
Skipped to half-way in the video and all I saw him was do DB press halves.


retarded core excercises that someone who's been going to the gym for a year can pull off, his bench is pretty weak for a soldier aswell

What does this guy do in the Army?

>what normies think you have to do to get fit

>retarded core excercises
its just for show bro

I hope this bitch gets gunned down by ISIS

what is the exercise at 1:48 called?

gonna clear out a space and try it during peak hours at my gym desu

I think its the barbell beyblade.

i hopefully googled :(

Benches for a soldier aren't supposed to be great. The military wants you to do cross fit esque shit.

What do you mean weak, also? The part where hes pressing 275 with chains added for easy reps? Pretty easy to tell dudes strong as fuck with the ease of movement with the weight used even if its those odd core exercises.

>his bench is pretty weak for a soldier aswell
kek are you fucking for real you retard, average soldier won't benchpress even lmao2pl8

The core stuff he does is fucking insane
>>holding dragon flags while someone hits you with a medicine ball
>>resistance band ab wheels to full extension

fucking wew

he sneaks into the isis base and beats up all their car tyres with his baseball bat so they can't drive as fast

Propoganda to join the army. Also, what kind of douche wears their uniform to a public gym?

probably someone who's whole identity is wrapped up in the army. Not saying being a soldier is bad, but there is life outside of it

Honestly this. Even if you're only there for a quick workout(he's not) it takes 5 minutes at most to change. Literally the only time it's acceptable is if you have gym equipment where you work and want to do like 3 exercises. Otherwise, who the hell wants to work out in that uncomfortable shit? Even my most comfy uniform still feels like ass compared to a lose shirt and some shorts to workout in.

I don't get how they do it. I literally, never, EVER wear my uniform out in public.

>everyone stares at you and you get real paranoid
>a thousand fucking questions
>old ass vets think you're their best friends
>never can tell who is else is military and in civvies because you're so close to post
>always have to take your PC on and off, no hands in pockets, zippered up, basically perfect by regulation because you're representing

I just don't get why they do it. And then these same guys on post take their jackets off and throw their PCs away at the earliest convenience. BTW, these exercises are shit and have nothing to do with the Army's physical training just so yall know

>mfw its against regs to wear our cammies off base

Its like they know our boots will wear them everywhere

>being loose in any size of clothing

DYEL confirmed

i laughed

>old ass vets think you're their best friends

This is the worst. Even when I'm not in uniform and just trying to grab some milk at walmart, they insist on telling me their damn life story. Especially when they expect me to echo their viewpoint simply because they're a veteran.

Don't know where you are, but it could also have been from a barrage of local complaints

The Cold War vets are the worst, if a Pacific War salt dog wanted to talk to me about the one time he killed some japs I'd actually listen but if you're gonna go on about how you sat in a sub during the 80s or how you sucked dick to make E-5 in 2 years in Okinawa then I don't wanna hear it

And it's the worse when I ask for their MOS to see if I can relate to them at all and their some 69Z Combat Ninja or some shit that doesn't even exist anymore. I had this actual fucking talking fossil tell me he was a clerk at the company level.

What the hell does that even mean dude

Hah, I ran into one of those a couple weeks ago. He seemed older than my dad who is 57, so I asked if he went to Vietnam. But no, this dude proceeded to talk about salt being bad for jets out on aircraft carriers or something and then about Nazis.

>clerk at the company level

That means he pissed someone off enough to be relegated to being his Company Commanders paper bitch and the fact that its a high point in his career really tells you what a piece of shit he might of been.

On the flipside of that coin, I met a 80s Marine who was a comm guy and had done a ton of Pacific MEUs, all he would talk about was salty sea stories that were actually funny and enjoyable to listen to

>working out in uniform at a normal gym
fucking lmao, why?

Fuck you buddy

Military doesn't care about bench. They expect you to ruck 100 pounds of gear for 20km and be able to drag your downed comrade away from danger. Most of our training is Crossfit shit and our test revolves around stuff like loading trucks, dragging dummies, and advancing while hitting the dirt every few meters.

Its not abnormal to see people still in uniform in a military gym depending on the time, at the end of the day way less people are still doing it since work is over with but its probably just personal preference training wise. Almost like wearing a hoodie even though its not cold out in the gym.

I've done it a few times just so I could go shower and change all at once instead of changing 3 times

there's always gotta be someone to shit on something positive

what about that video makes you want to respond with your "ITS NOT EVEN THAT GOOD LOL" comment? i couldn't imagine having your kind of mindset and live anything resembling a balanced and content life. your negative bullshit is not welcome in any gym that i've been too, its not conducive to overall fitness and health, you and your attitude are what i want to keep out of my life and the lives of my loved ones.

its sad i have to share this beautiful planet with people like you. the guy is a fit soldier who has a video of him working out, and all you do is shit on it from your computer chair. just go look at yourself in the mirror.

umm maybe he made the video as a representative of the armed forces and really loves his career and just wanted to share it?

you guys are pathetic as fuck, analyzing every little thing someone does as if you are in any position to condescend. the dude is fitter and looks better than you too.

only on Veeky Forums can a bunch of basement autists shit on a workout video... i watched this and thought, "cool, that was a nice video" and you guys watched it while thinking of all the ways you could hate on it. your internal dialogue must be a living hell.

He was in my old battalion I think he was in one of the S shops or something. He's a 1sg so he probably doesn't do much of anything


Shutup retard. The dude is guaranteed a tool who works out in uniform for attention.

