck and have babies and then die having never contributed to anything of significance". They were created to be eaten by a superior species that can create rockets, write scripture, draft paintings, and build skyscrapers.

Morality is subjective

hes half chink

Exactly. Today's civilisation is immoral.

What exactly caused this vegan trend on Veeky Forums?

A few people are being paid to shill veganism here. It happens, paid internet marketing on various forums, disguised as genuine interest.

Fair enough, but that argument still doesn't seem to be sound enough to make factory farming ethical. I agree that prey animals exist to be eaten and killed but is it still ethical to purposely farm them to be eaten?

ideally no red meat and minimal sugars

>Are vegans morally correct?
yes, no being has any inherent right to the life of any other being, at all. power lets us do things, rather, its more like permission. it comes down to choice, nothing more.

energy cannot be created or destroyed, and we all return to dust, so don't sweat it

>they were created

Veeky Forums is populated by betas who are on the path of developing self-confidence and egocentrism (which is healthy and right, believe it or not). On this path, there are many temptations and most will feel the allure of one path or the other that leads back to beta-dom. Veganism teaches that humanity is not the central species. That there are animals that exist to do things that do not benefit humanity. This is an incorrect belief. The advancement of the human race, and of the condition of its individuals, is the highest purpose. Avoiding "Species-centrism" not only cripples the pursuit of this, but denies other species on this planet the opportunity to achieve their own salvation by helping to advance us as a whole.

Vegans are betas who formalize their beta-hood into the belief that a cow deserves the same rights humans do.

I do not give a fuck what vegans think is moral.

OP here, I am not a vegan, actually admittedly the polar opposite. I recently found Clarence's channel hence why OP picture is him, and he breaks down a vegan diet quite simply and explains how to get all of your macros and micros from a vegan diet without shilling veganism like other vegans. He said he switched because he couldn't find an ethical reason to be an animal consumer and it got me wondering why so many people make fun of vegans yet no body really has an argument for why veganism is wrong/shouldn't be accepted. People eat animal products "just because" and I find it interesting people vilify those who refuse to on the basis of it not being morally right

Any form of farming that does not support the welfare of the animal while it is being grown is wholly immoral, because it disrespects an animal that is on the path to benefiting humanity. It also produces sub-optimal meat. To factory farm is to choose profit over producing a quality good and proper respect for a prey species.

Tastes good

kek will awsner

>We have the right

>I'd fight it

There's nothing ethical about nature or the food chain, or the evolution of your digestive system. Vegantards who think we are misfits in an otherwise "ethical" ecosystem are fucking sheltered pig ignorant emasculated self-hating losers. There's a reason so many vegans are SJWs and why vegans corrolates to low upper body strength (WITHOUT STEROIDS).

Created an mean a lot of things. Natural selection "creates" species by optimizing them to their own niche, which is what I believe. It doesn't just refer to creationism.

you think every single principle has to be be played out to this extreme? by your logic, if we don't like crime we should all commit suicide to avoid committing crimes or have them committed against us . your choice is to make it all legal because any effort to reduce crime would would make us moral hypocrites. silly.

>September, 2017:
>Still Vegan trolling
Vegantroll, don't you know that vegan trolling is even more stale and busted than shit from Last Thursday? Nobody buys into your shit anymore. Go back to and lurk moar until you can at least come up with some fresh trolling.
>and not a single fuck was given

Veganism is not about putting animals above yourself and/or your species.

definition of evangelism and egocentrism

they don't exist because they need to. biodiversity exists simply because it can. animals don't have to serve a purpose. we wouldn't be committing some terrible sin against the process of evolution if we, as relatively intelligent beings, decided to reduce the amount of unnecessary pain and death we cause at an industrial scale. in fact the energy flow from sun to plants to humans would be more direct and be less environmentally costly.

>y your logic, if we don't like crime we should all commit suicide to avoid committing crimes or have them committed against us . your choice is to make it all legal because any effort to reduce crime would would make us moral hypocrites. silly.
terrible, terrible analogy

The inferior lives for the sake of the superior.
Unless the inferior is a rational being, then the inferior and superior lives for one another in a community.

Animals aren't rational.


it's not about eating or not eating meat

sometimes i wonder if all the chemicals in plastic and food is nature literally telling us that we can't do this shit, because we can't sustain such massive consumption without poisoning ourselves

i'm struggling to see how you can make the argument that there is no ethical difference between causing unnecessary death and suffering and not. it's that simple. i'm not a vegan because i'm too lazy but it so easy to acknowledge that someone who prefers not slaughtering animals on an industrial scale wins that particular argument.

I can't think of any ethical reason to eat animals.
I also can't think of any ethical reason to not eat animals.
this is because I don't agree with the vegan tendency to equate livestock farming with genocide, and lower the meaning of the word "rape" by using it to describe the dairy industry.
I suppose it all depends on your subjective moral viewpoint, and if you are a gigantic pussy, I can understand why something as unpleasant as killing another living creature for food would really bother you.

