How are things going, Veeky Forums?
How are things going, Veeky Forums?
Better but worse all at the same time
HBU friendo
I'm at a crossroads of my life. I'm getting the chance of moving far away and having a new job.
Being Veeky Forums will become a secondary goal, but it will be for the best in the long run.
I'm happy to finally have some sort of trajectory.
fuck you you cringey beta piece of shit, fuck off
I'm very confused
That's how I can describe it
Some times I wake up in the middle of the night laughing because I am so satisfied with my life. Just want to let you all know that I am doing better than you in every regard and if you post feel thread on this board then you should kys.
Recently got serious with gf, after a long period of avoiding relationships
Knew from goofy convos when we werent serious that her number was higher than mine,but i suspect its at least double, not to mention when I went up to her hometown to visit her family we ran into a dude that she had fucked (idk why i asked if she knew him 'biblically')
Idk why it bothers me so much, Im not a fuckin virgin, but I spent my prime college/fucking years addicted to drugs and bodybuilding trying to get over an ex, and Im just bitter that I considered settling down with someone who I now know has fucked way more people than me
Im sorry for the rant Veeky Forums
I just want to go back to cocoon mode and get on cycle and not worry about this shit
Well fuck you too man
Pretty okay.
>still no friends in my new city
>car got broken into last week
>visited home and saw my nephew is growing up fast, and held newborn neice. resolved to move back to home state within next 2 years
>been hooking up with a lot of tinder/Bumble girls, but only girl I connected with emotionally/mentally since moving has an STD I'm not willing to risk by connecting physically, so thats out
>finally set up my computer and desk with some sweet hardware and a nice chair off Craigslist
>finally paid down my credit card to under $1000 for the first time in over a year
>not sure if hair is thinning worse or if I'm just paler and got a bad cut. Probably thinning worse.
>lifts keep going up, but bodyfat is climbing again since I finished my cut
>getting good sleep for first time in years
>thicc cutie is cooking me chicken and waffles on Friday
Lifes a pretty mixed bag. I'm only 23 and my future looks bright, but I'm struggling with my hair thinning really rapidly (NW2-NW3) and getting my feet under me in a new city.
Not great, desu.
Good, started college this semester and adjusting, the gym here is pretty good too. Still have no gf though.
Get a girl with less partners, you dont have to settle for that girl, dont save her, if others guys didn't settle with her, why would you?
So so I'd say, I got transferred to a new job two months ago and I met a girl who is now my gf, she's 11 years older than I am so my parents are pretty freaked out about that, I'm 19. I also got promoted to manager and started college finally. College is stressing me out but I know it'll be worth it in the future. It's just hard dealing with it rn because I have shitty time management. I guess the biggest problem with me is that I haven't gone to the gym in 3 weeks. So o guess I'm pretty alright.
That isnt a gecko
Idk if I'm balding or not?
The very end or my hair line is higher then the other and now I'm starting to worry cause I just started college and I don't want to be "that guy"
Go for it man just fucking put yourself out there, that's how great things happen by putting yourself out there
>got class today fucking love my class and program and cohort
>think I may be finally slowly moving on from my oneitis in my cohort as I find myself not wanting to discuss her nearly as often or in as much detail as I once did
>going to the gym after class FUCK YEAH SEAKING
>got a consult scheduled for early October for getting my wisdom teeth pulled so I'm hoping that won't be morbidly expensive
>just ate some eggs with a glass of milk
>waiting on bro to text me back so maybe I can hang with him a little before class
>gonna talk to classmate afterward about getting some weed
>got shit liquor as a last resort for when I get home
In hospital being tested for MS, MRI and maybe spinal tap tomorrow.
Also heartbroken n shit ;_;
And my friends don't seem to care that I'm having health problems, excluding me recently from everything.
Just lonely desu, lonely and sad.
I only want someone to care the way I care about them.
I was a mistake
Stop being beta dude. People fuck people. I've fucked plenty of girls and so has my wife. It's part of life. If you don't experience it beforehand you'll probably want it after which is no bueno.
