Can someone explain the reasoning behind these recommended macros?

Can someone explain the reasoning behind these recommended macros?

Ectomorphs — around 25% p (protein), 55%c (carbs), 20%f (fat)

Mesomorphs — around 30%p, 40%c, 30%f

Endomorphs — around 35%p, 25%c, 40%f”

This is from Georges St-Pierre's training camp, so I trust they know their shit.

The idea is that endomorphs have a lower carbohydrate tolerance and as such, more energy from carbs turns into body fat or some shit like that. Personally it sounds like some meme bullshit and probably is, but I find as an endomorph that higher carb intake definitely has a negative impact on my aesthetics (but also a major negative impact on athletic performance).

Those figures are way too close to make any difference in body-comp.

You need like 30p/60c/10f to make a difference.

None of this 35/35/35 shit.

>but also a major negative impact on athletic performance
How? High carbs before competition helps with performance.

heh i see you fell for the carb loading meme

Typo - I meant positive.
Carb loading is real for us proper athletes. Using your 20 minutes on the rowing machine as an excuse for fatties to eat a kilogram of pasta is not carb loading.

Somatypes are bullshit. They equate to skinny, muscular, and fat. Higher bodyfat% = more noticeable fat gains = requires less calories. Carbs make people bloat too, and higher bodyfat% = bloating is more noticeable.

the x-morph bodytype theory is a mistaken belief that people have innate physical forms. The differences are really just from calories in/out and amount of exercise. you could charecterise people by the size of their skeleton, height/width/leverages but that makes no difference to them getting thin/fat or gaining muscle from exercising. so no you don't need to eat more carbs because you're skinny and have a long neck dumbass

They are not complete myth my guy. There's a reason the natty limit calculator takes into account wrist size and such. Compare a 5'5 ethiopian with 5 inch wrists who only stores fat around the stomach when he eats too much, to an icelandic giant who has never lifted by somehow has 24 inch biceps at 12% body fat, and tell me body types don't exist.

>for us proper athletes

>all the literature disagrees with me but i call people dumbass

>not eating perfectly balanced diet of 25% protein, 25% carbs, 25% fat, 25% nucleic acid

fat should be lower if you want it perfectly balanced since it has more calories

Yuh uh fagit.

of course people grow differently, but somatypes are a terrible explanation that don't provide any useful insights. for example knowing that your testosterone level determines muscle growth you can use steroids and increase growth. what actual difference is there between an endomorph and a mesomorph that you can measure and affect an outcome?

its been discredited for 60 years and is only now peddled by fitness magazines to sell idiots useless products

somatypes are bullshit, OP


the ecto/meso/endomorph thing is a meme.. it was a paper written by some degenerate alcoholic and nobody questioned it and its been memed into prosperity .. delete this

Well ultimately everything is determined by hormones. Hard to say "that's just testosterone" and call it a day. The somatotypes are an attempt at categorizing the difference in hormone production which is reflected in bone density, size, tendency to grow muscle over storing fat etc.

You shouldn't trust some website just because you like it, moreso in light of all the information you can acquire about nutrition elsewhere. Rarely does anybody fit categorically into any somatypes, so you'll probably be somewhere between two. Moreover, if you know anything about nutrition, you do know that calories will be what dictate whether you gain or lose weight, ideally you want to eat more protein for completely obvious reasons I shouldn't have to explain on a fitness board. You need the fat in order to mantain a healthy body, so you also need quite a bit of it. Bulking without carbs seems like a miserable experience, so you know you need them too in relative proportions.There are some shades of gray within nutrition, but it's not that relative, and it's most definitely not tied to a somatype. For real OP, do whatever you want, IIFYM is the more important aspect of the bigger picture, you of course also want micronutrients like vitamins and nutrients, but unless you can't even conjure up a neuron to help you with that, then you're hopeless.

IMO this numbers go hand to hand with cardiovascular training
Ie: some buff people would lose half their gains on a daily cardio regime, even while eating a lot

>%TDEE protein
>What is a standard amount of protein (~150g-250g)