How is your mental health Veeky Forums?
How is your mental health Veeky Forums?
How does this make any sense? I feel shame and joy at the same time tbqhfam
I actually read half the book
I'd say I'm within reason. The only reason I say that is because I'm pretty reasonable.
>you think i'm lying just give me a fucking reason.
>mfw don't even understand half the words
>energetic "frequency"
I've accepted to live in the meaningless void that is existence where does this put me
between pride and courage
You're a nihilist. Life has no meaning other than what you give it. From my experience, I found purpose by just trying to better myself every day. I pulled myself out of an extremely deep rut and finally have some direction at 28.
You're still ultimately relying on a self imposed illusion to give you meaning
OP your graph is stupid
what book is that?
just dying to drink some kool aid lately
fluctuating between 400 and 125 on a daily basis. No love. There will never be love and I will never be enlightened. Fuck whoever made this chart. It's as if you can't be more than one.
Yeah, I have faith that there is a greater purpose. I fantasize that maybe I was a spirit and decided to come to the mortal realm to fuck shit up. Or maybe I'm reincarnated because my soul is eternal and I am on a mission.
Either way, you live without purpose you're going to be miserable, so there is a purpose to have purpose. Might as well start doing some soul searching instead of being a sad cunt who never does anything because life is pointless.
I've been where you are before.
not op, this chart is ridiculous, however I'd say apathy. To me there is a difference between acceptance and resignation.
Acceptance is to understand the world and the people around you and be at peace with it, while the way you've worded it sounds more like you've lost your point in life and don't care to struggle against something you perceive as unfair.
When it comes to the nihilistic struggle that life has no purpose and that when the universe dies, nothing you've done or ever will do has mattered, that is correct. but is it right? A mark of a mature man to me is one who can find meaning in meaningless things.
I'm actually perfectly happy but life is completely meaningless, there's no escape from this (unless you take the religious route)
The way I deal with it is but not relying on a purpose and just appreciating things as I can
OP's chart is retarded though, it implies that "true purpose" actually exists which is nonsense. You don't need purpose to be happy.
Letting Go: The Pathway of Surrender
Fairly good, to very good. The only problem is that I am getting dopamine rushes constantly that give me sleep disorders, because I got a crush on a grill. Yesterday I meditated for 2 hours, even using these weird sounds on the jewtube, helped a lot. Felt better still, to normal happy levels. But this dopamine crap, jesus it wrecks your system up completely. Been like this for several months now. Every time I see her its just an uncontrolled reaction. Very annoying. Not sure that more meditation can cure it.
it takes roughly 2 days for this crap to flood out of my system. After that I have to make sure not to visit the same friend group as her. What a really annoying thing it is.
50 sounds about right
Ahh, that's an interesting take on this little thing we call life. I respect it. I admittedly still share some of that nihilism. Just as long as you're making a positive impact in life I have no quarrels with your viewpoint.
Somewhere below Shame
Here's what I do, I make an unarguable, unprovable assumption about life, and I hold that at the core of my existence.
It's similar to how in science we're forced to assume "The universe exists, and we can know something about it" as a foundation before we can believe anything.
My assumption is that "Life has meaning." It has nothing to do with spirituality or religion. The idea that life is meaningless is "correct" but the assumption I believe, to me, is morally "right"
>yeees, surrender to the jew, life is meaningless, you cannot control anything goym...
Why is there no functional method of letting go. Why must many of these meditative crap include universalism love. One of those jewtube meditation sessions should have a right wing version of it, with "I love everyone!" being "I love my white countrymen!"
I actually did that as a mantra and it didnt impede in the removal of my mental blocks lol.
Is this meaning you create yourself, or a meaning you seek but don't know of?
If it's the former, how do you justify that it's a true purpose rather than an arbitrary goal
They all stem from buddhist philosophy of "everything is one"
As soon as you start drawing lines you're doing it wrong, or at least you're doing something completely different
Because you feel like shit and i dont
How so? I dont draw lines, I just ignore the rest. Did the ancient europeans draw lines on the indians, or on the other nationalities that they did not come into contact with?
