Why aren't you lifting for the betterment of your nation, family, and yourself, user?
/Pol/ btfo
Does being in the Army count?
>Pride in one's own accomplishments and pride for what his countrymen have accomplished over your nation's lifetime cannot mutually exist
>Unity under one symbol and inspiriation from your nation's feats are "shallow" because it isn't purely in self-interest
>You cannot live for yourself and give back to your community using your skills with your nation as a whole in mind
pride is a sin btw
>be a German about to join the Luftwaffe
well... this is awkward. In other words: I do. Why don't you?
>taking pride in your community means you cannot take pride in yourself
wow, really made me thnik
hahahaha oh wow
Really fires up the neurons
Being this big of a cuck.
Is there something beyond lifting and personal improvement that I can do?
Improving your community and it' people and involving yourself in politics.
In my country (Slav) nationalists are low IQ, they look like the Untermensch. And higher IQ people think that our country sucks and West Europe is much better, they look like nu-males. It's a pretty accurate stereotype.
A cuck level beyond "at least I still have the constitution"
I expect another one of his quotes to explain why it's wrong to expect your wife to be monogamous.
Is quoting some renaissance era cuck supposed to make anyone change their mind? Even the lowest nationalists are wiser than this Schopenhauer if this is what he thought.
team liftwaffle reporting in
waffles are so much better than pancakes
why tho
performing responsibilities for a collective, inspired by pride for that collective, is a feedback loop. the pride for your own actions lends to the pride for the collective, and the pride for the state lends to the motivation for action. this pride is not mutually exclusive from individualism or introspection or any thoughtfulness about the state's position in the value system of men. "national pride" is literally a social construct that can be an efficiently useful tool to motivate desired behavior.
this is why plato describes the need for leaders of republics to be "philosopher kings", so that they can determine the values that are being impressed upon the citizens.
I am less insecure and herd-like than you are.
The loner greats trampled by the herd soyboy
You're a cultured man, user.
>renaissance era cuck
And they said /pol/acks were uneducated!
commie jew trash
Props for being literally the only cultured/relevant reply to this post
I do. I just don't adopt a cretin-tier affectation of a failed ideology to justify it. I lift to be a better person and husband and to be an asset to my community; I don't need to validate it with smarmy allusions to an intellectually unsound hodgepodge of an ideology formulated by unstable egomaniacs.
Sure, beat me with your silly metaphors to get a moment of relief from the fact that you'll never do or be anything significant in your life. Did you feel important? Did your chest swell?
>Lurk on /pol/
>See degeneracy of the world
>See degeneracy in self
>Realize ancestors would kill you for your weak faggotry
>Come to Veeky Forums to fix self
Is Veeky Forums the final red pill?
Schopenhauer is a transitory philosopher, but his ideas are far from conclusive and he absolutely made little attempt to correct himself.
Schopenhauer is also quoted for saying that books are a waste of time because all they do is give you other people's ideas.
You know what they say, you wanna rally the fucking retards in your country start preaching about nationalism
>has to belittle others and diminish their accomplishments in order to have a sense of satisfaction in his pitiful life
Not gonna make it, leg day, arm day, chest day, or rope day
Keep jerking off to Nazi iconography and sickly little Aryan twinks, soy boy.
Iam the product of generations of people who identified and worked in one way or another for the benifit of our collective quality of life within my country, iam proud to be apart of my nations story and enjoy a relatively safe and comfortable life because of the people who struggled before me, i want to carry on that tradition by leaving a better country for my children and by extension the next generation of my countrymen. This Nationalist way of life is the reason why i can pursue a rewarding career and hobbys like lifting and shit posting in comfort and safety. Kys.
>hes with her
Do you even lift?
There is no contradiction between serving your people and serving yourself. Ironically the *tips le fedora* hyper-individualist crowd end up being some of the saddest people.
>implied Christian values.
I lift to heighten the feeling of power, of resistance being overcome.
I'm not.
I absolutely hate my country and the people in it. Fuck this place, I'm not going to delude myself into pretending it's great just because I was born here. The men are idiots, the women are ugly, the government is shit, the scenery is meh, the cities are depressing and there wasn't even a past golden age to romanticize - it always sucked. Where I live many people are nationalists (not like /pol/ nationalists) and I just don't get it, what are they all so worked up about?
I want to go somewhere else and make it better instead, I'll probably never find a country with quality people but at least I can find a place that looks good.
Where are you from? Also, kill yourself, coward. Be the betterment in your country that you want to see.
Ireland, more specifically the Irish part of Northern Ireland.