>Animals aren't rational.
Humans don't have wings.

Human self-awareness is a just an attribute, "special" as we may want it to seem to us. We are no more important than any tree, animal, mineral, atom etc, yet of course we are interested in self sustenance, it is natural after all. Aside from that, anything that puts humanity on a pedestal is completely self serving, which is fine but isn't the truth of the matter.

We are here, our bodies demand certain resources from the environment, we get after it. There is nothing more to it than that.

>if you are a gigantic pussy, I can understand why something as unpleasant as killing another living creature for food
so you wouldn't mind if someone saw you and couldn't resist the thought of having filet d'user for the rest of the week?

i don't disagree with you, but you can't play that game without admitting the above, "eat or be eaten" mentality includes one's self as well

I'll be sure to tell the police that I didn't rape you once I shove my hand up your butthole.
oh and if you're not a gigantic pussy, I'm sure you'll understand me taking your life, since I'm hungry too

>I also can't think of any ethical reason to not eat animals.
They don't want to die, they have a will and are sentient. Easy.
>this is because I don't agree with the vegan tendency to equate livestock farming with genocide
Analogy =/= equation. They have similarities in the sense that you are committing mass killings of innocent individuals who don't want to die.
>and lower the meaning of the word "rape" by using it to describe the dairy industry.
I'm with you on that one. Not saying that the dairy industry's practices are ethical, but that one particular word is poorly chosen.
>I suppose it all depends on your subjective moral viewpoint
Say one reason why cows deserve to die, in your subjective opinion
"They taste good!"
You taste good too
"They are stupid"
People in a coma are beyond stupid. Would you be ok with someone eating Rich Piana ribs?
"Who cares"
Not caring about something doesn't make it ethical, it only means you'd rather not think about it
>and if you are a gigantic pussy, I can understand why something as unpleasant as killing another living creature for food would really bother you.
Would you rather watch a video of a strawberry in a blender, or a golden retriever puppy in a blender?

I disagree but I see why some would think this way. In my opinion animals and humans are a part of nature and being a part of nature involves the risk of being eaten by someone superior to you. The way society treats cattle is a perversed and twisted version of the natural order of things. Vegans on the other hand try to create this utopia of equality between species, which is of course even more wrong because there's no such thing as equality in nature.

The POTUS hasn't killed you yet, does that mean you are equal?
>No, duh
Then you can see why saying that "vegans not wanting to kill animals means they think we are equal" is really fucking stupid, can't you?

the whole "superior" "equality" mentalities all seem like one big farce to me

its always either a justification for something people already want to do regardless of 'rationality' or as a means to ignore certain ideas because it would take a part a self serving worldview that puts oneself on a pedestal

all of which sounds homo sapien as fuck

The values of the modern western world embrace equality between all humans and that orange fart shares those values which is to his benefit. Human values wrong and an unnatural thing and for most of un-recorded and recorded history it has not been this way.

We don't have an universal government, every nation have to take care of their people.

I don't really care either way

Possibly, but I'm not here to be morally correct butthead

make a better one then

Oh and actually the POTUS or at least some more corrupt politician would have killed me if it was of any benefit to him btw.

>They don't want to die, they have a will and are sentient. Easy.
Sentient, yes, but not sapient. The dumber the animal, the more socially acceptable it is to eat it.
Other than pigs, those fuckers are smart. And tasty.
>Say one reason why cows deserve to die, in your subjective opinion
They are a prey animal, and that is the natural order of things. If we had not killed off most of the natural predators in Europe, then they would be wandering around in the wild, occasionally being picked off by lions.
>You taste good too
That is arguable, if we take "you" to mean western people in general. I'm not sure exactly how our diets would effect our taste. Probably a bit sweet, salty, and too fatty.
Ironically, with their whole grain diets, vegans probably taste great.
But honestly, if something decided I was going to be dinner, I think my main thought would be "aaaargh, fuck! Fuck! Let go of my leg!" Rather than debating the morality behind its choice of meal.
>Would you be ok with someone eating Rich Piana ribs?
I think a cut of Piana steak would be a tad tough from being overworked, and the amount of oil in it wouldn't taste too nice.
But no, I don't think cannibalism is unethical. Murder (that is killing your own species, not the vegan definition) is, but want to "recycle" the dead? Sure, why not. I'm sure an ethical argument can be made FOR doing so too.

It's not about not caring, it's about the value to our species other species serve.
You might say "but we can BOTH live!" But the value I place on a cow as food or clothing is higher than the value I place on it as a pet, a piece of scenery, or something to play chess against.

If you actually believe this you're a fucking idiot

Yeah, except killing cows doesn't benefit you at all
>but muh protein

>If you truely cared about the animals you would commit suicide
b-but I'm an animal too, senpai

>Would you rather watch a video of a strawberry in a blender, or a golden retriever puppy in a blender?

