What is the literal perfect height? 6'2?
Perfect height
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Depends. Gf and I are both 6'2. I think it's meh but she likes it because she plays volleyball.
6'-0" is probably the ideal balance between physique, cardio vascular health, and cost of living, though 5'-10" to 6'-0" are great heights for general utility.
5'10 is probably perfect, any higher and you are literally a lanklet, women hate that
>implying the man got taller
>implying they didn't swap the woman with a womanlet
Depends on your country. I'm from Brazil and the avg height here for men is something like 1.75m which is around 5'7. I'm 1.78-1.80m tall depending on my posture and it isn't half bad. Pretty sure I'd be a manlet in Europe since avg there is like 6'1 or so.
People in this board seem to exaggerate height a lot. Unless you're EXTREMELY smaller than your avg you're good. You might not get girls by your height alone but you can compensate elsewhere.
Omg the cope
Do you live in Vietnam? 6'2 is literally nothing here in Europe. 13 year olds are that tall.
this isn't the price is right, moron.
It's 6'2" for America, any taller and it starts getting weird. The 95th percentile for height is always ideal:
>best soccer player: ronaldo 6'1
>best tennis player: Federer 6'1
>best WR nfl: Brown 5'10
>greatest QB nfl: Brady 6'4
>best Rb nfl: Johnson 6'1
I'm not really sure what the best height is but its probably 6'1
So 5'8.5 is the perfect height for a woman in Canada?
how is the best height 1 inch taller than the very best athletes in the world? see
Lol at this cope thread. "Too tall" isn't a thing but keep coping.
6'2-6'1 master race reporting in. you manlets will never know what it's actually like looking down on someone.
If you're proportions look good and you work out, then you're fine. Being a lanky 6'4+ monster is not a good look.
5'-10" generally excellent physically and mentally guy here, and i'll be smiling as i actually look down at you lying peacefully in your coffin after your overstressed cardiovascular system gives up.
>-2.86 sd
>tfw STILL no gf
isnt julio jones the best WR
I'll make sure that coffin is situated above 5'10 you little ant. and don't even think about getting on your tippy toes, we can see it, every time.
no no hes not brown has had better stats for the past 5 years
We're talkin aesthetics, not athletics
>You might not get girls by your height
Who cares, girls taller than 5'8" are disgusting. I laugh at lanklet women while they think they're hot shit.
manlets detected
>We're talkin aesthetics, not athletics
if we were talking purely aesthetics aren't most bodybuilders 5'7-5'9?
I can't even imagine having such shit taste.
Taytay is a 5'10 goddess.
lol this chart is retarded literally calling Ronaldo and Federer manlets? you cant make this autistic stuff up
they're rich. you're not.
get back in your pit, manlet
they are literally peak athletic human forms, but they don't make the autistic cutoff on this retarded chart that some neckbeard made, really got to take a step back here fellas wtf are we even talking about any more?
Depends on what your goals are. Bodybuilder that wants to look really huge, score well in shows and doesnt want to look like a dwarf, I'd say about 5'8"-6'.
Strong man, probably 6'4"-6'8" depending on proportion (ie limb length).
Model, probably 6' depending on what form of modeling.
General life, I'd say about 6'-6'2"
All this coming from someone who is 5'10"
t. poor manlet
If he ain't 6'4" he ain't getting in my back door
how's the weather down there?
Much nicer down here, subhuman caveman Lanklet
>6' is just 5'12"
nice bait faglord. I bet you also wash your hands before lifting
She's actually 176cm (5'9) who is delusional thinking she's 5'11 source celebheights.com
>mfw i'm sitting in the public transport tram
>see website and think I do pretty reasonable - 1.88m, 82th percentile.