Seriously the most non issue ever stop letting the worse half of your brain win like a beta faggot letting your emotions control you
There is no reason to ask unless you genuinely don't care and are at the point you can talk about those things without being a salty lil bitch
It is pathetic and she will leave you if you don't grow up
Why do you put your nationality in your name?
Had a date lined up yesterday, girl flaked saying she needs time to finish up assignments for college/university. Actually sent me photos of her working on it even though I didn't ask so I'm taking it on faith that she's not flaking because she isn't interested.
Ended up calling her yesterday because she said she was free and asked me to call her. I think it went well, I bumbled about autistically for a bit and then got back on track, we talked about a few things before I had to go play MTG with the boys (didn't tell her that) and she had to make lunch. She sent me a few texts afterwards saying she enjoyed talking to me and she likes the sound of my voice, not sure how I take that but I assume she's interested?
She also opened up about how she was raped in her early teen years (she's 18, i'm 24). I don't know how to feel about that but if she can overlook my autism and my whole entire appearance in general I can overlook the red flag that presents.
I just dunno lads, she said she might have time tomorrow but I'm getting mixed signals here.
What you're feeling is insecurity and irrational insecurity at that. Why worry about things you cannot control and that DO NOT MATTER. You have her now, that's what matters. If you cant see past that, then dump her because she should find someone better.
I'm starting to build a phobia of calling my grandmother because I'm afraid she knows I'm a failure in life. It sucks because I'm probably going to be left out of the will and she has multi millions to inherit.
Having a shit time.
>Mom doesn't want to go back to her home country with her parents
>On her own, lonely.
Can't convince her to go, it's making me hate Uni. She even wants to go, but she doesn't fucking go.
It's probably the money. It's always the fucking money.
Laat night i dreamed i was hanging out with some qt azn and had the courage to ask her out just as i woke up to go pee. I hope that means im getting over my ex. Its been a year of pain.
So you can easily identify me and make fun of me for being dyel and annoying
Pic related
Well not bad man aside from still being a jkv, started learning a new language recently so I'm most of the time out the house and its doing good for my health.
Girl that rejected me is asking me to be reference for my company. She hasn't been able to find a job in two years. She is being really nice to me now and wants to hang out, but I don't want to do it.
She is an ok friend, idk what to do brehs.
We’re all going to make it.
Nothing seems to be going well for me since I started uni.
Never felt this much self-doubt and loneliness in my life.
There shouldn't be hard feelings because she rejected you, at least she didn't string you along and waste your time to boost her ego
Do her a favor maybe it'll come back to you, maybe it won't
I thought for a long time that what I wanted in life was to achieve something very high in this field and to never give up. I did just that and I stopped hanging out with people and ended up focusing on studying and learning either at work or at home. Eventually things went south and I was being promoted and had to train other people and teach them my skills, that's kind of where I learned that other people who work with me don't really know shit and they don't put in the amount of effort as me. I stopped studying since I was always alone and always studying or working on something from work, I completely gave up on studying for certifications 3 months ago and have spent every day playing video games. Truth be told, I have no friends and this work/life is really painful on the mind since you can be really good at what you do and one day you figure out that other people actually socialize outside of work and you're the guy who never gets invited anywhere.
These days, I want to start studying again and end up getting promoted in the next few months, but for what reason? To climb the ladder again, and to make more than 150k and join the solutions/architect team?
For what reason? I'm single and alone, the other guys are married and spend their time working or sitting at home with their wife
I have nothing anymore, except this career and I used to be so busy and happy I didn't care about being alone. But now, I can only see myself being alone and miserable at this job forever
>recently turned 27
>pretty much at the same place i was in five years ago
>have traveled quite a bit, but all that seems irrelevant now because its in the past
Thanks for the replies anons
Funny thing is people think im a chad,ive been living a facade
But really deep down i am severely insecure,hence why ive vented my deeply beta feelings to you guys
Shes sweet,cooks for me, is good in bed and lets me do kinky shit to her,etc
She even sort of implied shed have a threesome (tho i think it is directly related to me revealing a hint of that possesive insecurity)
I know its pathetic and irrational but I have severe issues
sounds like you're insecure about it
i say break up with her
if it bothers you, it bothers you
nothing wrong with that
it happened already though and nothing can change that
there is no way to work around this
what are you going to do go fuck a bunch of other girls to get a higher number?