> Also, kill yourself, coward. Be the betterment in your country that you want to see.
I'm not going to waste my time trying to uplift a bunch of potatoniggers just because I was born on the same island as them, if they want to be like this it's up to them.
>talking about how great nationalism is
>posts an unelected globalist put into power by a meddling emissary of the uncaring élites across the ocean
What did he mean by this?
>has no argument for his behavior so resorts to petty insults and assumes his opponents ideology
H-haha, soyboy!! Maybe if I use your terminology against you you'll change your evil ways, you STUPID FUCKING FASCIST!!!!!!
The other guy said "rope day". It's not really an assumption when the guy he's calling a Nazi is referencing The Turner Diaries.
Pride in one self is enough. "Your" nation isn't your property.
Just because someone memes about rope day or whatever if someone's acting like a little bitch doesn't mean they're an honest-to-God NatSoc. Maybe I'm wrong though, since this thread isn't politically charged whatsoever
Imagine being stupid enough to equate identity with property and then gloat about it
Pretty much is, the first step to a better society is a better self.
what you don't realize user, is that you are the potatonigger. you're just as much a potatonigger as your neighbor. you say your country is shit, there are other people that share your opinion. if every person who was displeased with the way their country works and put all the blame on others, then nothing would ever get done. blame yourself for the way the world is, and change it in your image because you can and have the power to.
imagine if americas founding fathers, displeased with the british rule, sat on their ass and bitched about the government, saying "why should i start a revolution, the people want to be under british rule." we'd still be drinking tea and have rotting teeth.
>Imagine being stupid enough to equate identity with property and then gloat about it
Read this book, my property.
>Radical individualism
>Major influence on then development of anarchism, nihilism, and postmodernism
Oof, no thanks bub. How about you keep deriving pleasure from that dildo (your property) in your ass?
It's not the final one.
It's the first effective one in a series.
Post modernism is for weaklings and children who have yet to understand reason and base logic.
Enjoy your feminist critical theory on the deconstruction of gender roles in spongebob square pants.
Here's the thing, I'm not responsible for my country - I'm responsible for myself. Ultimately "my country" is just the collective term for every individual here. And each of us is responsible for our own lives, if my fellow potatoniggers want to laze around getting fat then fair fucks to them. But I don't, I'm only going to live once so I want to spend this brief opportunity improving myself and advancing my life. I will only blame myself for my own shortcomings, everyone else's are their responsibility - as an American should know.
>imagine if americas founding fathers, displeased with the british rule, sat on their ass and bitched about the government, saying "why should i start a revolution, the people want to be under british rule." we'd still be drinking tea and have rotting teeth.
If the founding fathers accepted your way of thinking they never would have left England to try and live differently in America. They (or in some cases their ancestors) would have stayed in England and never achieved greatness as the founding fathers of what would become the most powerful country in the world.
Hell at some point your ancestors decided to abandon their country and go to America.
If you are not a part of IE going forward the alt right is basically shit. Nobody else is taking shit as serious as IE
Post-modernism is tool, use it how you will.
Alt-right is a controlled opposition umbrella term anyway, I'm in IE but I'm paranoid about it being a honeypot despite everything they've done so far. Seems way too easy for (((someone))) to buy out their intel if leadership crumbles and dox everyone involved
The new leader of ie is a fucking god among men.
My nation is a lost cause and I was always too autistic to understand the concept of family.
I do lift for myself.
Wholesome post, we'll see who wins the war of ideas in due time. We're all gonna make it
I respect that, but it's never too late. You can try your hardest to understand humans even if you never truly will, that's how I roll. Can't wait to start a family though
Escapism and intoxicants
I'm very social and have many friends, no family issues etc. I just never understood why I'm supposed to care about family members. I know my neighbour better than my aunt and I never talk to either but at least I see my neighbour.
My sisters I at least lived with so they're like ex-roommates and close but all extended family are just random people who, unlike friends, I didn't even get to select. Why should I care about them? I skipped all my grandparents funerals and every wedding in the last 10 years.
>being an alt-right virgin
>not being a chad wolf of vinland
y'all niggas is sawft
If you are in a IRL activist group and are worried about getting doxxed you need to leave. I never joined any of these IRL activist groups for that reason.
IE isnt a honeypot. They put up walls to join to keep out fuckjobs
>wolf of vinland
look at me , i live in rural pennsylvania and practice a religion that never had universal canon in the first place but despite being raised in a loosely agnostic catholic household , am attracted to tree worship
I unironically want all pagans to get bladder cancer
Never been to a meetup, wouldn't even consider myself an activist. I just stumbled across IE and wanted to show my support but I was filled with regret after giving them my real name and IP like a retard. Even though I support everything they're doing and it's constitutional, it'd be incredibly easy for the powers that be to fuck up my life for going against the narrative if a list of names ever got out
Uh I mean ya If you are concerned you could probly email somebody to delete your info if you are that worried.
