skinny fat guy here, how do you fight the skinny fat problem?
Skinny fat guy here, how do you fight the skinny fat problem?
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Lose the weight, then gain it back as muscle? I'm just a lurker so don't take my word for it
>implying you should take anyone's word for anything on Veeky Forums
just start lifting man, 6 months ago I was 5'10 160lb skinny fat, now I'm 5'10 160 athletic looking by normie standards
I'm convinced fasting is the way to do it.
That abdominal fat is so stubborn that you gotta do some extreme starvation.
Gain muscle, lose fat. Unfortunately for you, your fat just pools around your stomach for a more balanced center of gravity. Betcha your ancestors were good runners, the fat fucks.
They were probably shit a fucking though.
Build muscle and lose fat. Just clean bulk for a while, eating around 200-300 above your daily, and once your proportions start looking like you might wanna take your shirt off, cut like fuck.
If you cut now and you're just starting out as a skinnyfat, you'll just look like a flat chested thai boi.
Gain muscle for six months meng.
Be patient/.
The trick is to nip it in the bud. Pre-natal imaging is advanced enough now that we can detect nascent skinnyfats in the first trimester. The only ethical thing to do is promote widespread testing and responsive abortion.
Intermittent Fasting.
Eat 2 meals per day. Lunch @ 1pm, Dinner @8pm.
From the time you sleep until lunch (16hrs) you will have fasted, burning a lot of that fat.
Do this every day for 2 weeks.
You'll notice that even come 1pm, or 8pm, you're really not terribly hungry. This is a sign that your body is burning fat.
Remember to have a healthy dose of sodium at 1 or both of your meals. The loss of electrolytes can impact your work/school.
No snacks in between meals.
By doing the above for 2 months now, I'm lost a mere 7lbs but it has been flattened my stomach to the point where I can see upper abs. This has been a real eye opener since I still have lots of energy, and can still hit the gym daily, and no strength lost. The only downside has been socially I just can't eat lunch earlier with coworkers and for dinner my gf has to wait for me until 8pm.
calisthenics with cardio and no snacking worked rly well for me
chest, delts and back. spread them lats and delts out, blow up that chest.
vaccums, cardio on days off. vacuums are very important to pull everything in. don't do any sit ups or ab isos
i was a weird combo of skinnyfat and builtfat with athletic-lookingness
i also had/have shitty stuff like asymmetrical flared ribs, pectus, wide-ish hips, etc. so i was like what the fuck am i gonna do to get out of this hole
honestly just start lifting. if you take care of the nutrition and you're consistent with that, and you're following a program and giving it your all, your beginner gains will get you out of that zone in less than 2 months seriously. maybe i have good genes for gains or something but i look like a completely different person with my shirt off than i did when i started. so just lift and don't stop OP
honestly from what i've seen over the years, no one knows anything about curing the skinnyfat problem.Some recommend cutting, some bulking, while others recommend eating at a maintenance
The worst thing about being skinnyfat is that if you cut, you'll end up looking like a twink with a beer gut. If you bulk, depending on your genetics, you'll feel like your belly is getting much bigger than anything else. I think eating at a maintenance might be the best, but it's really hard to stay motivated when you're not noticing the progress(weight wise)
Don't take my word for it, but it all depends on your goals. If you think your arms or whatever part of your body is too small, eat at a caloric surplus(200-400cals)
If you have too much fat on your face, consider cutting(again, slight deficit). Though cutting might be worse than bulking, because that belly fat won't go away unless you go full twink mode
Also train your lats a LOT. They will make your lovehandles look smaller in comparison
Hey, not op here but struggling with that problem. I just started working out like a month ago and am getting that twink-beer gut thing going on. Is it possible for me to go full twink or at least be proportional so I don't look like a freak?
OP here, how the fuck is cardio going to build me muscle? I want to add muscle not get skinnier.
If you don't have any problem with being in a perma-cutting state, you could theoretically go to 10%bf with just your noob gains. However, for most people the belly fat goes away last so you'll have that gut AND look skinny for a long time
Pic related is me, started out overweight, became skinnyfat and now i'm trying to lose that last bit of belly fat and those huge lovehandles
(OP) #
>Intermittent Fasting. Eat 2 meals per day. Lunch @ 1pm, Dinner @8pm.From the time you sleep until lunch (16hrs) you will have fasted, burning a lot of that fat. Do this every day for 2 weeks. You'll notice that even come 1pm, or 8pm, you're really not terribly hungry. This is a sign that your body is burning fat.
