Is a pull with +100 kg adittional bodyweight possible to attain on natty mode ?

is a pull with +100 kg adittional bodyweight possible to attain on natty mode ?

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Maybe for 1 or 2 reps, if you practice hard enough. The thing would be attaching 5pl8 to your body without it throwing your balance around.

Depends on how much you weigh?

lets say 160-180 lbs, not heavier than hat

Why do you want to do 200 kg?

for the bitch ?

anyways my bodyweight is 70 kg

200kg is probably impossible natty, here is a roiding monkey doing barley 160.

you sure ?

this guy weights 440 lbs and did 10 pull ups, dude looks natty

lol shit sorry im doing mental math kg to lbs. Id say you could do 100kg, but you'll have to be very specific to training weighted chins, 3x5.

so a 170 kg pull up is attainable natty you say ?

Id be willing to say you can, I just started adding weighted pull ups and chin ups to my routine a month ago and I'm at 2 45s for sets of 3 at 190lb bodyweight and I'm hella weak for my body weight and in general

how long would it take ?

no way

and if you do weighted chins heavy, don't do them with that cringey chin nudge

thats great, 260 lbs pull ups for reps is a good way to go, whats you max bench ?

Shit dog depends on if you stall on leaner progression, how your diet is, how you're doing your deloads, what other goals you have, where you're at on weighted chins.

>cringey chin nudge


I wouldn't know my flat bench I haven't flat benched once since I started lifting lol my incline is only 195lbs for 2-3

Oh shit also thanks user

no problem bro, 260 lbs is heavy, and most to no say everyone cant do pull ups at that weight, you probably think you are weak but your arms are probably stronger than you think

Those are very bad pullups

Still mate, 440 lbs, also why bad pull ups ?

Use a 100kg kettlebell

THose are absolutely not pull-ups

He didn't go up anywhere near high enough and he was jerking his whole body to go up

If thats the best you can do at your weight just do lat pull downs or something

Those are literal crossfit tier pull ups except even in crossfit the fat chicks get higher

440 lbs

Probably not, unless you have Brock Lesnar genetics or something.

Yeah and I deadlifted 700 pounds from rack that was 40cm off the ground, am I DLing 700 pounda now ? Damn Im fucking strong.

Yeah. I'm weak as fuck, natty, bordering on skinnyfat and can do a chinup with 40kg added so I don't doubt that someone that takes training seriously and dedicates their time to achieving max power on the pullup could achieve.

Post pic of body please

Your bw ?

When I last did that I weighed around 90kg I think. I'm a lot lighter and weaker right now at 82kg so I'm honestly not sure if I can still do it.

pic related was at ~90kg

Well, if you say so. Its not like I can prove you right, can I?

You would probably doubt that I can overhead press >80kg as well.

I told you I look skinnyfat.

your legs and arms look good but your whole core looks dyel

what a weird body

>pullups with lmao2plaet added weight
>i'm hella weak tho
Why do people do this?

yeah, I have a small ribcage which makes my waist tiny af. My legs are super weak yet rather big, its weird.

its better with less bf as I store a lot on my core I think.

yeah but he did not attach 160kg the total weight here is 160kg

hes pretty weak for a roid monkey i can do 1 rep with total 150kg and im very natty

Whats your bw and max bench ?

Around 3 years for the average Joe.

there's a dude at my gym that I've seen do pullups - not chinups - with 180lb added. He doesn't look that big either. I wouldn't be too surprised if he were able to get pretty close to 100kg neutral grip chins.