Best exercise to get over a borderline girl?
Best exercise to get over a borderline girl?
Train Intelligence
How many reps?
10x10 diddly
idk, do you masturbate a lot already
not really no
1 x 1 set of rope hangs
Go back to her because she needs you and you left her.
skull crushers until failure.
How long did yall date
BPD girls are elite
3 years here I'm still crippled and without self worth considering becoming a full on christcuck
Drop that bitch like a red hot turd and go fuck someone that isn't batshit insane. Don't get sucked in to being the lightning rod for a girl that has the emotional control of a 2 year old.
>Borderline girl
Rope hang 1x(Failure)
borderline personality disorder I would guess
No, the beta dad of a friend of me did this apparently. Wasted 20 years of his life on some shitty BPD women because she stopped taking the pill without telling him. Needless to say, his life was shit til he left her
she left me
a bit over 2 years with a break
she didnt cut herself she didnt harm me physically but she couldnt give me empathy and fucked with me on an emotional level for weeks telling me she hates everything i do and how i am
Oh. I thought a borderline girl is a trap
Also user be aware that not every girl who cuts is automatically BPD. BPD women generally come on to you relentlessly and are incredibly crazy and manipulative. Sometimes girls who cut are just sad grills or have ptsd from shitty childhoods or whatever
she did cut herself in her teens and cut herself once during our dating phase
i read about bpd and she checked a lot of the emotional boxes user, might just be a mild case but still a case imo
related to this thread- I met a psycho grill this semester and I don't know how to deal with her. If people want to know more about her I'll post more. She's a classmate(taking a foreign language class) and lives in the same dorms as my undergrad friends.
Fyi if lots of the same type of crazy is hitting on you, there's fairly likely something about you in particular that's attracting that, or attracted to that. Like the stereotype of the girl that keeps going for the "bad boy" that could never pan out into a successful relationship
come to think of it, last 2 gfs all had some sort of daddy issues
what does that say about me?
BPD is very real and took me a year or so to get over my ex girlfriend who has it, I must of read everything on the internet about the subject just to make sense of it in my mind, it left me feeling like i was crazy but I realized I had dodged a bullet and am stronger today than ever.
it did leave feeling crazy for weeks after a long period of her being nice to me
I wasn't OP, and im telling you this from experience because my girl used to cut but she is far from being BPD. and we have been together 5 years and i plan on marrying her. just letting you know that one sign doesn't make someone bat shit crazy necessarily. i helped her through her cutting and she no longer does. she had a bad childhood and abusers in past and doesn''t meet any other borderline criteria. in fact if anything ive turned her from a sad grill to a trad wife and couldn't be morehappy.
that is good for you user and i am happy for you
but there was not only one but multiple signs with my ex and she herself wanted to go to a therapist
>staying when you know they have BPD
asking for it
i didn't know tho
>playing right into her hand
>enabling mental illness
Waste of trips