I dont even know if that stuff is stored centrally
Look at me, I'm some fag with a bad haircut trying to get on television by punching women.
Weak as fuck, go take shrooms and die of an aneurysm in the woods, heretic
women need to be punched though
We dont need to live in the woods praising dead irrelevant gods
viking larping is cringy af
t. actual scandi
Some mutt from Brooklyn with some 10% Scandinavian heritage got that gay shaved-sides-ponytail haircut then tried schooling me on why viking slavery was justified and why real Communism had never been tried
ROMAN CHAIR CRUNCHES hahahahahahahahaha
texas stormer is a gigantic fucking faggot. in fact they all are.
>slavery was justified
>is a communist
I . . wha . . b-but why?
Isn't communism's whole deal that capitalism is wage-slavery and therefore bad?
>renaissance era
literally just from the style of dress in the illustration you should be able to tell he's 19th century, idiot
>Schopenhauer is a Jew
Can /pol/ get any more retarded?
At the risk of attracting the wrath of the heavy /pol/ influence which resides on Veeky Forums I'm going to say that I agree with him. My reasoning for doing so are rooted in me being an American and so it may not hold true for other countries (i.e. old world nations like Germany, Russia and France). I identify as a more-or-less conservative Christian traditionalist for my own life but at the state and federal level I am more libertarian because I have no interest in the state enforcing my lifestyle views on the rest of the country. In the United States there are myriad different social, ethnic and religious groups which do not necessarily need to have anything in common to maintain the nation beyond an agreement on democratic liberal norms. There's a lot of talk about demographic shift and how I as a white person will soon be in the minority, but given my religious and social views I already see myself in the minority. 1/2
So long as we are not being invaded by a hostile nation (meaning China, not fucking Mexicans) and the economy is running smoothly enough that I can make a lot of money I just don't care what is happening at the national or even state level. I was born an American and I am grateful for the freedom it entails me, and with that freedom I choose to concern myself first and foremost with my immediate community, which I can control, instead of the nation as a whole which I cannot. When I life weights I think about my church, my midwestern community, the wife I hope to have one day and the children I intend to have with her. While the rest of the nation becomes progressively more brown and secular I want to preserve an enclave of WASPs (white anglo-saxon protestants) which will not die out. I take pride in being an upstanding, successful member of my community because my community is a reflection of who I am, whereas my country is not. 2/2
This is why I really have no interest in slogans such as "let's take back our country from the Mexicans and blacks" because as far as I'm concerned they can have their own communities within the USA. I don't care what they do as long as they aren't bothering me or my community, and as long as other men like me are willing to work hard and adhere to our WASP culture my community will be just fine. In summation I would say that I sort-of agree with ideas about preserving white heritage, culture and identity but I think people are going about it the wrong way. Instead of focusing on attacking nonwhites and the Jews we need to focus on bettering ourselves so that we can not only survive but prosper. If an unstoppable wave of immigrants is coming, let it come. I have built my house upon the solid rock of Christ and nothing can tear it down. Additionally I want to note that I don't see people who look different from me as the true threat to my way of life. 2/3
Immigrants from places like Vietnam, Ethiopia, Mexico and Korea are more often than not Christian and just looking for a better life and are willing to work incredibly hard for it. I went to Wheaton College, a conservative Christian school, and a lot of my friends there were the children of Korean immigrants who seemed to embody the American spirit more so than white Americans. The true threat in my opinion is secular, progressive White Americans like Antifa who truly hate traditionalists like myself and want nothing more than to destroy all of us along with our way of life. I look at this picture before lifting and imagine fighting these faggots to the death to protect my way of life.
Love and work for yourself, love and work for your family, love and work for your community, love and work for your way of life. The United States is a hodgepodge of people from around the world and will always be pluralistic, in whatever form that may take. 4/2
I choose not to fight to win control over that plurality but rather to make my own section of that greater mass the best it can possibly be, in part by making myself the best I possibly can be.
I'm lifting only for myself. "Lifting for my family" makes zero sense because my hobby isn't ever going to influence their life. "Lifting for my nation" isn't very appealing to me too because, as a black guy I don't care about my nation. The only two kinds of people in my nation are cucks who love me for being black and /pol/ tards who'd lynch me, if they could, for not being white.