i say if she treats you well then thats all it matters
But it's dumb
Just make a trip if you care that much
Everyone says I'm doing really well in life but I'm pretty much below highschool level when it comes to the girls part. I'm so sick of failing and get no positive reinforcement it makes me want to give up. I get only the shitty part and nothing ever pays off. They all ghost at the last second, forget who I am, discount me altogether, etc.
At least you realized it before your whole life had passed before your eyes, pretty sure that happens to a lot of people. Start branching out, hit up your old friends, ask someone from the gym to go for drinks
time you enjoyed wasting is not wasted time
are you worried because you have nothing to show for it? nobody has anything to show 100 years from now
just putting my thoughts onto the page, I'm an idiot though so probably just ignore me
I think I'm in love with a girl in my class and I can't approach her until monday. Barely slept last night because of it. I'm 22 now but haven't felt like this since I was 14.
I like to hold grudges though.
I was slutting around on tinder before/when i first met her, like her a lot hence why i stopped
But it will probably bother me, and deep down idk if i could settle down until ive reached a number that it would be utterly and completely hypocrita to ever worry about it again
You're sounding like a loser dude, why give yourself unnecessary negativity?
theres nothing wrong with being jealous or insecure
its just how things are
if it bothers you it bothers you
im not going to tell you its right or wrong to feel this way
just how to move past it
saw from your other post you talked about it with her already and shes willing to help i think?
i say keep her and talk things out with her
but its not like shes rubbing your face in it or anything shes actually making a active effort to curb those insecure feelings
Same. Honestly feel miserable.
I just want to die
Got my test levels checked at my uni clinic and they're not good.
No exact values but borderline low but still in "normal" range so no treatment from them.
Called a men's hormone clinic and going o get them checked again.
Would a hormone clinic be more inclined to prescribe some kind of treatment for low but technically normal test levels?
Im taking a really good shit. Lots of fibre and water make me a happy pooper.
I don't sit in one corner thinking about it, I use it to fuel my own self-accomplishments. So far it been working pretty well.
She will leave him anyway since she's got more partners and she's in love being always on a dick. The guys before op let her go because they could see it. It's not about being virgin or not , it's about having principles and you call him a beta for having a problem with that . Please die slow
We sort of have, and she definitey is
(Telling me how she only wants me,always telling me how hot i am, she cant imagine that i was insecure at all/would ever have any reason to be, implying that shed have a threesome since she knows i dig the thought, says i dont need to do steroids or hgh again but would support me if i did,etc)
All of which makes me feel like a dumbkunt. If she wasnt a total keeper id have jumped ship asap
But my brain will just get in loops over it, and ill have like fuckin anxiety attacks/autistic fits of rage over it (when im alone mind you,only you anons know)
This is the first time in 5 years that my depression has made me hate going to the gym. I ran out of meds in March and can't find the motivation to look for a new primary care physician. I'm probably pretty close to breaking down
What does your average day look like?
Until the one day you realize you've become someone you swore you would never be. That'll sting.
Also, it sounds like her rejection had no feelings attached in it. Is it fair to give her sentiment loaded with negative feelings back? Think about it. I don't think she has the capacity to bear a grudge against you, unless you keep bearing a grudge against her.
I was well on my way to making it, down 30lbs, hit 1/2/3/4 and was feeling pretty great but I got stabbed in a bar fight that I really wasn't a part of. Wrong place wrong time... That was 6 months ago.
Now that i'm finally recovered, i'm back where I started. I gained most of the weight back from being completely sedentary for 6 months and my lifts have all gone to shit. I've finally got back in the gym after all this time and it's feels hopeless. It's really hard getting back into it now because I have to start everything over. over a years worth of progress vanished in 6 months...
This cunt owes me money and was supposed to pay me back today. Now I got a message asking if I could wait another week. She has done that shit four times already and I'm beginning to lose my temper.
