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He's a manlet with soggy pecs, but the mexican is a jerk.
Thats cold man, he seems like a nice guy
brb just asking god for a return on my height. grabbing pistol now.
>Baby faced lanklet asks extremely successful performer popular with millions of tween girls for a picture.
>Realizes he's a miserable loser and decides to lash out the only way he can
>muh height 6 foot masterrace
it's still better than being born in a 3rd world country or as a woman in saudi arabia you ungrateful fuck
Lol fuck off nick
people who make fun of others height need to gas themselves for being so insecure
t. 6'2
First fucking thing that came to my mind. Ugly nobody lanklet with nothing going on in his life. Probably begs and puppy eyes Nick for that picture. Realizes he's a complete, literal nobody, with no money, no looks, nothing standing next to a guy who has everything he wishes he had.
>he...hey u.. uuu need a few more inches bruh.... hehe...
I'm 5'10 so not tall by any means. I've never been made fun of my height, but it bothers the fuck out of me when I see ugly, unsuccessful, not intelligent, no character, tall guys, act like they're superior to shorter guys who are better than them in every way except height.
It's like, you want to slap the delusion out of their face.
Had a friend like that in highschool, name was Gabriel. Thought he was better than everyone under 6'2. He would always tell me "I don't get it, why is she with that short midget instead of me" when speaking about his crush. The lanklet delusion lol
Got as granted you one more chance at life Veeky Forums
however, he demands that you pick what you'll look like in advance
he uses this picture and makes you choose
6'2 but you look like the guy on the left (plastic surgery will not work)
5'6 but you look like the guy on the right (height increase surgery won't work)
you choose
I personally think it's more devastating to be called rude than to get an angry navy seals rant in response. One is funny, the other reminds me why I'm alone.
Both guys looks pretty average desu..
>making fun of a dude for being short when you're a closeted homo hoverhanding a dude because he's afraid of his own sexuality
I do it for the bantz. I fully expect to be called a lanklet in return. I don't actually feel any sense of accomplishment for being over 6' though.
I would give up a few inches if it meant I got pussy on a platter like nick.
>Be poo in loo
>Somehow defy genetic odds and become 6'
>Nobody loves you regardless because poo in loo
>Lash out at successful short men to try and compensate your angst of being poo in loo in hopes someone will love you
How gay do you have to be to recognize a Jonas Brother out and about?
Either is an improvement for me. I'll go with the guy with the good face.
>The Jonas Brothers are 5' 7''
Weird, I always thought they were above average height.
Props to Nick for being the bigger person and responding like an adult.
>manlet rage
Face is probably more important. Guy on left has a double chin because of his weak feminine jaw.
I wouldn't know since they aren't mainstream tv that I watch. I would probably eye out Anthony Bourdain and that's about it.
Why would I ever choose to have brown skin?
Why can't manlets handle banter? Do they all just have short temper?
>right is a millionaire
>left is your community college douchebro with earrings and a punchable face
gee wonder what should i choose
Because a million dollar celebrity isn't some self-loathing faggot from Veeky Forums that let himself to be humiliated by some ugly fuckboy on the street
He let's himself be humiliated just be existing as a subhuman manlet incel
T. 6ft alpha
I see what you did there. Kek
>when the only thing going for you is your height and youre only taller by 1 inch than the average
>but you look like
>look like
sick reading comprehension brah
I'm objectively tall and I love looking down on 5'11 and below manlets. Qts constantly remind me of my superior stature.
cmon user we both know you dont get any attention thats why youre here, fishing for (You)s
@zak_hanzal ikr bruh tell your mum i want my 12 inches back :cryinglaughingemoji:
Manlet detected 흣
His height is not even impressive. The average white European is 5"11 which is the average height in my country.
At 6 feet no one would even consider you to be tall in my country in fact you would be considered average by most women.