If it does not exhume a negative thought, then it can be part of a mantra, and loving other whites is quite positive, it is also a thing that I actually genuinely do.
I managed to narrow down further into other negative places, but most of it I managed to remove. The only thing that kinda is bugging me still is that I made a pledge to myself to kill all the kikes. Or to help in that pursuit any way I could. Well that is not an easy thing to persuade your brain of being okay. Well your primal brain, the logical part of it is quite okay with it.
But I doubt that you can give me an actual solution to this problem. All the meditation fags are like you, always this universalism, no violence garbage. When I already found a different way to be at peace without compromise in at least one aspect. I WILL find inner peace, but also with my desire to remove the jew intact eventually, with or without the help of threads like this lol.
Life is the only thing I know. How could it be meaning less if it's the only thing that has ever given meaning to anything? If it's meaning less then meaning doesn't exist because it's foundation is meaningless.
It's a meaning I create for myself, there is no "purpose." I have goals and dreams and things I wish to accomplish with the time I have, but there is nothing objective or fundamental.
I believe "meaning" and "purpose" is an abstract similar to the concept of beauty. Our concept of what beautiful is can feel largely objective, as we're influenced by our subconscious and our peers, but we can also find beauty in things that have no benefit to our survival. We can find horror beautiful, we can find tragedy beautiful, we can find comedy, twisted or not, to have its own beauty.
What I'm trying to say, is that meaning in purpose is wholly in our domain, we create it, we assign, arbitrarily so, meaning to the meaningless. This is why religion is so good for people to find meaning in their lives, because it is assigned FOR them, similarly to how modern art is considered beautiful, because it was assigned beautiful by others (even if we disagree with both religion and modern art).
I went on a little tirade, I hope its understandable, first time explaining my worldview on this. To reiterate what i said in a previous post:
To me, the mark of a mature man can find meaning in meaningless things. And to add to that: The immature assume meaning assigned by others.
I gather that the purpose you create for yourself is a series of objectives and abstract goals
Do you do this despite knowing there's no more reason to do them then there would be to do anything else, figuratively pushing the boulder up the cliff (as Camus says) ?
Or do you think there is some real purpose behind it
srsly tho, why is there no right wing method to approach meditation. Many of the keywords, the mantras and more can just be as easily replaced with fascist things that are positive. Like "love your family", "you are clean", "perform well". One can very easily focus on all the positive aspects of right wing philosophy in these sessions, there is nothing saying that one must be a liberal lefty for this or is there?
explains it well, coming from the scientific perspective one could definitely see a functional right wing path through this. One could program the brain to be more efficient in all things right wing.
Some other lefty came to this thread a little bit ago and said "killing is against one of the buddist principles", but does he not know that the buddists very happily are now killing the muslims because the muslims are very naughty? This as a whole makes me believe that there is a fascist way to do meditation. I just dont know of it yet.
there isnt much on google either, just read this interesting piece
>Yes I can elaborate. Basically, Buddhism in its radical form holds that self doesn't exist. As such, when your mother gets splattered by a car, they think: "she never existed". Also, gurus who've reached satori/kencho do things like sleeping with lots of women, hunting, and other atrocious acts.
There's something called a seshin whereby you meditate for a week. People come behind you and hit you with staffs every now and then during this procedure.
very interesting. So one can assume as I expected that "niggers never existed" to achieve inner peace?
suffering from crippling depression. Didnt effect my lifts untill today. today dentist drilled several holes in my teeth, fucked my gums up. It fucking HURTS. i cant eat, couldn't lift, entered the gym and left moments later. I'm alone as always, didnt get any pussy for a year, havent been friends with a female for 4. Now im gonna move to my apartment for collage, no friends, prolly gonna hang myself a month after i stop lifting. I also heard that my crush whom i kinda cheated on with a german girl is getting railed by german guys regularly and loving it.
I hope you guys make it.
>buddhists very happily killing muslims
you dont even know the basics of the basics of what is happening in myanmar? Really? How poorly educated you are.
