What is your number 1 problem in your training right now
>Hurt my Lower back and I have to cut so I'm praying I won't lose too much strength basically only machines for my leg training
What is your number 1 problem in your training right now
I had a heart infection so it hurts to do anything that causes me any strain.
Problem for the future is that I need corrective surgery for genu valgum. That'll probably halt any training for months
Second that.
Retarded strength coach talked me into doing squats wrong.
I'm tall as fuck and he wanted me to go ass to grass when my back was weak as fuck and I couldn't even keep the weight up.
He was just a prick who wanted to prove how strong he was compared to highschool kids and didn't know jack shit about fitness or strength.
Anyway, back is fucked for the next week or so and right elbow joint is still raped so no curlbro routine or one arm chinup practice.
Good news is that I can still do my daily heavy calisthenics and morning workouts.
Bad news is that I won't be getting fully unassisted one arm chinups any time soon and my gains will suffer because no lifts.
And pics like that are making nofap tough so my natty test is in danger of being shot onto the walls and ceiling at any moment.
squat form was fucked up so i'm doing baby weight until i get this shit fixed
my mobility sucks and i can't squat correctly
Being a povertyfag grad student who can't afford to EAT BIG TO GET BIG
>nothing is my fault: the post
Got Sciatica and can't squat/deadlift heavy for like a month.
who dat?
Amanda Marie
California girl
She's like 4'7
>Strength coaches can't be retarded because rippletoe is a strength coach and he's not retarded
Shut up you fucking retard.
Don't you have to rest so you can do your 1plate squats tomorrow.
Elbow and knees hurting like a bitch ever since I started to go more heavy on stuff like cleans and curls. Most times I try not to let it impact my routine but it's usually in bed afterwards when I really start to feel it hurt.
perfect for a manlet like me
I train alone, so there's noone to call me a pussy when I'm having trouble finishing a rep
I can't consistently get enough food. My issue is strictly diet related.
Knee pain. My right knee has been problematic for a while now. I use light wraps to squat anything over 330 now.
Are you doing full cleans or power?
Eating and sleeping.
I lift 4 days a week, train bjj 3, and I work manual labor.
I have diarrhea, cant hit the gym, feels bad
Junk food.
>lived out in the country for two months.
>ate grilled meats, rice, fruit and veg every day.
>six-pack starts showing up.
>move back into the city (in thailand) with street food and 7-11s on every corner.
>gain close to ten pounds in a month.
>look almost as bad as I did before I started cutting 3 months ago.
For me there is no middle ground. It's either super clean eating with zero junk food or shitty food all day every day.
My triceps just won't grow.
Screwed up my rotator cuff and I've been out of the gym for 2 months
I have sciatic pain down my whole left side which really comes out anytime I squat or lift with my legs, also sometimes comes out when I run. Doctor doesn't know what's wrong (useless fuck), I feel like maybe I have a disc slightly out of place and the nerve is getting pinched? I don't know.
i decided to do cardio for my heart health, im naturally talented in endurance running but since i havent ran since high school (6 years) and i ran in training shoes i ended fucking my knees up, i had to stop lifting for 3 weeks but its finally starting to feel better so i got to do legs today, i lost about 10 percent of my strength on my legs but my upper body only about 5 percent.
im kinda pissed but it has given me time to re evaluate my training and change routines which i am already loving more and will most likely grow much faster from.
>cant deadlift anything over about 120kg without my back playing up.
>a year ago i pulled 4 pl8 for 4 reps...
My lower mobility sucks and I can only OPH the bar. But I'm working on both
Left pec is still smaller than right.
Oh and small calves.
>heavy calisthenics
Knees are fucked up so no squats.
Everything else is progressing damn well though.
My diet is trash
Lower-right area of ribcage in pain after dropping the bar on my chest.. Trying to brace my core during lifts hurts like a motherfucker
>She's like 4'7
Is that supposed to be a bad thing?
hurt my ankles, so need to find weird highly autistic workarounds for anything done standing up or with any worthwhile amount of knee flexion, for half a year at least. someone shoot me in the face pls
huge upper body imbalances, no fken idea how to fix them. more volume for the offenders should help, but fucks my recovery.