OH YEA!? At least im not a boney and ugly LANKLET like you!! Youre just insecure, you lanky ugly person, im not THAT short
Hope that sates your boredom, happy to help
>I'm objectively tall
Your height is only 1 inch above many average European male heights like Dutch, Norwegian, Slovenian
You are tall compared to smaller races though
That's because no one actually cares besides autistic people. 5'9 is average height for males in most of the world. And before you aspies call me a manlet. I'm actually a lanklet at 6'6 and it fucking sucks because I struggle so fucking hard to put on mass.
At least as gay as Scooby.
>5'9 is average height for males in most of the world.
Because there are over 4 billion Asians in the world. 5"10-5"11 is the average European height.
About 20% of European males grow up to be taller than 6"1
Dude I would geek the fuck out to meet Bourdain.
>people would give this poster shit if he was a manlet
>even online you get more respect if you're tall
height is just a meme guys xD
Calm down. Height matters but height by itself is nothing if your face and body are shit.
Height only gives you the potential to be really attractive if everything else about you is aesthetically pleasing.
A tall guy with 5/10 face wont do better than a below average height guy with 7/10 face
>>even online you get more respect if you're tall
I am 6"3 and while my life is pretty shitty i do notice that people respect me more because of my height.
For example while i used to be mocked a lot no one ever dared to physically pick on me while shorter similar guys to me would get beaten up.
Even women have a bit more respect for you if you are tall. Maybe they view you as a threat or something
In all the countries that actually matter it's 5'9. No one gives a shit about all the poor eurocuck countries.
you can always change your build, hair, style, money
height you can never change
6'2 every day. Poopoo skin is the only downside but I'd rather have than than be fucking lmao 5'6
They never learn
here is your daily (You) buddy just promise me you dont shoot up a school alright?
Can't change face either.
holy shit what a pathetic lanklet, you know someone's insecure when he needs to lash out like that
t. 6'4" before you call me a manlet
All the amazing athletes from those countries too. Oh wait...
I've learned. Not a single lanklet can every post their body here without being destroyed.
99.99999% of girls would still choose Nick Jonas over that ugly fag
>b-but muh height
>Beg a guy for a photo with him
>Proceed to make fun of said person online in a desperate attempt to seem cool
What an insecure cunt
What the fuck is everyone here getting
offended for. It's obvious Nick is just insecure about his height. The guy didn't mean it as an insult
how else would he mean it lol
You forgot the most important part- your FACE, you ugly shit
I'm 6ft in London and I don't feel tall, besides which you're probably 5'11 and round up
He's not Indian you retard
>just a prank bro
are you retarded?
Netherlands as a pop'n of 17mil, came like 11th in the olympics and has a pretty sick football team
>the tampon
>the look of terror in her eyes
He is 100% right, it's very rude and unnecessary. The Mexican guy is clearly insecure.
why did you post a pic of yourself
In places like Mexico, honesty is actually a real human value. If someone calls you small because you're small, then it's nothing to get offended about.
face looks 100% better with a good haircut a weightloss
>Comeback wasn't "Did your height help you vault over the wall"
>tfw 5'11 and born in a 3rd world country
>just don't be fat and have a nice haircut
Sorry bro, facial attractiveness stretches far beyond that
Do they also call retards retards or poor people poor? I don't see how honesty is a value when the thing you're being honest about is written on their forehead. There's no point in pointing it out other than to insult them
>For what? Got no wall to climb
Nick Jonas is pretty ugly. Fame is really a game changer isn't it
>eyyy esé in mejico thats how we do it
fuck off back there and eat some grasshoppers then
Wow, women are horrible.
Its not a meme but we shouldnt make fun of manlets for not being as lucky as us.
The genetic lottery is a sad game where you always have something wrong with you and yet everyone pretends to be perfect.
>5'11" in a third world country
>above average height because of general malnourishment
feels good
I could literally squash you tiny subhuman
t. 6'1 GOD
Guy on the right because its infinitely better to be a white manlet than a tall subhuman
Ameritard detected, its literally the western European countries that are the tallest not the poor slav lands.
There literally is a higher concentration of amazing athletes from west Europe countries than any other countries in the world