Great, my mantra now will be to get around the mental blocks "niggers never have exited", and "jews never have existed" spiritual transcendence ACHIEVED
We might end up with a "language boundary" of sorts here.
Logically, yes, I assign meaning to life although there is no reason to do it, but it's a little more complex.
I do not believe in an automatic, objective "purpose" for anything, and there is no "non-real" purpose either, no matter how wrong, small, or hypocritical it is the purpose was assign is as real as anything. Think of something "beautiful" you've experienced... that beauty was arbitrarily assigned, but that feeling is real, even if it was a pile of shit or a racist joke.
whether my purpose in life was to assign purpose to life, or to just make money fuck bitches, I have a "real" purpose in life driving me.
>he expects everybody to know of the happenings in every shithole all over the world
I'd ask you to tell me about all the ethnic conflicts in africa but you'd probably just google it
Regardless the issue in burma is clearly ethnic and not religious
I disagree with your point on beauty and also find your idea of purpose confusing
Do you mean to say that the purpose only matters so long as you assigned it yourself?
Or that purpose intrinsic to existence meaning that anything you do has a sort of purpose to it?
This is why I worried about a language barrier. I'm going to use the word "meaning" instead, because it's more specific to what I'm trying to convey. To me, it is more abstract and in the realm of philosophy than hard logic.
Things are beautiful because we find them to be.
Things are meaningful because we find them to be.
There is no inherit meaning to life, but some people do have meaning. How? They either accept another's definition, or they find it themselves. One's meaning in life is no better or worse than anybody else's, and it is no less real.
Logically, coldly, there is no meaning behind my life. But I assign meaning to it for personal reasons. Therefore, my life has meaning.
If I find something beautiful that you don't, to me, it is still beautiful
If I find your life meaningful, but you don't, to me your life is still meaningful.
It is entirely possible I'm wrong about everything, logically, I am, but this is simply a belief system I have adopted to help me find meaning in life and purpose behind the things that I do.
Buddhist philosophy is "everything is none," Hindu philosophy is "everything is one." Honestly, Buddhism is such of fucking troll, it's essentially a philosophical system built around nihilism, it's Stirnerism on steroids. Stirner's philosophy was egoism: the self is the only truth, everything else is a spook. Buddhism believes that everything is a spook, even the self. "You" are an illusion. Of course, it had to adopt the metaphysical framework of Hinduism (dharma, karma, atman, Brahman, samsara, nirvana/moksha) in order to build a movement around, which helps disguise the abject nihilism of it. Wanting things causes suffering, so you should stop wanting any/all things to cease suffering. But you're allowed to want some things some times, like food to keep you alive. But if you transcended your wants, wouldn't wasting away into nothing be the right thing to do? Nah, middle path m8, no extremes. Okay, but then what is the philosophical reason for wanting things, within the Buddhist framework? Some things are just okay to want sometimes (actual response from a Buddhist monk). There is no absolute truth or transcendent reality, all is an illusion. But then what's perceiving the illusion? The self is an illusion, created by illusion, perceiving illusion. But then how can you make a truth claim, as truth requires rationality to differentiate and discern competing ideas and explanations? If the self is an illusion, why should you trust what it determines to be true? Because Buddha said so m8. It's an incoherent mess of an ideology.
That is not how emotions work. What kind of b.s. pseudo science is that bullshit? It's clearly not from anyone educated about psychology or the brain
Not sure if apathy or neutrality. How do I tell the difference?
Shame, grief, apathy, anger, and loneliness
the charts bullshit, but to me:
Apathy: resignation to a meaningless existence going through the motions
Neutrality: happy, or at least trying to be.
Basically, you're jaded, but does that stop you from doing things an otherwise ignorant (innocent) you would do?
>view of Darkseid
Just fine.
I guess I just stopped caring about most things and just do what I want at this point. Feels alright, I am not unhappy.
I take that as neutrality then.