>look up from phone, 2/5 people are above 2.00m tall. Rest is Muslim(female)
>ethnicity is not taken into account t. Tall.life
>welcome in the Netherlands
mommy gf mode
Real talk, the cutoff for Manlet is 5'7
Here's why:
>you can still donate Sperm in some places if you are above this height, nowhere will accept your sperm if you are 5'7 or under
>it doesn't make sense definitionally for the majority of men to manlets (so some of the higher definitions of manlet don't make sense); with 5'7, you get a nice 80:20 rule distribution (20% are manlets, 80% aren't)
>your size in relation to women is an important consideration here. Therefore a natural measure to look at is the country with the highest average height for Women. The Netherlands tops this category, with 5'7 as the average height for Women. You definitely are a manlet if half of Women in a country are taller than you. Above that, I'm not as convinced.
>the smallest estimate for the height of Jesus is 5'8 (based on the shroud of Turin). The son of God wouldn't be a manlet
All of my research keeps pointing to 5'7.
Being under 6'0 is absolutely nothing to be proud of, but you aren't a manlet until you are 5'7 or under
How do any of you non-6'3" master race fags wake every day not wanting to kill yourselves
t. manlet
Yeah, and they'll never look as good as the ones that aren't manlets.
Nowhere in the world is the average 6'1 from my understanding. People just like to lie and exaggerate to make others feel insecure.
The fact that the manlet that drew this made the tall guys arms smaller and just gave him a big neck is hilarious
They truly never learn
Jesus was 5'11 or 6' 0 based on shroud of Turin and about 178 pounds.
The 5'8 is based on (((Israeli))) researches who made him look very Arab looking instead of a Galiean. The way we portray Jesus or Yeshua of you wish, is pretty accurate.
T. 5'9
there IS a statistical corelation that says that the difference between the man and the woman in a successful relationship should be no less than
1,09. So if you are a man and you are tall 6'2" which is 188cm your women should be no taller than 188/1.09 = 172.5cm or in Imbecilic measurement system: 5.65'
5'8 to 5'11 and clothes will fit you perfectly, specifically size medium. All 6'4 skelly's have to wear a large/XL no matter what, and look like an African in last years super bowl loser jersey.
That was the exact height difference with me and my ex. Relationship didn't work lol. I'd much rather a girl who was at a more awkard height (hers was perfect), who didn't fucking abuse me lol.
>That low test
6'4 Master height
If we're just talking about how many girls you will get wet solely from your height then 6'5" is best before you get into weirdo lanklet territory. However factoring in lifting and muscle growth, etc. then somewhere closer to 6'2" to 6'3" is best.
t. 6'2" American here. I do get "teehee your tall" 's sometimes but it's really not as much as manlets might think (when will they learn?). For young people in the US you have to be at least 6'1" before people will start thinking you're tall.
That's the cold hard truth boys.
as a 5'2" ultramanlet I think my perfect height would be like 5'8". Small enough for ez gains, tall enough that i'm taller than most of my asian peers.
The averag height in nyc, wallstreet n 55th street is 6,2 or more
That feel when ur 5,7 in the field of chads, at least i can make more then them r-right
I agree.
maybe in netherlands, everywhere else average height is like 175 for males and 170 for females
are you retarded? avg female height is 5'4-5'5. even in the tallest country it doesnt reach 5'7
it's 6'2"-6'3" aka 190 cm in eurofag units. Probably golden ratio in terms of aesthetics
t. 6'4"
Ronaldo isnt the best soccer player it's messi and he's like 4 foot
For kings trying to become Gods, 6'0-6'3.
t. 5'6 manlet
10 to 15 cm lower than you, if wife material.
this kek
2nd only works if you have a monster dong
So is 5'9" or 5'10" the king? I need to know so I can lord my royal status over other manlets and claim the manlet pit as my own.
>right is hentai
fuck I wanted some height difference romange
6'3" is the absolute perfect height. You're tall to nearly everyone but not so tall that you're doomed to be a lanklet.
All the people saying 5'10-6'1" are wrong. I'm 6'1" and it would be greater infinitely if I was 2 inches taller.
Search your heart and you know it to be true