How the fuck can I "train" to do pullups?
>24-25% bodyfat
>145lb OHP for 3 reps
>Cant even get close to a pullup
I dont know what I need to do to be able to do one, its like you either do a pullup, or hang there like a dead fish.
How the fuck can I "train" to do pullups?
>24-25% bodyfat
>145lb OHP for 3 reps
>Cant even get close to a pullup
I dont know what I need to do to be able to do one, its like you either do a pullup, or hang there like a dead fish.
0. get down to 10-12% bodyfat (this alone will probably make you capable of doing pullups)
1. get a pullup bar you can access anytime
2. grease the groove method with negative chinups (if you can't do a chinup) or actual chinups
3. once you can do a few chinups, you can probably bang out a pullup or two so do grease the groove method with that
Do negative reps
Lose weight
Practice by hanging at the top of the lift and slowly letting yourself down. Use a chair or box to get to the top. Losing weight will help though you can still learn how to do them
>hang there like a dead fish
if you can't do negatives, do dead hangs
if your gym has one try assisted pull ups
>Practice by hanging at the top of the lift and slowly letting yourself down.
Or you could just do negative reps.
>10-12% bodyfat
Nigger you are insane if you think you need that low of an amount of bf to do a fucking pull-up. OP Just needs to do some lat pulldowns
train your lats
Assisted pull up machine obviously.
You can make yourself lighter with the machine to the point where you can start to do a pull up and train to no assist.
I didn't say you needed to be 10-12% bodyfat to do a pullup :^)
>negative reps (jump up and decend as slow as you can
>assisted pullups
>train lats
>train delts
>lose weight with that 24% BF
literally as simple as this.
Same thing
.....that's what a neg rep is tho....
Off topic but this thread has me concerned
>what is a good bodyfat percentage for a man?
I am a /fat/ trying to make himself better and I was just going to try to get to 25% and be done with it.
Sub 18%
the lower the better - for A E S T H E T I C S
no higher than 15% with a 1-2% margin of error
Too low and you're castrated
Too high and you have so much fat that your test becomes estrogen and life is just in general not fun.
how to neg rep pullup 101
>ankle cuffs
>barbell loaded heaver than bodyweight
>clip ankles to pulldown machine
>grip barbell
>TA-DA negative pullups
Wow you tried to be Veeky Forums funny. kys
unfunny kys
get to 25% and you'll still look like a fat cunt mate
lat pulldowns, all sorts of rows, shoulders and biceps training. maybe some cardio to drop your bf%
theyre really not that hard. ive never been super fit but i can do 10 with not a huge problem.
also ive seen a post where just get as high as u can, even if u have to keep and do a long negative eccentric hold.
no funy. ky