What is the purpose of the puppy being in the blender? It sounds like just needless violence to me.
I'd not care if you put a squirrel in a blender, but I doubt it will still be alive after you skin it to turn it in to meat paste.
I tend to prepare a lot of my own meat from cuts that tent to resemble the animal they came from, sometimes fully intact, so there is no mental disconnect between animal and food.

>if you disagree with societal arbitration then you're retarded

Who ever said that killing animals is absolutely and unquestionably bad?

What if I told you that some poor nations require goats, sheep etc to survive and there's literally no alternative, including that veggie paradise vegans seem to think is possible on a global level? This is conspiracy theory tier nonsense.

Western vegans are so delusional. Have you nothing else to campaign for? As America says, get a grip.

>What is the purpose of the puppy being in the blender? It sounds like just needless violence to me.

And now you're thinking like a vegan

>It sounds like just needless violence to me.
>sounds like


>humans no longer breed livestock
>the all go extinct because they are now literally dependent on us for continued existence
>"hahaha see now that they're extinct they can't suffer! that's why we need to kill all the jews!"

>ok, but what if we keep taking care of these animals without slaughtering them?
>animal population explodes
>but since obviously we can't support that many animals with the amount of food we have now (I mean we can barely feed other humans lol) they start to starve and suffer even more than before
>everyone dies

that's not the argument.
> poor nations require goats, sheep etc to survive and there's literally no alternative,

the point is that in the developed world, when we're not all starving goat farmers, we DO NOT require meat to survive and the fact we choose to and vegans choose not to makes them win the moral argument. sure, the starving goat farmer may be forced to eat his goat but we are not starving goat farmers with no alternative.

the point of veganism is a way of living which seeks to exclude, as far as is possible and practicable, all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.

that's it.

it's fun to meme about vegans all being these wacky militant retarded sjw types but they simply prefer to, where possible, cause less suffering and death of sentient beings.

i value my life above all other animals but if i can live a healthy happy life without their death then that's what i'll do.

not a vegan btw (too lazy)

Law of nature.

You can't be serious.
You really think hunting is moral but farming isn't?

They're both immoral, saying one is more moral is completely subjective. Imagine living in the wild, constantly in fear that something is trying to kill you, you live your entire life scared of every fucking sound, always one eye open when sleeping. Living on a farm you have no idea you're gonna be food when you get older, you live life pretty chill. Both cases the average life expectancy is probably the same, with many dying young in the wild from predators that don't give a fuck and diseases and shit.

They are different, but if you really think one is more moral than the other you haven't thought it through, or are just stupid.

you've thought this through very thoroughly, buddy. there are no holes in your logic whatsoever

rare sighting of an honest meat eater

It's not like what we currently do is better

your brain evolved as big as in is in part thanks to the increased nutritional value gained from burning dead animal meat over a fire and eating it for millions of years

if you're gonna revert back to eating nothing but plants, at least pay reperations and get a lobotomy

>I can't think of any ethical reasons
Here's one, we're humans, top of the food chain, animals are resources, nothing more than plants with the ability to move around and make noises, their sole purpose of existence is to serve us as we see fit. Got it? Now fuck off.

Because you can't think of any pragmatic reasons to answer 'why not?'

but where are the ethical reasons?

>Prey animals exist to be killed and eaten. If they did not, why would they exist? To wander around eating grass? That's not a purpose.
kekd hard, thx

I don't know, I told the only one that matters, everything else is irrelevant hogwash for college pseudointellectuals.

"we can eat animals, because we can, and fuck them anyway" is not a reason though?

>but don't act like you're morally superior to me, smug vegans!

Yep. Only pleb tier brainlets deny veganism is morally superior. Plus, wfpb vegan lifestyles are superior for gains, health, etc...

Meat defenders just die in their 40's like the neanderthals they are. Good riddance.

Does there really need to be an ethical reason to eat meat? There's no ethical reason to use half the technology you use but you still do.

Also I avoid factory raised meats and animal products and farm raised fish for health reasons and because I don't believe either are sustainable.

>morally superior

Its a reason, maybe not a good one one u like but It is


no, unless you're a hermit living in the Himulayas one with nature you are not morally correct by their own standards, you're destroying life even if you're not eating it.

anyone living in luxury harms life around them, your smart phone, your tech car, the jets you fly around on, the nice house you live in and everything required to upkeep it , your 5 pets,the clothes you wear, hell even the food a vegan eats we have some wetbacks making 3 dollars an hour being baked to death in the sun to harvest. if you're a vegan and don't harvest your own food you support legalized slavery.

they don't care about life or anything other than the condescending feeling they get for taking up a SJW cause and belonging to a group and being better than the rest of society. if they did they'd all throw away their smart phones that require deep precious earth minerals that destroy the environment to mine but we all know they won't. They're not eating meat, just full of shit sandwiches.