I have some weird pain in my stomach since I was rock climbing Wednesday and I hope its not hernia
This. Food is my kryptonite.
Forearms. I don't know what the fuck is going on, but since I started to approach 4 plates Deadlift my forearms are in immense pain on any pull days. The pain isn't DOMS, it is something else, and basically lasts until my next pull day, then just starts again because I'm working it once more. Beginning to get to the point where forearm issues are holding my biceps development back, my biceps aren't even really tired when my forearms are long done.
What do.
But bro it was labor day last Monday, come on dude your birthdays on the 9th so get drunk the 7th. Man you worked 48 hours this week you deserve to drink on your birthday since Sunday is the only day you'll have off! You're a mailman and walk 10 miles a day so somehow that'll make your liver not scar like you fathers and die at 43.
The ride never fucking ends.
>finally manage to do 3x10 unassisted dips
>four days later, can't do more than three reps
>regeneration phase takes forever
>can´t do 200 km at once
>FTP doesn´t realy increase anymore at 4W/kg
I am now starting to increase power/weight ratio with a cut, since I can´t raise my power much higher.
For a while I thought I had pulled something in my back while lifting but it turns out it's just due to fucking it up by sitting at the computer several hours a day.
Holy shit should I just not start drinking.
My biggest problem is my uni meal plan.
I work out on my lunch break so I only have really 40 minutes max to squeeze in 2 heavy compound lifts and all the accessories. Makes doing legs and back on the same day almost impossible because I have to do squats, deadlifts, weighted pullups and rows in 40 minutes
Uni meal plans are God teir for bulking. I put on almost 50lbs in 2 years. Just get burgers, chicken sandwiches and veggies all day every day and then chocolate milk to drink.
>burgers, chicken sandwiches and veggies all day every day and then chocolate milk to drink
At wich universtity do you study?
We don´t get shitty stuff like that where I study.
Overhead press: 145lbs
Bench press: 225lbs
Squat: 225lbs
Deadlift: 255-275lbs
All are 5rm
My back is terribly inflexible and screwed up from years of being a fatass programmer. Waiting for an appointment with my GP to get a referral for physio. Any advice while I wait?
I only have 95kg of weights, and one plate is half broken.
Bonus: I lift outside, and the neighbours Cat won't stop shitting in my yard.
A southern uni in America. Shitty cafeteria food every day, but if you know what you're doing you can make the most of it. I was so glad when I finally got off the meal plan and could cook though
I forgot to mention that I've plateaued my deadlift for about a year now. Also, I've had random moments where I deadlifted more than 300lbs so procrastinated with getting my back checked out by a physiotherapist.
Eat a Ceasers Hot n Ready every meal.
Jerk off less
>mfw cutting
I have no idea how many kcals I'm eating or if im getting enough protein.
Just power :(
Cable curls with Velcro straps
Too much alcohol, too little sleep. Also I was out for a month so currently getting over doms but that's short term
>be waiter
>eat good
>get tips
>fuck milfs
what are you waiting for?
Keep failing 2pl8 bench.
95 kg is no problem
im an alcoholic
btw this is a trap
I had issues with alcohol as well.
Cold turkeyed it 2 months, replaced it with drinking energy drinks during weekends and exercise every day.
Have been craving a drink a few times but since i have no alcohol at home it have been really easy to get over it
>Walking outside barefoot last night
>Step on a nail, all the way down to my heel
N-No more squats for me haha
>I'm a lazy fuck and make tons of excuses and don't do it enough.
I finally managed to stop for a month. My lifts went up like crazy, i felt great, and i put on muscle and lost fat while sitting at the same weight. Going to start drinking again because it's the only thing that i enjoy, but going to limit it to once a week and cut down on the volume
>busted patella about a month ago, can't squat
>was going to start squatting again in a few days
>woke up this morning and it hurts again
medial epicondylitis (golfers elbow)
Fucking sucks.
Stopped 100% 1.5 year ago after 15+ years of daily drinking. Best decision of my life.
Some muscles near my triceps and delts are damaged somehow (I feel the most pain when I do snatch-grip presses and even pain after holding the bar for back squats), so I've been taking a break from the gym for a week or until their healed.It might be from front squat rack position. Do people damage their arms from proper front squats?
I don't have access to a squat rack, and even moreso just a barbell.
