I must continue... by any means necessary. I am not gonna fail, not now
Day 3 of NO FAP
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Lol I'm on like day 5 and it's not even hard
I failed day 3 yesterday user, you must resist, it's not worth it
Ayy I'm on day 3 right now too but that's just because I was busy.
I could wait til day 4 where I usually get my biggest loads but day 3 blasts are breddy gud too.
Same. God damned asian temptresses with their big and unnaturally soft tits...
Rolled an 84 on the last thread. I don't plan on going all 84 but am trying to get as far as I can for science. Typically by about day 2 my balls are swollen to the size of plums and I can't think of anything but pussy and my standards are lowered tenfold. Uni starting in a couple of days too, so this should get interesting.
low test
We are all gonna make it, bro, we must keep going
Godspeed lad, after 3 days i start to feel rapey.
Day 3 now thinking about trying to seduce my coworker. Lord help me.
55 days here
>mfw I just want the 90 days to be over with already
How the fuck have you done this m8?
I can't even make it 14 days most times.
>not fapping once every one week
Enjoy your testosterone decrasing.
The trick is literally to distract yourself with other things. Video Games , lifting, gym whatever. Going outside helps too
Thanks m8, though I am a bit worried because the last time I went 5 days I ended up making out with a co-worker in a supply closet and was ready to take it from 0-100 in about 5 minutes. Got interrupted because it was next to the breakroom and people started coming by for break. She was a crazy feminist too so I'm glad I didn't fug cuz she probably would have claimed rape and got me fired desu.
Your test raises and is heightened for as long as you abstain.
I've been busy as fuck lately and still I'm averaging 2 faps a day, and before I was fapping 3-4 times. I thnk is time for a break.
Rollin please gibs 0
Day 3 is the hardest for me too. It's what I'm on right now, almost failed earlier but I came to my senses.
Well I think it's the hardest because I've never passed it before.
made no fap for a week once, now I can't even stand it for 2 days ffs.
why would you want to do that? lol i'm about to fap right now.
Im the same and my test is in a normal range . it's very common with Nofap to have that . plus my perverted fetishes are much less now which helps
day 6 here. felt really good yesteday
im like at day 5 feeling the same not even horny
no fap is a reddit cult designed to lower your test and give you prostate cancer
>before lifting I would commonly go on 1wk+ streaks, the longest being 27 days
>since starting lifting, eating better and taking vitamin D3 & ZMA daily I can't go longer than 4 days without relapse
Is my test higher or am I just using all my willpower towards fitness instead of nofap now?
Idk m8
I've gone like 14 days before and near the end it really did feel like girls were checking me out a hell of a lot more.
same here
i get that effect after 4 days or so
it's like people can tell you've closed 37 tabs of niche porn before leaving the house
I take that as 675 hours
>day 8
Coming to this site is hell
Nofap is pseudoscience. You're all torturing yourselves for nothing
>not separate windows to watch them all at once
>conditioning yourself to be okay with other men doing better than you is healthy
>unhealthily tripping your dopamine reward center for doing absolutely nothing will have no negative side effects
While nofap is a meme unless you're doing it for muh willpower, noporn is good and should be pushed more
You've already lost nofap if you have enough free time to be here
user...I'm here at work bc I'm a desk jockey bean counter
this is cruel. Is that syria girl?
Does looking at insta hoes count as porn?
yeahhh it is , a gobbie little sod and i bet she is a nightmare to date , but those fucking Lips
i can do this
she's gorgeous. but you're probably right, I'll bet she's a nightmare to date.
Day 5 crew checking in. Close fucking call today, bros.
> came to my senses
I fucking love this board
What happened? I'm on day 4 and almost motorboated my neighbor in the driveway.
Of course she's a nightmare to date. Have you ever dated a girl that every man with a working dick wants to fuck? I haven't even gotten close and it was still a nightmare she was like 7/10
Girl I am into and was into me gets together with some candy ass Veeky Forumsggit. Want to kms for falling in love.
Nofap is pretty easy, every time I see a picture of any good looking girl all I am seeing is her and what could have been. This will likely last about 3 months knowing myself. 3 months of binge lifting, autistic calorie counting and working till I drop from exhaustion. But at least I'll get to that mythical 90days nofap, r-right guys?
I'm about to relapse, you lads let me know should I keep going or not.
Please try to provide actual arguments.
7 seconds of joy as you cum followed by hours of regret and disgust because you are faced with your lack of willpower.
This. Stay true stay strong.
wow. this again. If you are too soft for nofap, then please just go back to /b/
Rollin for days, c'mon big money
So true
>tfw only fap 1-2x a month
it's not hard m8s
why are you doing this fucking meme again?
If you struggle on day 3 you're either addicted to porn or have nothing better to do. I used to masterbate twice a day out of boredom until uni started now it's easy to go a week without even having urges.
Has anyone experienced loss of libido during nofap?
yes, nofap makes me less horny
This was me today, bro... christ.
Day 5 club. just watch out for day 7. I hear your drive skyrockets 100% but i mean after that it should be smooth sailing... r-right guys?
Day 3, but no serious urges yet because I haven't gotten much sleep and not much exercise either. However, I just did 50 pullups and I'll get plenty of sleep tonight so the girls better keep their distance tomorrow
>tfw passed the 300 day mark
How do you deal with the diamond hard boners that you get in public?
How does it feel to have non existent libido and fallen for a meme?
Tfw nofap is making me fat and fucking my sleep
What powers have you attained?
>have pied
>fwb doesn't mind but we break up over other shit
>start nofap
>43 days in and already got a better girl lined up
NoFap is GOAT confidence/mental gains
Idk sempai i feel really bad right now. I wanna fap and let those feels go away
Tuck them into my waistline. I constantly get hard at work in particular.
I think about fucking constantly and probably make 10-12 advances on different women every day. I am also in a long term relationship.
My self discipline is much better. My taste in pronography has normalised. I returned to the gym for the first time in seven weeks ago and am already at 1/2/4/4. My hair and skin is much cleaner and I generally feel more respected and more intelligent. I have also lost 15 kilograms.
It will be one year of NoFap on October 8 and I will turn 24 a couple of days later. I will not be fapping again.
Give it 90days user and fully aim for "the best version of myself"
I'm not even halfway through and am seeing noticable improvements
You lose nothing trying it once
so...very very horny
>Going outside helps too
No it doesn't
Staying off your pc does
Does it count as nofap if you have a dream so sensual and realistic that you wake up and cum? Been like a week without having sex with gf cause she's on her period and I'm horny like 23/7
>My taste in pronography has normalised
you mean vanilla feels fresh again?
I'd rather go full /fraud/ than endure this shit for microscopic raises in test that I'll probably waste on a cheat meal.
Roll. Plz gib 99
Good enough
Well im sold.
>lifting, eating better and taking vitamin D3 & ZMA daily
all this is proven to raise test. you've leveled up your test, m8
>it's not hard
pun intended, flaccidbro?
anyways, many of us have high sex drive. it simply isnt the same
Day 5 here, all i can think of is pussy, and all i can dream of at night is sex, haven't ejaculated yet tho.
Does going to a hooker count as failing nofap?