It's both. Of course Buddhists killing is a big no-no, although within their own philosophy there is actually no reason for it to be. If the self is illusory, what does it matter if I kill other people? They never really existed and I don't either. The only reason to not kill within their own philosophy is because that would be wanting something, but that's not exactly a strong argument, especially given that they make exceptions for other wants. Kind of the polar opposite of Islam, ironically enough. People are made in the image of God and thus are of infinite worth, so killing is a grievous sin. But kaffirs don't really count because they don't agree exactly with our ideology.
That's interesting
You have a very unique view, albeit slightly contradictory, but very few philosophies are flawless
Top kek m8, how's first semester of philosophy going? Try reading something other than postmodern philosophy, absurdism (Camus, the myth of Sisyphus) is a logically incoherent worldview. 75% of philosophy from the 20th century (and 100% from the 21st) is garbage, read the classics up through ~1900 if you want to develop a worldview. Europe was mortally wounded with WW1 and WW2 was its dying gasps, everything since has been deconstructionist drivel (essentially doing a postmortem on Western culture), with only the occasional mind foraying into past philosophical traditions (such as Jung).
I've never actually had any formal education on philosophy, I know a few concepts here and there, but nothing I feel I "know." If I did I would probably be more insufferable.
If you'd like to judge me, that's fine, I just believe what I choose to believe. Someone asked my views and I explained them, I never intended to persuade or position myself as superior (like you just did).
>/pol/ after reading philosophy inforcharts: the post
I'm sure it is somewhere, but I fail to see where its contradictory, can you explain? Legitimately asking, I'd like to see if there's something I should rethink!
>absurdism is a logically incoherent worldview
Wow, gee, ya think? /pol/ bringing some next-level insights today.
>post-modernism is inherently bad and you shouldn't read philosophy you don't like the implications of.
> there's no escape from this (unless you take the religious route)
Your view is mainly based on loose definitions of subjectivity and meaning.
You also seem to acknowledge that life has no intrinsic purpose but believe that an individual can find purpose (which is similar to existential philosophy), except that this purpose is based entirely on subjective perception, rather than being created.
So ultimately the contradiction comes from the fact that you say "life has no proper meaning rooted in reality" and you also say "meaning is found, not created".
However your ideas might be different and it's because you're not well versed in philosophy that you find it difficult to explain, but this is what I could interpret from it.
Nietzsche had NO argument against the leap of faith and I don't CARE what you have to say about it faggot
Kek, just banter m80. In all seriousness, I would recommend you read some earlier philosophy. Best to start with the Greeks and work your way up from there, western philosophy has aptly been described as a series of footnotes to Plato (though really Socrates, Plato, and Aristotle) and you won't understand the full context of what follows without the groundwork laid. Same with the Bible, even if you aren't Christian and don't believe in God, it is a necessary text for the comprehension of nearly 2000 years of western philosophy. Most of the literature written since the 1950s (though beginning in the late 1800s/early 1900s) is deconstructionist and postmodernist in nature, which are logically incoherent movements in their own right, as they are formulated entirely as responses to traditional western philosophy. Since those are the predominant philosophical movements today, many people who read recent literature either don't understand the full context or are fully oblivious to their nature, meaning they're taking five scoops of nihilism without realizing it: the literature is a critique and thus fundamentally cannot stand on its own. Reading this literature and trying to form an ethos around it is like trying to form an opinion of a film by reading a scathing critique of it. Better to watch the film and make up your own mind before delving into the critics. I offer this advice in sincerity: I used to think a lot like you but I've since changed my mind on many matters.
>not a pretentious man/lit/
Kek, haven't been on /pol/ since the election
man, threads like this remind me of the time i had to communicate literally through those kind of threads with my now ex-gf
depressing and sad that shes gone without a trace now
>completely misses the point of my post
>not even a /pol/ack
You should read philosophy regardless of the implications of it. However, postmodernism is inherently bad IF you don't know the philosophical tradition leading up to it. Most people today don't know the major preceding philosophical movements, only their critiques in postmodern literature, which is incredibly dangerous. The movement is a response, a very insightful, powerful, and destructive response, to the rest of western philosophy. If you don't know what it's responding to, not only will you not fully understand it, but you will also not understand the other, significantly more complete philosophies, resulting in you forming a logically incoherent and nihilistic worldview.