Only reason I haven't given up on it is because she actually paid back half of the money she borrowed quite early, but that was before I moved away. Now I'm thinking that, since I'm nowhere near her, she feels no pressure to pay me back at all.
Then I have a few mates who were supposed to come to a festival with me and asked if I could buy tickets for all of us. Unsurprisingly they bailed a few days before the event and a couple of them still haven't given me money for the tickets I bought them. I'm not actually worried about it, since they are good lads and we'll sort it out, but its kind of annoying me how unreliable people are and how I was dumb enough myself to make mistakes like that.
Don't mix money with friends dude, it's just a 1 way ticket to bad scenarios
it had feelings to me, I would have given her the world. Why would she bear a grudge against me? For me it was a day when I died a little bit inside, for her it was just tuesday. My company is F500, I don't see why I should help her. I work in the corporate office too.
I'm not really bitter, but this is a favor that I only do for close friends. She droped contact and only recently starting to reconnect. It about time she leanrs that their are consequences in her choices.
We'll before I would wake up at 630 to go to the gym, come back around 8/815, then shower and eat. Then class and studying until I fell asleep. Now I wake up fight with myself until I force myself to the gym, half ass a workout and come back. After class I just study until I realize I don't want to then go home and lay down for the rest of the night
Very good at the moment.
>t. 194cm white male
>lost 50lbs after reading the sticky last year
>went down to a normal pant size
>got a job that doubles as workout and pays a lot
>white bitches check me out and give me compliments now, but I ignore them
>got a qt Asian gf
>getting more Veeky Forums and trying to lose another 20lbs
>getting raise at work
>went back to church
Did all of my workouts at home and in the woods, btw. No gym bullshit for me.
What so you wanted her to pretend to be interested in you and date you when she has no romantic interest in you? What is wrong with you nigga
I'm home on vacations and my mother keeps buying stuff full of carbs that I have to control myself a lot not to shove down my throat
It's a girl
Not diplomatic relations with a foreign entity kys pussy
Like you wouldn't fuck just as many people! You just not he just didn't have the option. Quit lying to yourself
What are you studying? Also, how's the social side of things?
Maybe you've fallen in a shitty routine.
Yeah, I was just feeling exceedingly generous for a while and thought I'd help them out. Big mistake.
The one who actually borrowed money from me isn't really a friend though, just an ex coworker. Truth be told she isn't even the kind of a person I'd normally have around me and I'm just waiting for her to pay me back so I can completely remove her from my life.
As for my mates, I kind of understand them, life happens and you can't always do what you promised. Its just that we planned this shit months in advance and once the first one bailed, having an actual reason, the rest decided not to come as well. Still, at least I can count on them paying me back.
I don't know man, but to me it sounds like a petty thing to hold a grudge over. My question to you, is are you so petty as to hold a grudge over someone who won't see you as something more? If so, then I think she is justified in not going further with you. I wouldn't want a partner who would screw me over, over not feeling the same way as the other.
Maybe I have, but I'm fine when it comes to friends, it's just instead of wanting to hang out, I mostly want to go home and it probably is my fault completely
dont know what to tell you bro
i struggled with those thoughts of jealousy and insecurity with my first gf(sadly in the end they turned out to be true)
if she hasnt given you any reason to not trust her other than she has a higher number i think you're good
but you need to work on those feelings
She's pretty interested since girls don't really go out of their way to try and talk to you and compliment you unless they are at least a little bit into you.
Just try to chill together again, if it keeps not happening then just stop and wait for her to make the move. If she doesn't she either was just trying to keep you around as an option or wasn't interested enough to really go out of her way. Either way, you'll have your answer.
horrible...I cucked myself over the summer. I had some half-decent lifts for a beginner after doing SL during the school year so I switched to a PPL. I wasn't nearly as consistent as I should've been. I lost SO MUCH STRENGTH holy shit, it sucks, I feel so weak.
I've been broken up with my last gf who I dated for just under 4 years, for almost a year and I still haven't been laid. It doesn't feel like my erectile dysfunction is getting any better.
