Body Transformation 14-15


You found out how to do biceps curls, good job.
Don't get cocky

Haha,why hate?


No be cocky mate, a cocky mindset will carry you further in life than anything else in relation to success.

Confidence =/= cocky

is that a full natty livestrong bracelet

Is this achievable natty?

Nope. This can't realistically be done by most people even with roids.

yes 100% natty
fuck off

what bf% are you now? And have you been training constantly since 18?


I havent measured it but id say around 10-12%
Been lifting since 18, playing sports since 12.

how did you reach such low levels of bf%?

lots and lots of cardio, low carb diet. You could achieve it if you cut properly for 6 months or so, but it's been a slow work for me

can you share your diet plan? I am a great admirer of yours

I dont have a plan, I've been doing it for so long I know what my intake should be, but it's roughly about 5k caloroies, even more during season. Pre-game I eat a lot of carbs 2 days before but otherwise is very low on that.
Your diet should fit how much activity you do, there's no point writing down everything I eat in a week because it doesn't mean it will be ideal for you.

ok well thanks anyway, I hope one day I can achieve your level of natty

how do you motivate yourself user

What sort of cardio? HIIT or LIDT?

If body types like this weren't natural, where the fuck would ancient sculptors have gotten their inspiration? Fuck sakes.

So, is nobody pointing out that this shitskin is underage?

The fucking state of newfags on this board.

It's the year probably

>pic from 2 years ago when you've probably made more progress since then
Yeah, makes sense.

oh yummy

Why do you feel the need to be rude? I didnt offend you,be more respective

Been here since 2009, and haven't once enacted my right to be a bitter old faggot like you, you got some growing to do buddy.

I don't have to motivate myself all the time. I've always been very competitive so I enjoy pushing myself, besides I've been doing it for so long it's become automatic by now.

I play water polo so a lot of our drills are HIIT

>claims to be an oldfag
Holy shit kill yourself newfag.
You have to be 18 to post here.

hope for people w/ wide hips

Yes...this is an 8 year transformation you don't think that's possible in eight (8) years?