What's Veeky Forums's official favorite 5/3/1 template?

What's Veeky Forums's official favorite 5/3/1 template?

do a better program

>the 5/3/1 is a bad routine meme

Every other routine is too rigid.

5/3/1 is good because of how flexible it is

So you're saying it's not a program, right? I agree. It sucks.

Eh, gotta make it yours, there isn't really a single optimal one.
The challenges are fucking awesome tho. Building the Monolith cracked all my plateaus.

5/3/1 is more of a routine

it is a way of life


-5/3/1 Sets with AMRAP
-Joker Sets
-First Set Last 3-5 Sets of 3 to 5
-BBB for the antagonistic Movement
-2-3 more Assistance Exercises

What's so funny you little slug

I summarize: Do something different than 5/3/1 but still call it so.