My only friend/roommate at school left to move back home and I'm back at school now and feeling lonely/anxious/depressed as fuck. Moving out of my two bedroom apartment at the end of the month (because previously mentioned friend left and I can't afford a two bedroom place all alone) and I still don't have a place to move in to. I'd like to at least get a room in a house with people my age who I can occasionally go get a beer with or something. The only places I've looked at so far are filled with exchange students from India. I guess beggars can't be choosers, but fuck, this sucks. I also don't wanna move into a place where even if I have a friend up from home if we get drunk and be kinda loud or whatever the roomies get all pissy.
I donno, life kinda sucks right now. Not where I thought I'd be at 25 years old. Might just kms.
Having low times is normal, just keep pushing and don't stop moving.
The shitty thing about depression is that you are your own worst enemy. No matter what you think, you'll find a way to oppose that thought with bullshit.
It's tough, but you need to hold on. When the time comes the changes will happen by themselves. Keep yourself occupied, and you're gonna make it.
>no gf in over 6 years
>social outcast my whole life, bullied at school and abused at home
>became a shut in at 15 when discovered the internet
>can't even carry a conversation without panicing and thinking I'm blowing it and I should say more but I have nothing to say
>recently fired, money is drying up quickly
>99% sure I'm balding
>hate everything about myself and wish I had a gf every day but I know I'd be terrified of saying the wrong thing anyway or taking a shit and smelling bad after or something
>watching myself and everyone around me grow old while I hate myself and everything/everyone
>my future is arthritis and dementia, no use even pretending I want to drag someone into my life for that experience
f-fine I guess
I have an interview today. I have to be ready in 2 hours and I'm still not even sure what I'm wearing.
That self-sabotaging demon is creeping up, snap me back into it guys. I'm super nervous when I'm usually not and it's like I'm frozen in place because I'm not even preparing for it.
So many signs have been standing out to me, some blatant as ever, that this job is mine. A new position opened up, and I was called in a second time since I didn't get the first posted positions. This could finally be my time, but I need to snap out of this frozenness now.
not so good, a bit better than yesterday, but still..
>tfw thinking about her
>tfw 4 minute break up talk was not nearly enough
>tfw she's probably over me and this feeling is killing me inside
>She also opened up about how she was raped in her early teen years
why the fuck was i thinking that you would write something about her being raped the second i read "she likes the sound of my voice"?
literally borderlind bipolar shit i've experienced with a girl
fucking run user, she's got daddy issues bound to explore on you
We are all going to make it friend, you too.
>She even sort of implied shed have a threesome (tho i think it is directly related to me revealing a hint of that possesive insecurity)
mfw my ex hinted at me with this
and now some other guy will probably enjoy that, fucking hell
Not too good man.
>Pretty much a NEET (need an internship to graduate, but can't find shit)
>Lifts stalling because I'm trying to recomp
>Still skinny fat
>Still weak af, mentally & physically
>Hardly see the few friends I have - they're all working and progressing in life
Shit's got me on the ropes senpai
>. Not where I thought I'd be at 25 years old.
26 here
living alone, best friends basically live with their SO in other cities far away
gf broke up a week ago
all i do is work, gym, get home play vidya for 30 minutes, sleep
it's like i lost my drive when i lost my gf..
I like my current girl a lot, but i'm not super attracted to her anymore. She's being deployed soon, so I feel weird about breaking it off. Also, we really get along and have mutual interests, so I want to stay friends with her. I've been trying to get her to break up with me without hating me, but it's tough
Pretty good, six weeks away from having a baby, so that's amazing. Really looking forward to getting back into regular workouts, I've been working out multiple times a week, but it's not my usual and I'm under satisfied, fitness-wise. Very healthy, though, and an easy pregnancy. Want my husband to start lifting again, he's had a sympathy pregnancy, but we have a #homegymmasterrace, so he didn't stall completely, just slowed down his efforts. School is a tough schedule too, so I feel for him. I want us both to beef up a little when the baby is around. Set a good example. Can't wait to make the little one physically superb.
