user, why do you lift?
User, why do you lift?
Someone has to pick this shit up and put it back down in the same spot...
the feeling of destroying your muscles and eating healthy to rebuild and improve it
I don't want to be a fat cunt ever again.
i don't know anymore
so i can beat every gook skull i see into the ground
I feel good after exercises and seems like i accomplished something.
Cause I wanna
because you are an asian woman and I like asian women because I have an asian fetish which came from my affinity for the japanese cartoons
no asian, no occasion (for me to stick my penish in your vagina)
>so i can beat every gook skull i
W-w-with your cock, r-right guy?
To not die from diabetes.
My A1C is normal and I've dropped 50lbs,so it's working.
So I can get compliments on Veeky Forums
>Finally date an Asian girl after being on Veeky Forums for 7 years
>It finally happened, after all my jerking off and shitposting, I finally got with a real life asian girl
>It's perfect, she has great boobs, decent ass, nice face, perfect tummy
>All of the sudden she becomes kind of cold and distant
>Then one day she breaks up with me over snapchat
>Find out later she was cheating on me with a close friend and now they're together
I want to fucking die all the time, I feel so sick, it wasn't supposed to be like this
Just starting. But I'm doing it to not be a fat fuck anymore and hope it will boost my confidence so I can finally have friends and maybe a love life...
Lifting is the only thing that feels real any more.
What the fuck does that have to do with why you lift?
Because it gives me a sense of responsibility.
I have shit executive functions so I meditate and lift to offset it.
I lift so I can belong
I'll tell you why.
I always eat a ton of food before I lift, so when I start I feel like I need to take a massive shit. The feeling pushes me through the workout. Then At the end I take a massive dump and clog the gym toilet.
This is my purpose.
this and this
4 the strength
Because it feels fucking amazing.
Finally somebody said it!
To get to the other side
At least you can hate someone else instead of hating yourself user.
Now you have a reason to lift
You're gonna make it brah
Kung fu.
There is no better feeling than being kung fu. When you are kung fu, it is such a great feeling that that feeling is all that exists. You exist as pure fucking mastery, it feels so good, it is the purest, most peaceful, most empowering feeling there is.
This pic looks like the other half of a face fart video.
I imagine there is a guy on her back end about to eat that ass like he's in the great depression and she has a slight smile like she is about to rip a 10 second bassy fart.
I lift because I ain't a chump.
I just have a lot of energy and if I don't exhaust myself at least every other day I get irritable. I love feeling exhausted
I find that lifting and keeping my body fit cascades into all sorts of other forward momentum in my life.
Plus it just feels really fucking good doing some lifts. Gotta get those positive (+) dopamine hits
don't stop now motherfucker, you're just getting started. they'll be bunches of asian qts in your future if you keep up the momentum and grind on
good god this!!!!!!!!
and this too
this is why i lift
sauce name anything man
They don't exist in my area. Just bulldykes.
I've found that if you can befriend them and keep a secret then Bulldykes will give up the pussy faster then thirsty fatchicks and are far more appreciative.
But if they don't, there's always raping them till they love it, then giving them a balls deep creampie to mark your territory. I mean you are lifting aren't you?
But that's if you find a hot one.
They tend to
I lift for my waifu, and the alter-me lifts for my alter-waifu.
>pic related = alter-waifu.