It's the only place I go outside of work and while I have pretty good social skills, somehow inside the gym I never know how to pick up on the qts
Realistically what is the best way to talk to girls at the gym
And the only girls I even find attractive are at the gym so if you say go out, go to bar, go to club etc, Im gonna say that's pointless
>get on a treadmill next to a girl
>turn speed all the way up
>once you catch her looking at you ask her if she wants to race
>If she says yes youre in
>If she says no then make a joke or compliment her and take it from there
It's not that hard guys
>she says yes
>get off treadmill and walk to other end of gym
> girl makes eye contact
> Wanna come to my place and jack me off with your feet?
That only works if they're on a treadmill. And probably doesn't work
>sides painful
If it doesn't work you have no game. Just improvise. I gave you an idea to get the ball rolling, if you have something better then say that instead.
Most girls at my gym do cardio, which girls are you trying to pick up? If she's working out her ass then you'll look like a creep trying to talk to her. If she's lifting you could always ask her for a spot to get the ball rolling.
If she's doing free weights by herself you can just work out in the same area as her and make small talk between sets, maybe ask what exercise she's doing.
dont pick up girls at the gym.
chances are that you are probably a DYEL lol.
Only dudes I ever see talk to girls at the gym are average looking to ugly looking DYEL dudes.
no good looking square jawed buff dude talks to women at the gym
>no good looking square jawed buff dude talks to women at the gym
They do, but they usually do it in between exercises, passing by, with girls they know or talk to new girls after their workout.
Okay but I am square jawed buff type. That's why the only girls I like are girls that workout. And yeah I know what you mean. DYEL must have more confidence I guess
>good looking square jawed buff dude
you mean closet homosexual?
>no good looking square jawed buff dude talks to women at the gym
Hmm.. Really causes on to ponder..
It's almost like they don't lift for girls
No shit no one whose actually mireable lifts for girls. But I also wouldn't mind having a female in my life that I find physically attractive and shares a hobby with me. I'm not just talking about trying to talk to girls at thevgym to fuck Them
I talk to women at the gym. I just treat them like regular people and kind of not give a fuck. I smile, I'm nice...and then I just get back to doing my thing. After that when you see them again, you show some recognition, smile and say "Hey, what's up?" If they smile back genuinely, you know that further talk would probably work. If they give you the polite curt smile you know "Ok, this is as far as this is going." I mean, they aren't floating above the rest of us...they are just chicks.
Who is this braphog?
They are gay you idiot that's what that meme means
just dont do it, its seldom a good idea
if you must, you have to hit her with something that you dont expect, like when she's deadlifting on the platform beside you, have your m8 come and mime humping you behind you as you lift, if she cracks up laughing then get talking to her, then whip it out and say "well?"
gym thots are the worst
but if you must, offer to work in with her or help with form fixing without being creepy. Just be nice faggot
Stephanie Sanzo is not a degenerate braphog.
Also thanks This is probably the most real advice possible. Like I said, gym girls are the kinds of girls I find attractive/that are probably going to be attracted to me it's just kinda hard cause obviously the gym isn't exactly the ideal setting for meeting girls. I'm just kinda sick of not talking to anyone
Ez. Walk directly towards her. Maintain strong eye contact all of the way while having a gentle smile on your face (even if she looks away), introduce yourself (interrupt her if you have to) Tell her you want to meet her because she is attractive to you while maintaining eye contact and smiling. Do all this while maintaining good, confident posture and strong vocal tonality. If you do this properly you will become 400% more attractive in her eyes.
This is how you should approach all women, anywhere, no matter who they are with or what they are doing.
can confirm, I've pulled hundreds, if not thousands of grills this way
i just found out today that my cutest gymfu that would even smile at me from time to time changed gyms because people wouldnt stop trying to hit on her.
Don't be fucken weird dude. Example from other day:
>Gym packed as fuck
>Solid 9/10 seems to be almost done with rack
>ask her how many more sets, kinda awkwardly stand around while I wait because literally everything's taken
>make polite smalltalk between her last sets, joke about me awkwardly standing around
>when she's done we introduce ourselves and make a little more smalltalk before she dips out
I'm in a relationship so I'm not exactly on the hunt but just by not being a fuckin weirdo I started a conversation and I'd feel totally comfortable flirting with her if I were looking for anything.
Ask her if she wants to do squats... On your face.
Just start a normal conversation. Maybe work in and give her a spot. Most girls actually like to get advice on squats when you squat a decent weight is my impression.
Attractive people already have girlfriends and so have no need to approach women. It's like the concept of gf is overlooked on Veeky Forums and it's all about fuckin strangera
"Don't shit where you eat" also applies to gyms. QT girls are dime a dozen, but good iron temples are rare. Also, this goes double to guys who frequent places like Veeky Forums.
just talk to her like you would talk to another dude at the gym and dont be weird