So my planet fitness has free pizza this tuesday (moved from monday since its closed then). Would I be looked down upon if I took an entire box home?
Would this be looked downed upon?
Try it and post results
>he doesn't know planet fitness is the permabulking gym
The problem is they bring out the pizza at peak hours I believe. So tons of people will see me. I don't want to get stopped at the door by the staff or anything embarrassing happen.
make it your monthly cardio take a box and dash as fast as you can to your car. come back next free pizza repeat the same thing. soon you'll be known as the pie dasher
holy shit please do this
> Go in
> Preferably take a guest
> Go straight to the pizza table
> Both of you take 2-3 boxes each
> Walk out without walking out
> Don't even tip the receptionist
Have a buddy hold the door open so you can take like 7 boxes at once. If they didn't say you couldn't do this in the fine print then as soon as you touch the pizza it's your property and you can shoot them if they try to take it back
isn't this law only valid in Texas and only once the suns down?
Just bring a ziploc bag in case they don't let you leave with the box. If you aren't fat, you have nothing to worry about in terms of embarrassment.
When I went there at nights there was a chill dude working there. He was a geek that wrote fantasy novels and cosplayed. If there was a full box that didn't seem molested with AIDS I would walk out with it. Other times when the snotnosed wigger worked there or the jock manager I never bothered. They would shit talk the patrons including me. I'm not into the """bully free""" shit PF advertises I'm just saying those 2 knuckleheads were dicks and I wouldn't dare giving them a reason to get pissy at me. During the day is when women work there and they unironically turn on the lunk alarm etc. Weird how stereotypical PF employees are here.
>walk out without walking out
this will confuse the receptionist so much she will totally forget about tip
Is the pizza any good? Frozen or what?
>walk out without walking out
What did he mean by this?
I believe it's ordered in bulk from a local pizzeria. The pizza at my PF is different then what i've seen from others.Last time The taste was okay, not bad but nothing too special.
Oh shit, I meant " Walk out without working out "
No thats Chicago
Why dont they do that here?
>Would I be looked down upon if I took an entire box home?
Bad news OP: You're looked down upon for going to Planet Fatness in the first place.
Yes you will be you fat fuck
Gym that has free pizza.
What next, monthly memberships to buffets?
>walk out
>without walking out
The absolute madman
>What next, monthly memberships to buffets?
that would be a fucktastic idea actually.
>Walk out without walking out
Do I have to build up speed for 12 hours first?
What's the problem? Free bulking food is great.
1. I already look down upon you for being a planet fitness member
2. Who cares what planet fitness members think about you
3. Just do it and find out what happens
Sure you can take an entire box home, just don't ruin your cut by taking the pizza too.
You would need a different disguise each time though, just so they don't spot you coming and lock the doors or set off the lunk alarm.
That sprint would cause him to lose a couple of pounds.