Remember to have a healthy dose of sodium at 1 or both of your meals. The loss of electrolytes can impact your work/school. No snacks in between meals
I thought doing this causes your body to think it's starving and makes it cannibalizes muscle instead?
Nice trips. And you don't look skinny fat, my dude. You look slightly better than normie fit. howd you start? I has to know
Lookin' good. Reminds me of myself after ~5 months of lifting after being skinnyfat.
You'll make it
Found a pic from May, i was 75kgs back then after a ~10kg bulk when i became too fat for my liking and now i'm 66.5 at 170cm. Sorry for the shitty pics
You don't need anything fancy or a gym membership that you'll never use or anything like that.
You only need the 5Cs.
Basic pushups situps squats etc. Done everyday.
Curlbro Routine
Bench, overhead press, bent rows. Basically any lift for the upper body and ONE set of squats or deadlifts. That's all.
Can be anything from powerwalking to jogging to running to swimming to playing a game of pickup basketball or shirtless volleyball at the base.
Calorie counting
If you're too big, eat fewer calories.
If you're too small, eat more calories.
If you feel and look like shit, eat a better source of calories.
Stress will kill you as fast as a bullet and with greater certainty. life's stressors, stressors from your diet, and the stress from your exercise all take a toll. Rest, recoup, learn how to simply deal with lifes problems and the pains and aches both physical and mental that happens.
Cardio burns fat you absolute retard
Actually lift
Why the fuck would your body prioritize eating useful muscle over fat which only purpose is to be broken down in times of "starcation"?
you were not skinny fat, you were just skinny
Anyway OP, first cut at 300 calories and lift. You will get noob gains. Do it for 2-3 months. When you lose some fat start eating at 300 calories surplus, become big
Diet and exercise
>I thought doing this causes your body to think it's starving and makes it cannibalizes muscle instead?
Yeah what a great idea from an evolutionary perspective: Eat all the muscle you'll need when food becomes available again instead of the fat that is there specifically so you can survive when there is no food.
lift and eat lots of proton
Hit the weights and cardio hard.
cut myself to just outside of skinnyfat at 97kg. Going to stick to the cut down to 85kg, hopefully I don't stay skinnyfat the whole way, that would suck ass.
You're a lot better looking now. Grow a beard and don't do stupid faces in photos, also get a tan.
keep it up bra
>i was a weird combo of skinnyfat and builtfat with athetic-lookingness
>i also had/have shitty stuff like asymmetrical flared ribs, pectus, wide-ish hips, etc. so i was like what the fuck am i gonna do to get out of this hole
how the fuck does this even look?
I'm 5'11 and 202 pounds. I'm cutting and lifting at the same time, but I'm only losing one pound per week, which seems slow. I did the exact same diet last year except without exercise and lost 15 pounds in a month.
Is it just noob gains running out?
Trying to grow a full beard, or at least get the goatee to join up, it's getting there.
I need to get a tan but that involved me going to the beach with a body that doesn't have mantitties and love handles still.
did you bulk or cut or what?
I got told that advice and have been lifting hard for about 6 months and look the same.
Maybe I'm not getting enough protein? But my body isn't changing without bulking or cutting
not op but cheers.
honestly I'm not even too worried about the fat part of my skinnyfat. But I have bad gyno and it gets significantly worse with fat
fucking bullshit imo
You're not that skinnyfat, but you've got wide hips that make you look terrible compared to what you should be.
I have gyno so I'm in the same genetic shit creek
Very impressive but you weren't skinnyfat at all. Your hips just made you look like it. Nice gains but, routine and time frame?
>Angle to hide your wide hips
>fat fucks with acne can get a girlfriend and you can't
Skinny fat = stubborn fat.
Cut out simple sugars, alcohol, and try to keep your diet in a 12 hour window. I.E if you have breakfast at 8am, don't eat anything after 8pm.
Also read this:
Either go all out, bulk and work hard af, or work hard af and cut while getting enough protons.
Either way you'll have to get off your fat lazy ass and work out.
If you don't want to, just water fast 2 days on 1 day off, and don't pig out on your off days eat healthy balanced meals, do it until you Auschwitz then work your way up.
