What are the worst things youve seen at the gym?
What are the worst things youve seen at the gym?
OHP in a squat rack.
Your one rep max
I do this, but I go to the gym at 6am and there is only me and the clerk there, so... I don't think it's such a big deal
Why is everyone laughing at this guy? Yes, he's a total fucking faggot but he probably does more lifting than 90% of this board.
Where else do you do it?
I do my whole routine in the squat rack. OH, deadlift, squats, benchpress. Guarantees I get through my workout in my busy gym. I work in with my buddy too.
Laughing about others with mental problems helps me to get over my own mental problems.
shut up fatty
My gym only has 4 plates as a result of it being run by a tightass combined with it being located in Holland, a country in which benching 40kg is considered impressive and squatting 1plate will have people phoning 911 for fear of the madman they just encountered.
So when I go to do my deads I need to basically put on all the weights in the gym. This is when it happens, the other people present stop lifting and start watching my routine of first scavenging all the weights, wondering how much more I might add, then looks of mild disgust at the "meat head" they consider me to be.
I wish I had money and room for a home gym so I wouldn't have to deal with people.
hey fuck you man
It's an old meme fellas
Damn bro
He's (she?) a transexual activist who did that as part of the SwoleLeft thing. This is intended to show Nazis that they had better be scared. It's not just an effeminate man actually tryin gun to lift and starting awkwardly, it's someone trying to be intimidating for political purposes with an astonishing lack of self awareness.
people not even working out
>What are the worst things youve seen at the gym?
>warming up for squats
>shit heads have left pl8s scattered around the room so i go grab some off the floor rather than the rack cos autism
>cunt jogs into the room throws his drink/phone into the rack and starts squatting
>1 pl8 on left side 2 pl8 on right side
>call him out
>'nah bro you arent using this i saw you over by the bench'
>guy then goes on to act like he unironically intended to come in and start his squats with 1 pl8 difference on each side 'to fix imbalances'
>he eventually backs down and goes to pullup bar
>jumps up, cant do pullup
>walks out, never see him again
>curlbros curling in my squat rack
>after a few minutes of arguing agree to move
>but they are taking the bar with them (literally about 6 bar not in use scattered around the round but they have already loaded this one and they arent giving it up)
>two of them trying to shimmy the loaded bar out of the power rack, no clips, plates go everywhere
>they eventually concede defeat and grab a different bar
>having to work off the floor now
>having to help each other get the bar up
>these guys are actually able to curl more than they can deadlift
>next they move on to overhead snatch grip smith machine calf raises stood on the edge of a stack of plates
Worst I ever see is just people doing weird shit. Usually they're not bothering anybody. I've seen one dude running backwards sprints in the corridor between two rows of machines before. That kind of bothered me because he was just begging to cause some kind of accident
The image in the mirrors. Staring...Judging...Disgusted..
One day I may
I saw a video of an antifa "gym" the other day. It was more like six effeminate men doing calisthenics in a public park. I am now very scared of the impending civil war.
This all the way. It's always some newfag, too.
Money isn't much of an issue, £130 if you can find weights at £1/kg, cheap bench press of gumtree/craigslist/local equivalent. Put some 40x40mm box in the ground with a 1.5" bar welded between the top for a pullup bar, and weld brackets on the side to use for squats. That's everything you really need.
They only have to be strong enough to swing bikelocks
I always love the jackoffs who shrug like 500lbs and scream at the top of their lungs, yet arent even shrugging or working the traps properly since the weight is far too heavy to shrug with. Instead they are just dicking with it and using nearly all legs with a big knee dip/bend and kinda jumping the weight up.
There is a vid of Kali Muscle doing that at the gym with 2 of his homies and you can see peeps in the background looking at them like they're total dipshits.
There's a few people at my gym who refuse to use the benches by the dumbbells for lying leg raises and instead shit up the bench press area.
There's one lady that's at my gym at least 5 days a week, but all I ever see her do is military press with the smith machine with only 5lbs on either side.
One fat lady I saw last week using leg extension machine, moving about 10 pounds, but she was grabbing the top of the arm, so she was really like rowing the weight instead.
Basically just people being retarded/inconsiderate/not knowing what they're doing, or leaving MASSIVE puddles of water on the bench in the locker room.
My dog has a boner right now. If you smell it, I'll blow you.
I'd hate screamers if they weren't so hilarious.
>some dude deadlifting 225
>no bumper plate just metal plates
>screams every lift
>drops bar every rep
I mean, if you know what youre doing, this is called power shrugging and it has a lot of benefits. Butvyeah i see too many people shrug with 100s with shit form while i can powershrug the right way using only 65s at most and get 5x more out of it than them.
My reflection in the mirrors.
>it's called power shrugging
>it has a lot of benefits
It's called being mentally retarded and it has zero (0) benefits over properly shrugging.
gotta start somewhere bro
t. starting strength pro lifting for 3 months
Goodluck building ur non existent traps faggot
tx sweetie! xx
We only have power racks at the Uni gym so this is unavoidable for me.
You could just not lift weights, user.
Unless your traps are fully activated, its not a shrug user. Yeah, you could do that, half bench and quarter squat and still "build" muscle, but its going to take way longer and fuck your shit up more in the long run.
>you need to use momentum and your legs to build your traps unlike any other muscle that can be trained properly by isolation
Just KYS already.
Btw, no one gives a shit about traps, the muscle is insanely overbuilt due to excessive stress even in people that don't even lift.
It has no relevance for strength training.
Captcha is literally powerclean kek
Holy shit, that sounds like a really bad gym.
>insanely overbuilt due to excessive stress even in people that don't even lift.
>no relevance for strength training.
>everybody uses traps in daily life
>no purpose to training it
Am I being trolled?
A muscle that is vastly overbuilt because it has to compensate all the shitty life choices of people doesn't need further training no.
It is already way too dominant in the first place and if anything it should have stress taken off it instead of more loaded onto it.
Wow! Cursing! What a GREAT way to make your point!
Some faggot keeps squatting in the shrug rack
Wow! Autism! What are fucking retard you are
Wow! Doubling down on the cursing! You must have such a creative mind!
A beta guy who was freaking out on the inside about his japanese language exchange partner not having replied to him in a week after receiving a very nice message from her.
I am that guy.
>he doesnt drop the bar every rep
Why are you so retarded? What was the context you thought he was talking in?
Wow! Just wow, bro!
>google "aids communist cake"
>first page results
Holy fuck it's him, there is no doubt! Is there anything more beta than being a sassy socialist?
Holy Beautiful
>strength training
>intentionally ignoring to train certain muscles
If you are serious about improving your strength or physique you should never ignore training any body part either directly or indirectly.
I bet you're one of those faggots that never trains calves. You look at pictures of bodybuilders and sprinters and bicyclists with huge calves and still think, it's just muh genetics. You son of a bitch.