Looking back at what I've said, I believe what you've taken from it is fairly accurate, I don't think dragging this conversation on will go anywhere further because as you said I'm not well versed, and I'd more likely than not confuse both myself and you.
However, I should have been more consistent with "created" and "find/found." To be concrete, I meant "created."
Anyway, I really appreciate your interest! it was nice putting what I've turned over in my head to words.
No worries! I have been starting to read a little bit, following that cliche "start with the greeks advice," I'm just kind of slow because I'm also trying to recover from 20 years of bad habits (hence Veeky Forums) and further my career.
Sincere advice is always welcome! (I've already taken note of a few of Jung's key views and would like to read them down the line. A couple I already had some similar thoughts to).
Anyway, maybe I'll see what you mean one day, or maybe I'll end up on a different track. We're all trying to go forward right? even if it's in different directions.
There is a huge reason to not kill in Buddhism, and it's due to karma and rebirth. Killing another being results in a huge amount of negative karma which will probably result in an unfortunate rebirth in a lower realm unless you pay it off in this lifetime.
Also your understanding of the self is a bit off from a buddhist standpoint. It's the ego which is the illusory self, there is actually a self which experiences everything before conceptual meaning is assigned to any of it - it's also called the witnessing self / observing self / pure awareness
So, I decided to forgo video games completely and just see how far I can get with the hrz meditative things on jewtube. Going from mediocre amounts (half an hour per day the last week), to absurd amounts (like 2, 3 hours per day) Anything I should know or add to it before I try to unwind 10 years on neural maps attributed to internet communication, and probably become a half beast?
I don't think you NEED purpose to be happy, but for a lot of people it certainly helps. I'm not saying you have to believe in a higher power or some shit. But to me it seems that a lot of people deep down need to have a goal or dream or feel valued in some way.
When it's all said and done I'm pretty sure we'll just be worm food. But surrounding yourself with good friends, being financially stable and finding something/things that you're passionate about will make the march to the grave actually tolerable.
If you want to take real shortcuts then start taking drugs instead of listening to binaural beats
like psilocybin and lsd? Binaural beats only seem like a minor shortcut to me, useful to remove current stress-points without advanced experience. Managed to suppress that annoying subconscious track player that always plays music in my brain today. Very useful.
Just look at this chart, together with a thing like f.lux it could mean better odds at getting into sleep?
There's only one drug that I'm aware of that'll bring you directly to an experience of emptiness / god consciousness - 5-MeO-DMT.
Other drugs you can use to access meditative states of mind (they pale in comparison to the above though):
Dissociatives - can let you access formless jhanas
Other psychedelics (LSD / psilocybin / ayahuasca) - not very consistent in where they'll take you in my experience
Phenibut - haven't tried it personally but I've read it can allow you to access the first jhana quite easily
that sounds very specific. Not sure if want. What are the benefits of experiencing emptiness / god consciousness? What is it good for?
It's just DMT for short
Not the guy you're responding to but I wouldn't recommend it if you've never tried psychedelics.
It's hard to obtain and even harder to consume.
Really really strong too and also super short duration
I had a spiritual awakening and experienced ineffable about 3.5 years ago.
It was the most incredible experience. I was completely unwavering in my presence and expression. Completely and utterly fearless in my intent. I felt like all my dreams were a matter of taking action, and felt no struggle in doing so.
I hope one day I can wake up all the way, as some spiritual teachers say is the next step but I'm not holding my breathe anymore. I'm just living life as it is.
but again, does it help you in some way in life? Does it increase performance for jobbos? Does it give you super powers? What is it for? Getting to see the face of god would be faglike if there were no cool things to be used for. Might as just well go and feed a bunch of ducks in a pond, much more useful than seeing gods face and getting nothing in return. At least the ducks are grateful.
Speaking of dissociatives. Do amanitas qualify as those? Got any experience with them?
I tried some out last year and they were very different from normal mushrooms or lsd. That makes sense though, what with muscimol actually being a GABA agonist if I'm not mistaken. I've never really tried any actual dissociatives, so it made me wonder how they work.
