What's the best workout to cure phimosis?

what's the best workout to cure phimosis?

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So you gonna post more or what?

There isn't one.

Had the same problem, went to doctor, got some cream, apply cream and pull skin back in shower, after a week it retracted. Sensitive as fuck but went away after time.

nhentai. net/g/114600/

how old were you?

it depends on what type of phimosis you have, you would need to elaborate a bit there.

There are 5 types:
> Type I : no retraction possible at all, foreskin is like a seal
> Type II : urethral opening is visible/exposable
> Type III : foreskin can be retracted about halfway
> Type IV : like III only that the foreskin is even more retractable
> Type V : foreskin can be pulled back behind glans

if you you are type IV or V, does cause retraction of the foreskin during erection work at all and if so, does it cause constriction/discomfort?

I didn't realize that my foreskin was supposed to peel down until I was 16. I had been jacking it for 4 years. The segma was horrible.

Lat pulldown

Oh and to answer your question. Just pull it down when you jack off. Eventually it will get stretched enough.


Forcibly over-stretching the skin may cause in the worst case ripping of the skin or slight injuries depending on grade of phimosis, that will lead ultimately to scarring.
You DO NOT want to have scar tissue there, this will only worsen the phimosis and make conservative treatment less likely to work out.

Took me a few days to pull mine back. And a few more days to clean it. Pretty gross experience

currently type V at age 25 but started puberty as a type II. It was so bad that I didn't jerk off until I was 17, at that point I began pulling my foreskin back in the shower (actually worst place to do it bc water washes away the foreskin lube.)

even once I was finally able to retract it, pulling it back over the head was pretty uncomfortable, especially if I became more erect after retraction. Honestly the problem never really went away; to this day the foreskin tightens to whiteness after being pulled behind the glans. the glans itself is still crazy sensitive when uncovered, the the point where a dry finger brushed against it will cause me to yelp in pain.

The solution like some are saying is probably a steroid cream, but for now my girlfriend and I use refined coconut oil to great effect. I haven't tried it but I bet it would be great for fapping too.

I was 18, currently 26. I knew my dick was weird from a young age but it never pulled back on its own. Thank God I was still seeing my pediatrician at the time because he was amazing. I thought circumcision was my only hope, now I got an amazing dick.

He tried to pull it back but it was incredibly painful so I got a steoird cream. I didn't know how many types of phimosis there were. I could see the tip of my gland but it wouldn't retract passed that. The cream worked wonders. The sensitivity was insane but showering with the gland exposed did the trick

It's not uncommon for things to turn out like this. In many cases where phimosis is not treated by circumcision at an early age, patients will naturally work out their phimosis around puberty through playing around with their dick.

Since in your case it is still tight after retraction you should get yourself a 0.5% hydrocortisone cream which you need to apply after stretching.
You also need to establish a daily stretching regime, like 5 min every day, pulling the skin back and holding it and repeating. You could also stretch the foreskin by inserting your fingers and stretching it apart.

I know that in Japan they use some kind of silicone ring that you can pull over your glans und then pull your foreskin over that and wear that at night or during the day. I'll look if I can find something.

Just a fyi: steroid creams inhibit inflammation processes that lead to scarring of the stretched tissue.

>started puberty as a type II.
It's normal to be unable to retract the foreskin at a young age. It's not phimosis unless you're older than 17.

thanks for the advice. i had no idea i could pick up a legitimate treatment for this OTC. In addition to what I've described above I actually tore my frenulum (the bit bridging my head and foreskin) a few times during sex a couple years ago. There is a small white scar there now. Although it has never torn again (thanks coconut oil!) there have been scares with really tight girls or when bottoming out in a chick where it stings and I have to pull out and check for blood. Is there anything I can do about this?

That's another thing i forgot to ask you/mention; it seems you additionally had a frenulum breve (short frenulum).
This is a problem if it causes the glans to bend downwards during erections and full retraction and it can lead to tearing as in your case.

Are you able to pull back completely during erection w/o bending your glans or experiencing tightness?
If you don't it is entirely possible that the frenulum rips again and new scarring may worsen the situation.

You could go see a doctor about that and ask him to perform a frenuloplasty (elongation of the frenulum basically). If you go see a doctor about any of this don't let him talk you into a circumcision. Especially American colleges are very happy to make a quick buck that way.

snip snip?

>Sensitive as fuck
I didnt even know it was supposed to go back until ~12ish. firstt time I pulled it back fully was also the first wank I had. I almost passed out it was so sensitive. shit was lit f(a)m

>Are you able to pull back completely during erection w/o bending your glans
>or experiencing tightness?

Thanks for the heads up. I'll probably try this steroid cream first before letting anyone attempt to rearrange my shit.

of course you can stretch your frenulum also, forgot to add that.

on the stretching rings I mentioned earlier; i can't find the particular medical one i saw one time but i found something similar on Aliexpress. Just search for phimosis, it should be the first result, a set of three flesh colored silicone rings.

I don't know about the quality of those things though since it's from china so it could contain some shit you don't want your penis to come in contact with.