what can i actually take to increase my HGH?
What can i actually take to increase my HGH?
inject 3 eggs twice a week
What if you just shoved a couple of eggs up your asshole? Needles are unhealthy
Do eggs really boost HGH? Would egg whites do it or do I need to eat the yellow part?
IF with a feeding window of less than 6 hours. But the increase will be small.
>not injecting 2 eggs 3 times a week
Look into gamma-aminobutyric acid
Great shit. If you look up the studies on it, the dose i take (3g/day) increases your hgh levels to 400% of baseline
Ive been on it a week and im already seeing increased mass and vascularity
Its the equivalent of 4iu hgh/day with 100% bioavailability (not sure what the bioavailability is for subcutaneous injection)
Alao available at gnc in 750mg tablets for 16 a bottle (90 pills)
MK 677
>taking GABA
it also makes you genuinely retarded, because it inhibits the activity of the nerve cells. most of /fit wouldn't even notice, though.
Do you have any experience or scholarly articles to prove that?
eggs are also unhealthy lmao
Take the fasting-pill
Visit the fast thread and read the links in the op
It does not pass the blood brain barrier when taken as a supplement so it does not act the same as GABA released naturally by the brain for sleep. Studies have shown it has potential in helping Alzheimer's patients in restoring cognition and memory.
fasting massively boosts hgh
Fuck off faggot there's nothing unhealthy about egg whites and one or two yolks a day won't do shit to you
ZMA 1hr before bed on an empty stomach