Going hunting for some next week, but they're coming around alarmingly late this year. They are bloody awful to eat though.
I personally don't think psychedelics can improve your life desu
You're expecting a shortcut that doesn't exist. At best it can change your view on things.
MeO-DMT is not what people commonly refer to as "DMT." What you are thinking of is N,N DMT. There is also 4-AcO DMT which is also not "DMT."
It is very specific. Emptiness is the true nature of reality. It's reality without any conceptual framework laid over the top of it, which is what your ego automatically does for you. If your interest in meditation is for achieving enlightenment then emptiness is what you want to realise. It's actually very simple, it's infront of you right now but you just can't see it because your ego is in the way. 5-MeO basically eradicates your ego and allows you to experience the true nature of reality. It's terrifying and beautiful at the same time.
It's not just DMT, it's much more potent and the effects are at a completely opposite to one another. DMT forces you into meeting entities and other crazy shit that is outside of "you", 5-MeO forces you into realising that there is nothing outside of "you"
It is different person to person.
interesting, that is indeed what I may desire, but I wonder. would using such a drug AND doing meditation shorten the duration of the meditative buildup? I would like to see that emptiness for myself too. Would seem very useful as well to adapt to new things faster.
Haven't tried them, what are the effects like? I always thought they had deliriant effects so I've never been too interested
It's something that will change your life forever, though not in a way that would massively benefit you in any socioeconomic way. It is ineffably beneficial for personal growth though
Anecdotally I used LSD to cure my depression and ayahuasca completely eradicated any trace of social anxiety I had, going from that I'd say they've been invaluable to me personally. Also there's a lot of current research interest into psychedelics for the treatment of addiction/anxiety/depression disorders.
Grief and shame. Mostly grief.
>It's something that will change your life forever, though not in a way that would massively benefit you in any socioeconomic way. It is ineffably beneficial for personal growth though
Higher cognition would always result in a benefit of some sort. You may see it in a similar light as the IQ scale. I see it in a similar light too perhaps.
I know it exists out there to be reached. I am very well aware of the nature of our reality, and how our pathetic, weak brains could be looking at it. Through these many bio evolutionary filters, adapted for prey, or something else still.
I just really, really hate humanity as this point, and I think that there exists a place like pic related. Additionally, one may be able to see paths, which the others may not see. I think that the walls that we create, and share communally can actually just be walked through. And can you imagine such a thing? If you can enter the nothingness, then you may also be able to create something in that nothingness. It can be something social, which would be useful for personal advancements. But also something communal, which could be useful to erode the control that the various hostile groups have on us. If they think that we are about to reach a wall and be halted, but we walk through it, wouldnt they be fucking terrified as shit because of it?
I'd highly recommend becoming somewhat adept at meditation before using it, just because you absolutely need to be able to calm yourself before going into the experience, while in the experience, and to stay with the experience while the effects are wearing off.
But that said nothing will prepare you for the experience aside from realising it without the use of drugs - which can take years/decades of consistent daily meditation.
I meditated daily for about 9 months before taking it, with no experience of emptiness beforehand, but after having experienced it through the drug it is something I can fairly easily bring back into my awareness, although not with the same clarity.
theoretically speaking, since its emptiness, and we arose from that. There would be little to few reservations from using a few alien methods to reach it faster. I mean, if its all science, if its all just some boring brain switching, one may as well use roids to get to it. Maybe the traditional method is really inefficient in switching those neurons. Maybe one could use sounds like those binaural things. Maybe a combination of drugs still.
>I just really, really hate humanity at this point
I'd be careful with that. Humans are fully capable of doing incredibly shitty things and it's a path a lot seem to take, but hating them for that only harms you. A better way to approach it is to see that humans are ignorant, we all want happiness and place that as the highest goal in our lives and some people don't care if they trod over others to attain their own happiness, but ultimately they're ignorant to what they're doing and they're ignorant to where they can actually find lasting happiness. Pity them for it. Generate compassion for even the most seemingly twisted people. It'll benefit you a lot more than hating.