Where I live there is an expensive subscription gym which I can't afford, and the more affordable one is a 15min walk and it has bizarre hours (like it closes at 6pm during the week, 3pm on weekends). My apartment complex has its own gym, which is free, but it doesn't have much equipment in it. I basically had to redo my entire routine to exclusively use dumbbells and the few machines that they have here. I feel like it's seriously affecting the way I can lift now, I was so used to having a squat rack and a barbell.
I've been considering putting up a sign to tell other gym goers to ask the front desk for a squat rack + barbell, but I've seen only one other person ever using the lifting equipment. Everyone else is using the dozens of cardio machines we have here.
Just fixed my balance and loading in the squat. Wasn't creating enough torque at the hip and shifting my balance didn't let me recruit my quads as well.
Now things are peachy, on to the next issue - left shoulder mobility for the snatch due to an old injury/surgery.
either eating too much or not being able to properly squat due to lack of dorsal flexion in ankle and lordosis of the spine inhibiting my lower body and lower back training which is fucking up the rest of my shit.
Can't get a good routine set up, and having trouble filling in my core (to lose hourglass shape)
Who dis qt?
Saw shoulder, gonna take a week off and just do legpress, if no improvement I'll go to doc.
im pretty sure i've either torn my hammy or have tendonitis of the hammy.
also my knees hurt.
just took a week off and it didnt help
I still have to go to the doctors for physical therapy for my lower back.
I didn't hurt it from lifting or anything, I guess it just started mostly due to a sedentary lifestyle. I'm also losing a lot of weight and eating very clean. Already down 16 pounds since beginning of August.
My GF is a gainz goblin
No sleep
Gotta eat out all the time
Constantly stressed about stupid shit, get no space
Drink more, do weed constantly
Keeps trying to gently get me to work out less with all the "Your body is fine just the way it is" and "sex counts as a workout" stuff.
>Girlfriend goes away for 2 weeks
>Suddenly hitting deadlift pr's every other day
>Don't drink, only smoke once like a normal person
>Feeling generally physically healthier
>She just got back
>I'm missing the gym all weekend coming up cause she wants to do shit
have plantar fasciitis and cant run anymore
nutted to this girl thx alot
>lower back is fucked.
>stay up late -- not enough sleep
Everything else is fine.
So then leave her? Do something about it or quit bitching. Faggot fuck
Nothing been going great.
I can't count calories for shit...
I count 2500 to 3000 and lift Hard 5 days a week I gain strength but gain some weight
I want to lose some more fat! But don't want cardio or less than 2500 calories!!
When I cut to 1900 I lost strength
Fuck I hate the calorie dance
not being a faggot
Chill out. He's just venting.
Might need to give your body a break. Overtraining can hutr your gains pretty hard, especially if you do it for a long while.
But I bet your as tough as fuck from it.
Knee pain. Makes running and shaowboxing almost unbareable. Tried swimming for cardio and I just hate it. I keep trying but cooler weather going to make it hard. Suprising can still squat, knee is in less pain because of it too. Worried it might just tear without warning though.
Stretch your forearms everyday. Do a static stretch for 30s you should be ok.
Changed my routine 3 months ago to increase volume, about 2 hrs 5-6 days a week. Getting massive gains, but really messing up my sleep. Lots of insomnia and constantly disrupted sleep. Waking up like every 2 hours, haven't slept through an entire night in like 2-3 weeks.
Am I over training ? Too much stress, cortisol and adrenal or w/e ?
Unsure as to how to program a strength block.
Also dunno if Texas squats and deads will pair well with Renaissance upper body.
>Can't get a good routine set up,
use one of the couple hundred trusted ones online, adjust only for injuries and stubborn body parts
>and having trouble filling in my core (to lose hourglass shape)
heavy ass farmer walks, pallof press for volume, weighted side bridges, weighted side bends, hanging windshield wipers. The last three are to be done only with superb form because you will fuck your shit up otherwise.
they will in theory, but prepare to only eat and sleep when not in the gym because you will need it for recovery
Congratulations, you didn't gain strength, you simply gained weight and therefore your lifts went up.
I've plateaued fairly early with 2.5kg increments so now I have to progress with microplates which will take fucking forever to get respectable numbers.