>Works out in uniform for attention
>On a military installation
Someone is definitely a retard here.

Yeah, you and the dude in the video.

if a guy training in his uniform triggers you this much, its clear your level of projection is off the charts. when i see him working out in uniform, i think, "oh cool, a soldier showing us his workout"

you see the same thing and go "REEE WHAT A FUCKING TOOL WHAT AN ATTENTION WHORE"

personally, i'd rather be seen in an army uniform than the retarded singlet you wear to the gym lol

and if he does do it for attention, so what? how does that negatively affect your life?

But he's a hero user, don't you understand?
He's training to defend your life, learn to be more grateful!
You should be applauding that man.
captcha: STOP UNITS

if someone in the army makes you project your own insecurities this hard, you have a lot of figuring yourself out to do. you literally are shitting on him because he is doing a job you look down on because of ((muh jews)) or some shit.

its just a guy lifting weights in his army uniform. the fact you micro analyze it and his motivations says more about how insecure you are with your own position in life than anything to do with his motivations.

its great you hate soldiers because you think they are undeserving of credit, and the fact you vocalize this. you should talk like this IRL so guys like me can automatically cross you off the list of acceptable people to interact with.

do you understand how pathetic it is for someone on a fucking anime board to shit on a soldier working out because their career triggers them because they won't or can't make the same commitment? nobody in the army is taking away from your basement tendies lifestyle, so why the hate?

the soldier would die covering your back in a firefight

people like you would skitter and run at the first sign of danger

i know the type of person id rather be


Yeah but he's a manlet :/


>I served when it MEANT something
how do u react?

>doing all that useless retarded shit to stay hidden in a hole shooting/receving fire

What feats should you be able to accomplish to be a good infantard, Veeky Forums?
>drag at least 250lbs at a good pace (dragging a soldier)
>1 weighted pull-up with 50lbs (climbing a wall in gear)
>ruck 20km in rough uneven terrain with 100lbs at decent pace

I am infantry and can do none of those things. Thanks 11C mech life

So "muh troops" people will suck his dick

And he posts it on the internet

I guarantee the dude in the video will ever see a second of combat

So? People post workouts all the time judging by the footage changing from ACU's to the new uniform hes been doing it for a while.

People sometimes also use social media to track their progress as an archive and show their friends what they're doing. Personally I don't use social media very often at all but, I don't think EVERY person that posts something is an attention seeker either.

>so alpha he hangs an additional barbell weight to the lock pin of his fly machine

Yeah, I see that.

so are they just pumping these guys full of steroids?
is that sort of thing rampant in the military?

My dad was in Vietnam. The shit he told me about was fucked man.

Who fucking cares. Stop worrying about what other people do in the gym and worry about yourself. This is why none of you fucking autistic fucks will ever make it.

No but it's not really an easy thing to pin someone with. A normal piss test won't detect it, and it requires a commander to sign off on needing a test that will, which will require some degree of proof that he's roiding. But in a case like this, dude is in great shape so even if his command thought something was up they likely wouldn't pursue it.

I'm sure it was. We had a Vietnam vet come speak to us in Okinawa last year. He was in the navy, on some kind of boat in a river, and went to use a white phosphorous grenade, a sniper managed to shoot it in his hand. Dude was beyond fucked up. He was a great speaker though, and despite being a pastor didn't rant and rave about god but just about his experiences.

We did sometimes if we were caught doing nothing in company area. Told to get our shoes on, then come back so a squad leader can make us do pt. Sometimes we went to the gym, sometimes we did laps and shit around the battalion footprint.


this guy is so robotic


Is this what i have to do to "make it"?


Because its so obvious youre an average person with a shitty physique and a bad attitude i dont even want to say more than i have because it would destroy the little self-esteem you got

>wearing a belt to OHP in the smith machine

enjoy your shoulder problems later in Life.


everyone in the military gets permanent back/shoulder/leg problems
thats normal
they get some money for it

what a fuckin retard

>E6 that works in an S shop detected

>cleaning the floor with your feet
>playing windmill with the barbell

>strong core
>strong arms
>strong back
>strong legs
>running endurance

Special forces basic requirements sound good, and being American you can pick your own flavor of requirements.
In my country, SOF have to perform 50 push ups, 60 sit ups and 10 pull ups to be considered for basic training, plus a 5k in less than 24' and a few ruck marches at half-run pace.

Basic bitch infantry training in my country got me to do:
>drag at least 250lbs at a good pace (dragging a soldier)
similar, had to load a fat fuck comrade on my soulders and run like hell up a hill. Awesome feeling in the end, but the worst burning I ever felt in my legs. Consider that I'm a 150lbs manlet.

>1 weighted pull-up with 50lbs (climbing a wall in gear)
had to pull myself up a hatch in a building in bumfuck nowhere in full kit, so basically a muscle-up with no wall to use as a gripping surface for my feet. Sucked.

>ruck 20km in rough uneven terrain with 100lbs at decent pace
100lbs is a lot, but 15km marches in mountainous terrain with 45lbs on our backs weren't that uncommon. Best part was the snow.

A good infantard has to be an excellent infatard. Good will never be enough and better is barely sufficient. If you want to be a mediocre soldier learn to run a lot and pull your own weight; if you really want to be good you should work up to the highest standards.

Gym on military post maybe. Very common. Maybe he went on his lunch break to free up after work time.

>not realizing the entire video is sped up
kek m8

>all that
>not even a grunt
lol, fucking loser.


what temp is it in there that he's allowed to wear his OCPs' like that