5-MeO-DMT is a naturally occurring compound anyway that is also an endogenous neurotransmitter present in every person. There's nothing really unnatural about using any chemical aid regardless of your goal. I believe that the traditional methods are pretty inefficient compared to using drugs, all you need to do is compare the time frames it can take people to achieve certain realisations and it'll speak for itself. Unfortunately there's a lot of unwarranted stigma that the public seems to have towards using drugs for these purposes which stagnates much of the research and hampers availability
>I'd be careful with that. Humans are fully capable of doing incredibly shitty things and it's a path a lot seem to take, but hating them for that only harms you
this path seems alluring in the first place in the way that it seems very great for mental self defense. If additional benefit can be squeezed out of it, why not? Its not like there is meaning in this universe. May as well use it for communal benefit and be judged as righteous in the eyes of the right people.
>what were the effects like
Hard to explain, as is usual. I'll try to do my best though. I haven't tried any deliriants either, but there may be a few similarities, going by some of the reports I've read. I never went very big with the dosage, nor do I believe amanitas are that potent by themselves. Eating enough of them to get a Datura-like experience would probably require you to have Olympian constitution.
Anyway, I'll just list some of the weirdest things I can remember.
>crazy dreams
First time I tried them I remember chasing something, I think it was the actual mushrooms themselves, along some map/path that looked like a massive tree, while simultaneously seeing it from the top and in first person. Don't ask me how it makes any sense. There were other weird dreams, but that was the one I can recall the best. Should also mention that amanitas usually made me quite sleepy for a few hours, although it usually just ended up being something of a semi-conscious nap.
>severe confusion at higher dosages
I couldn't even unlock my phone. At one point my friend walked off and I was left alone. I had no idea what had happened and deduced that since there is no one near me I must be either dead or the only person left on the planet. Neither of which really bothered me.
>crystal clear flashing images
Didn't really get any "proper" visuals, but while coming home that day I saw regular flashing images, as if my whole field of vision was replaced by some previous memory or something every few seconds. I was probably just blinking, though. Still, if so then I'm amazed by how distinct they were.
Also every car that drove towards me convinced me that I had been hit by it and during the whole trip home I felt like I died a bunch of times.
I have a ton of inadequacy mental problems, but I'm working on it. I feel like I'm not good enough for anything most of the time. Not fun, but I recognize that it isn't true and most importantly that I can change it.
Should also list:
>feeling of happiness and content
>severe nausea - I honestly can't imagine eating a large dose, even the smell makes me sick now
>wild dreams once you actually get to sleep hours later
>muscle spasms
I'll try to think of some more. Nowhere near as introspective as lsd in any case.
In what mode I'm in Veeky Forums ?
It happens in Myanmar.
this mode, but that dude kinda did it inefficiently. One can still dislike many of the bad things without feeling those feelings all the time. One just has to process them as a reality and adjust your standards appropriately.
We talking DMT now?
>chronic shame for over several years
I couldn't even begin to try to explain my mental state. I am convinced that shame is the absolutely worse feel that someone could possibly experience.
I forgot what it was like to be truly care-free.
>he doesn't feel regret
do-you-even-feel mode
When your view of life is "is" then you are everything.
>Acceptance is to understand the world and the people around you and be at peace with it.
Interesting irony in your post. You are already at the top with the viewpoint with this comment/opinion/state of being.
>I'm actually perfectly happy but life is completely meaningless, there's no escape from this (unless you take the religious route)
Not true, in the sense that you need to take the religious route, because even with religion, it still basically states overall that this life is meaningless.
Life is a video game. Overall, it's meaningless, but it still has meaning because you're playing it. Be in the moment.
I am kinda stuck here, but no longer really in a rut though. T user who lieks the Binaural sounds
Source on that pic pls
around 275-300 atm my dude
Then educate us. You have the answer.
>I'm just living life as it is.
Heh, then you're already taking the steps needed to be back where you were before. Live in the moment senpai and listen to some Alan watts. It helps get you back on track.