>tfw you get banned from the gym
Can you really get gains with just bodyweight? Will it take longer to get swole?
>tfw you get banned from the gym
Can you really get gains with just bodyweight? Will it take longer to get swole?
How do you get banned from a gym
Well now we need to know, what did you do?
Come on OP give us the greentext
no no no dont start again
i saw this post a few weeks ago
you tried hitting on some chicks at the gym and used the pickup line "so what are you doing around here" or "do you come here often" or some autistic shit
Might as well greentext this shit out
>Be me
>Go to gym a few times a week, still a beginner
>Doing squats
>One day I go to take a piss between sets and this gymbro has added 2 pl8 to the bar and is squatting
>"u-u-um I was using that"
>gymbro looks at me and tells me to use the other rack
>I do it because I'm a pussy
>This happens multiple times
>I hatch a plan
>A few days ago he does the same shit
He goes into the bathroom between sets, probably taking an ab selfie or some shit
>Quickly whip out a jar of vaseline
>spread it all around the floor
>quickly go back to the other rack
>gymbro comes back out
>Adds 3pl8 to the bar
>when he steps on he seems a little off balance, but he still goes for it
>He squats low to the ground
>The weight makes him slip over backwards
>falls hard on the bad
>I'm having a hearty kek until he starts screaming in pain
>Apparently he broke his collarbone
>I'm the gym's top suspect since they heard me laughing
>They find the vaseline and kick me out
>tfw all you wanted him to do was slip over while doing his squats
Hopefully the guy doesn't find me.
no way is this real.
Start going to another gym, and tell them this story. Make sure noone fucks with you again.
>Become VaselineMan
>Protector of Manlets against Gymbros
keep on dreaming