I started lifting pre-baby, but didn't do it during pregnancy. I'd love to get back into it. Also want to bubble my butt out, nice and firm. It's aight, but we can always be better.
I love you homos. I still have a crush on my qt, tall German girl friend who is a mathematician's daughter, so I guess I'm a homo, too. I'm going to hire her to work for me, and then I can keep her around all day. Wish me luck, /fit. Hope you all are doing great.
Unemployed. Hating life. I really want to work, but I never get called for interviews.
Do you follow up? What kind of work are you looking for
>everything reminds me of her
>i read her city everywhere
>today on my way from work i smelled her perfume
>i see her name written in almost every text i see
ffs how do i stop this
sex was from another universe and i loved her but god damn why do i miss her this much
you better figure it out before you're dealing with oneitus 2 years from now
Jesus christ, what in the actual fuck has happened to Veeky Forums? Am I on reddit?
Insecure that you don't want to date some other guys leftovers?
Look man, if you're going to invest your time, love and emotions and money and life into someone, maybe you should make sure that she's worth it. Given that other guys were fucking and getting blowjobs and having threesomes with her without any of these things, it reasons to believe that she's not really worth it.
You're not insecure, you're rational. Any man who honestly says he's not "bothered" by his girlfriend being a slut is actually the insecure person, because he doesn't value himself enough.
>Lol I'm just a cock, I would have done the same if I had the chance! I'm not insecure though!
Get real. Don't fucking settle for someone who you can pump and dump just like that. Get a woman with values and morals. And everyone who says that wanting such a woman makes you insecure is literally a fucking manchild who has convinced himself that being a cuck is normal. The amount of mental gymnastics it takes to convince yourself that you're fine with dozens of men fucking your wife/girlfriend and that you're fine with meeting these people is litearlly disturbing.
I recently got my bachelor's degree in computer science. I do not have a lot of experience, so I'm guessing that's my weak point.
thing is i already had my oneitis and it lasted nearly 3 years, this one wasn't "the one" but god damn was she fitting, i loved her even for her negative sides
me and my ex were walking outside on a warm summer night when she told me about some guy she fucked and how she dumped him, wanted me to laugh about it
needless to say the next day i broke up because shit like that is not something you say to someone you're close
just get an internship then progress to full time. you won't make as much but at least you can get your foot in the door. also go to campus job fairs, employers cream themselves to hire the people that show up to those. even if you graduated already, the people at the doors won't have a clue.
My grandmom died two days ago. My best friend's gf wants to fuck me. My gf and me have been doing really good lately. My job just got fucked around and now I have to drive an hour too and from work every day. I'm coming off a break from lifting and have been getting back into it. I'm enjoying having the outlet again.
Also I think somebody is molesting my friend's little sister. I've had other little girls crush on me before, I'm used to it and I realize its normal. But she knows and says things she shouldn't. She's six years old and she's basically just a baby but she says stuff to me about taking my pants off and stuff and is always going for my crotch. I've had other little girls crush on me, my neighbors daughter has been in love with me for years, but I've never gotten this vibe before. Other kids were cute and innocent about it. This kid has me suspicious as hell. But I don't have any evidence or a suspect pinned down, and it could possibly just be my imagination. I definitely don't have enough cause to do or say anything, but I swear to god I'll smash someone if I find out I'm right about this. And if the FBI is reading this I'm just larping.
i miss you
but you blocked me (why though?)
shame that things have to end between us like this, could have been better
Thanks, man. I'll try that.
Go outside more often
Being too comfortable with the same routine isn't good for mental health
>For what reason? I'm single and alone, the other guys are married and spend their time working or sitting at home with their wife
same here buddy
my drive in life comes from sharing experiences with a SO, now that she left me i feel like there's no real reason to living other than paying bills
The worst part about MDD is that it will never go away. I need to learn to deal with it. For now I'm going to keep working out, even if it's half assed, it'll probably get better, hopefully soon
Has there ever been a girl posting here about similar experiences with a guy?
I'm heart broken as a guy, what about girls do they feel heartbroken? Or is the "getting over him with some other guy in an instant" just a meme