Recently picked up pic-related because I think Everest is a cool mountain. I also picked it because there was no indication on how this one was different compared to the other variants of this deodorant so I figured Everest = cool. Can someone tell me what the hell is so special about this one? Also post your favorite deodorants.
What's the best deodorant?
>falling for the deodorant meme
old spice
also, fuck antiperspirants. that shit just makes me sweat even more
wud reccomend
Anyone have any advice on how to be less sweaty? My pits get sweaty all the time.
I'm not fat or out of shape at all. My pits have pretty much been sweaty constantly since I turned 14. I'm sick of having stains under my arms.
(I've tried the clinical antipersperant. Didn't work.)
Mitchum unscented masterrace
This right hurr dawg.
Switched to gel deodorants and don't get any stains on my shirts and don't sweat as much. I used to insta sweat with antiperspirants.
You can also try dricolor at night before you sleep.
use Certain-Dri
you apply it at night, its gonna itch like fuck for the first 5 min, then it'll dry. your pits will never sweat again i promise
I get chemical burns from certain deodorants. Dove Men's or Gillette is my go to
>not using spray deodorant
The best deodorant is probably no deodorant. That said, I've been using a mineral stick in lieu of traditional deodorant sticks for more than 2 years now. The only time I smell bad is when I don't apply the mineral stick (go figure). I would say I sweat as much as any other guy - no special cases or genetics for me. The stick itself cost me maybe 2 dollars, and I've been using that same stick for the last 2 years.
If you want to smell better naturally, don't eat shit food and be sure to drink plenty of water if you drink lots of coffee or other strong beverages.
and for fucks sake dont use antiperspirants. Sweating is natural. You don't stop trying to shit because it smells bad
I have to use Gillette Clinical (strong OTC antiperspirant) because my pits sweat like crazy, even when it's cool outside.
>t. rashim
>using regular brands deodorants/shampoos/wash gel/etc containing silicone, aluminum and other chemicals
>actively lowering your t
>not using nature cosmetics
>rubbing a cocktail of parabens and aluminum on your armpits to absorb
If anything use pic related
>used an old old spice stick for the first time in 7 months
>got a rash and boils on my armpits
What if you are a single parent who cant always watch his retarded and celiac son who is a proficient climber, and he goes and climbs to the cabinet and takes a bite of the deodorant?
Clear business niche there
I'd probably kill myself for my families honor.
But then again, i'm not a maple leaf so things I dont have to worry about!