Also the fat isn't "stubborn fat" you look like shit cuz your muscle 2 fat ratio is fucked up, and your frame is that of a broom stick, so you either lose the fat or build muscle.
how do you cut out simple sugars? Like just no chocolate, lollies or soft drink? Or should i totally cut out any sugar in coffee or fruits/
Keep working my man, doing great, grow a beard, it would look great, but not a full beard, I think a stubble would look good, keep lifting
sure worked for me. after i lost the weight i started training agian
Join a Gym then;
Bench------ 3x8
Lat Pulldown------- 3x8
Chest Press---- 3x8
Seated row------ 3x8
Shoulder press------ 3x6-8
Put a mat down then;
Hollow Plank x3
Crunch 3x15
Do that Monday and Friday for 6 months varying the weight to get to 8 reps. Ta-da you'll no longer be skinny-fat. Do a leg day on Wednesday (squat, deadlift, legpress etc)
Eat 2500+ calories a day, make sure you eat at least that over 3 square meals, and make it relatively lean, but no always necessary. Don't sleep in until 1p.m then smash 2500 calories in 3-4 hours, get up at 7-10 a.m and have 2 cups of oats straight up and a big fuck off cup of green tea
Curb you sedentary activity, make sure you are at the gym and active for an hour for each gym session, and make the gym habitual
Start just with lifting the bar first (bench), then add weights and aim for 40kgs by the end of the 6 month period
Cut the excess fat from your diet and you'll start to see a marked decrease in your waist measurement.
Just make sure to lift so there's something nice under that fat.
get true skinny
>I thought doing this causes your body to think it's starving and makes it cannibalizes muscle instead?
fucking kidiot, KEK. there is a fucking reason the body stores fat, so it doesn't cannibalize muscle you retard.
Gain muscle first unless you're actually fat. It will make losing fat easier. I was skinny fat and tried losing the fat first, it's better to gain a little muscle and then cut
Here are your options as I see it.
1. Recomp. There are mutiaple ways to do it, it's kinda slow but you will loose fat and gain muscle *at the same time*
2. Cut the weight. You can do this by a normal 500 cal deficit where you can still gain a respectable amount of muscle since your new. Or you could just fast to cut the weight extremely quickly but your muscle growth will be imparied. Look up Dr. Jason Fung and do your own research before fasting.
3. Bulk, you'll get fatter but you will be gaining good muscle and you'll have alot more fun. I don't recommend this since a body with ample amounts of excess fat is more inclined to make more fat.
Either way you will look like shit for awhile so have fun
diet and gym
I should specfy that when I say fast i don't mean intermittent. I mean alternating one day of eating with 2 days of fasting
>Just lower your standards bro
But what if he cut with a high protein diet?
what said.Your problem is that you have at least SOME standards. This is why you see many ugly women with average men.
That, and you're also an autist
>pick one
Lose some weight porky
>They were probably shit a fucking though.
there is no need to cut if you're skinny fat, there is nothing to "cut" to, just lift, eat a lot of protein, and don't go too far above maintenance calorie wise
Wtf is a twink-beer gut? I'm in class and all it gives are porn videos and images.
You lose more pounds the fatter you are because your body needs more energy. Cut another 200-500 calories if you want to make more gains.
Bulking, because no muscles
Picrel is my way to go.
Definitely top ten dumbest normie shit people actually believe
Post body, p.s this is from I few weeks back
Thanks this is 10 months progress I also did a cut in march which slowed some progress. I run a pretty standard ppl with the first lift being my heavy 3x5/5x5 compound.
Am I the definition of skinnyfat?
Nah you just have a little extra fat around the belly nothing too bad.
yep that's a skinnyfat
>eat lots of proton
so go outside in arizona and look up with your mouth open?
am i doomed to have childbirthing hips?
dude how long did it take for you to get there you look good
you should start lifting my man
>Thanks this is 10 months progress I also did a cut in march which slowed some progress. I run a pretty standard ppl with the first lift being my heavy 3x5/5x5 compound.
w-what do you mean by *a while*, user? I'm not super fat 19/6'/170 but not a lot of muscle and I'm doing a six day a week PPL eating around 1,600-1,700 per day. will it take me more than a year to look at least decent?
Meant for
that one is me nw
this one is before i started to cut. should i just try to go bearmode and forget about cutting?
i converted all my fat to muscle in 2014. couldn't be happier.
You're just fat. That's not "childbirthing hips".
what a fucking stupid response, do the exact opposite of what this mongoloid said
Jon? You post on fit?
You were never skinnyfat, just skinny, totally different.
Probably a year to look half decent
>No abs developed whatsoever
Other than that, yeah pretty good
depressing but have to start somewhere
This op.
Lift very often. Every day off is a day for your fat to accumulate.
Intermittent fasting. Helps you shed the fat.
Vary your training stimulus. Hypertrophy, strength, time under tension, etc. Weighted carries are a great idea too.