What are the objectively best functional movements to have in a routine?

What are the objectively best functional movements to have in a routine?

Low bar squat
Romanian dead lift/powerclean
Bulgarian lunges

Bench Press
Handstand push-ups
Weighted chin-ups
Seal Rows

dragon flags
box maltese hold

Would marry and bury my face in her ass daily

eventually do weighted hspu, or swap bench for weighted dips, and hspu for the press.

Low bar squats aren't very functional, it's just a way to move more weight
>High bar or front squat
>Push press
>Powercleans and chin ups, you got those right at least
>Handstands are a good closed chain exercise, but are they more functional than a push press? Do you often find yourself upside down, pushing things up with your feet?

hspu is more functional than the press. Low bat squats use hip drive.

that ass gets my seal of approval

Sauce? Couldn't find anything with google

Need sauce too.

Functional to what?

Lower rom squats are always more functional. Quarter squats from pins are one of the best ways to train for jumping higher. Nobody ever squats ATG in any real life situation. Remember, functionality is movement pattern carryover to real life situations, not the most effective exercises for building muscle.

>Low bar squat
Squatting is the best movement to get lower body strength and hypertrophy, it's not functional at all. You never squat irl.
>Romanian dead lift
Close, in the sense that you do need to pick things up, but no, in the sense that it's highly inefficient
You do need sometimes to bring a weight from floor to chest, but never with that movement pattern
Absolutely no real world use as a movement pattern, except for general strength and hypertrophy
>Bulgarian lunges
You do need to move weight across a distance sometimes so unilateral leg work is important, but there are better ways
>Bench Press
Just no
>Handstand push-ups
You got one right
>Weighted chin-ups
Two in a row
>Seal Rows
See bench
>dragon flags
>box maltese hold

>Pick something up:
Deficit, sumo, snatch or a combination of these variations of deadlift
>Bring something heavy to chest
Atlas stones
>Heavy weighted move
Walking lunges
Weighted yoke walk
Sled/prowler push
>Move something from chest to overhead
Push press
Jerk, power jerk
>Heavy weighted carry
Keg carry
Farmer walks
Car/truck move
>Attract heavy object
Sled drag
>Heavy toss
Keg throw
>Move yourself through space
100 m dash
10 km run
Rowing in a river
>Pick yourself up
Weighted pullups (not chinups)
Pullup progression (rack pullups, grenade pullups, bowling ball pullups, one arm pullups)
>Push yourself up
Weighted dips
Muscle ups
Unnecessary to "isolate" core if you do the above

>That pic
I can never go to Japan
I'd end up a serial rapist, not the punchy stabby kind. The forced ball deep poundings, licking every inch of their bodies and leaving them unconscious cumfilled and hating themselves for having mulitple orgasms and enjoying it while they stare at the rose I left next to them.
I don't want to go to prison anons.
Japanese prisons are terrible.

>Nobody ever squats ATG in any real life situation

maybe in fatclapistan, but in the rest of the world people squat all the time

People only squat in Pooland and Slavistan, and even there it's just bodyweight. I've never seen anyone squat weighted because of need

What's the advantage of lowbar squat?
Always squatted highbar cause it feels safer.

Sounds solid bro whats your background?

hip drive, and greater posterior chain activation.

Power Clean

Unconditioned fat weak powerlifter, I just happen to not be deluded. I do it because I enjoy it, not because it's "functional".

How about htis

>Low bar squat
Squating is used by all sports professionals to develop the posterior chain, also if you don't know how to squat your lowerbody is shite

>Romanian dead lift
ok what about jefferson curls?
ok maybe atlas stones would be better?
it's probably the best way to keep your knees healthy, and it probably the best assistance exercise to sprinting
>Bulgarian lunges
pistol squats are better i suppose

>Bench Press or under grip bench
paused under grip bench is probably the best pressing movement anyone can do, also aids with punching

>Handstand push-ups
"You got one right" hell yeh, plus bench will help you build these up
>Weighted chin-ups
chins are better than pull-ups since you can use more muscles, and are better on the joints, maybe one arm chin-ups would be slightly better?
>Seal Rows
I would say front lever rows, but you would call be a bodyweight fag

>dragon flags
"No" why ?
>box maltese hold
"No" why??

Read the second half of the post
And no, I wouldn't call you a fag. A combination of strongman movements, some calisthenics, sprints and endurance races are the best for overall athletic development

Kinda want to make a routine around these.

p good, but theirs better ;)

Nice hentai.

Weighted Pull-ups / Chin-ups
Weighted push ups
Power clean to OHP
All forms of rowing

weighted stair sprints (Because any time you move your legs, it will be for running and jumping, also climbing stairs is normal)

isometric biceps curl (For carrying shit)
farmers walk (For carrying two different shits)
sled push (For pushing shit)
heavy medicine ball throws (For hauling shit around)

stiff legged deadlift (For picking shit up)
plank (Because you will normally only use your abs to resist twisting)

Reps: 15 - 25 because there's literally nothing in average real life that is done within a few seconds (low reps) or that you need extreme endurance for (extremely high reps)

Jesus what a shit list. Handstand pushups are functional??? Name one IRL situation where you do a movement remotely like that you colossal faggot

Best functional movements are loaded carries and cardio

c+j, you could literally do nothing else

I'm Bulgarian. If you wanna train to squat in one spot without any weight you train your flexibility, not your strength.

i am almost entirely with you on this one user but..
>Unnecessary to "isolate" core if you do the above
i would say that you need the extra core work no matter what. Some planking, hollow body holds..

Planche push up
Bench Press
Snatch grip BTNP

Seal row
Lever chin ups
Chin ups

Barbell lunges
Trap bar deadlifts

Front lever
Standing ab wheel
Hanging l sits


> 10 km
lol no, 5k at a high intensity pace is more than enough.


low bar squat
front squat


weighted pull ups
overhead press


leg raises (ideally weighted)

You're exercise selection was pretty good but you don't need to discount movements because of a non-specific movement patter.

For example, GHR when used correctly (focus on slow eccentric) has been shown to be literally the best prehab work you can do for you hamstrings as it forces you to work through an eccentric ROM which mimics the role of the hamstring engagement during late swing phase and ground contact of the running gait. So while it doesn't directly mimic an real world movement the benefit gained from it has a huge impact on real world activities.

does someone have a fucking source or not

>Unnecessary to "isolate" core if you do the above
How about no. You to have core to punch somebody in the face and to chop wood. Obliques specifically.

>You never squat irl.
Seriously, squatting builds your legs nicely and thats pretty useful. Squatting and deadlifting does wonder for getting your sprint speed up, even if its non specific for that movement. Trap bar deadlift is the excercise that correlates the most with sprint speed.

Reread what you replied to or work on your english
That was an interesting read, thanks
Tomato toe may toe
