Only answer if you know your shit, no broscience please

Only answer if you know your shit, no broscience please.

Assume I eat 500 calories fewer than I need for maintenance, what determines whether the rest of the energy I need comes from a) fat or b) muscle?

Other urls found in this thread:

Muscle resistance training.

Hormones and neurotransmitters to complex to ever explain on Chinese basket weaving forums

I mean in terms of what you can control, i.e. what you do, eat, take etc.

it depends on if are you chad or virgin

Slightly related question, when you are 500 calories under your daily goal the end of day, what is the best thing to do?
Try to eat it? Eat more next day?

training and nutrition

It's blue cheese on your wings or go fuck your mother

let me tell you something about quaaludes Joe Rogan



My guess is by how much protein you intake. If you eat enough protein, your body will rebuild the lost muscle through gym training so long as it has protein, meanwhile the fat will be lost and not replaced due to deficit

again, just a guess

nitrogen balance. If you don't have enough amino availability for tissue repair (all tissues not just muscle) then muscle will be broken down for amino acids and utilized for repair. It may also be broken down due to gluconeogenesis because your blood sugar may be particularly low at some point of the day during a hypocaloric diet.

Basically just space out your protein and drink bcaas if you're gonna be fasting for a few (3+) hours

You're energy system will use protein only if fat is unavailable.

Wrong. If you sit down all day like most Americans and eat nothing by snacks (read: carbs and fats) your muscle will be the first to go.

literally the opposite, body starts with muscle since it's wasting energy

Lmao is that Joey Diaz

Your body will use muscle for energy if:
1) you're not getting enough protein
2) you're not using it

You need a lot of protein/amino acids if you're dieting to keep your body from using muscle for energy. Also if you're fucking exhausted while training, you might be getting low blood sugar which will cause your body to use available amino acids to make glucose. To avoid this have small amounts of glucose midway through training. Dex4 tabs are good, or small sips of Powerade or juice.
Also no matter how much protein you eat, if you don't use your muscles, aka train often, they will atrophy. Especially fast when dieting.

To help your body burn fat you can also take fat burners or supplement with things like MCT oil that give your body a ready source of fat as fuel. Things like fasting, fasted cardio, or just cardio in general also help to burn fat, but some muscle is used for energy during all of these last options

Basically live healthy and get enough protein. Mild doses of stimulants like caffein albuterol, yohimbine etc. Will increase fat loss while not increasing muscle loss. If you perform extreme amounts of cardio and exercise your body will start breaking down more muscle(though you will probably never have to worry about that), anything else like bad sleep, alcohol, too little protein in diet will all shift the ratio more towards muscle breakdown. (Everything I mentioned has different mechanisms of working though)

I thought quaaludes weren't produced anymore, where did that cocksucka get a hold of em? or was I memed on by that dicaprio movie?

Don't carb up mid training if you're trying to lose fat tho. If your body always has carbs available, it won't produce fat oxydizing enzimes.

This is a meme. Exercise signals MPS, peaking at 24hrs. and returning to almost baseline within 36hrs.

Hormones, lifting frequency and volume, macros of diet, cardio, etc etc


>fat oxidizing enzymes
>tfw detoxification
>tfw you will never be this buttfuck retarded

think about it. if the FDA banned synthetic test tomorrow, you think everyone would just stop making test if they knew how? you think people would stop buying?

of course some asshole out there is still making ludes. probably not official, probably not pharma grade, but you bet your ass it's out there.

sure thing dude, check the op pic though, that's a pharmacy label, it even has a doc's name on it
also nice trips

>Only answer if you know your shit
Gives uneducated broscience opinion anyway

looks like an old bottle, however. probably some relic from the late 80's. william H rorer inc was the company that made them back in the day.

they are most certainly still being manufactured, however it's not as hot a thing as it used to be in the wallstreet days.

They are still available in mexico he prob just drove south and came back. Its pretty common its just such a shitty drug that theres no reason to go through that effort for what is essentially the same as xanax

>it's another ((("comedians"))) episode

Just because they aren't produced doesn't mean you can't get them. They are rare in the U.S. especially just like Actavis Promethazine + Codeine

>I know, I'll put "only answer if you know your shit" into my post. That will guarantee these anonymous randos provide me with the peer reviewed research I'm too lazy to do myself

Your plan was brilliant, how on earth could it have failed?

Hey that wasn;t me (OP) I liked your post!

Don't worry, I'm not either. I just thought that guy's comment was stupid.

But so was yours in the OP. If you only want expert opinions you have to put the time in, so don't bother with that in the future.

you wont loose muscle if you get
1. enough Protein
2. muscle stimulus through resistance training
3. enough sleep (!)

assuming your calories dont go far beyond your TDEE and or you are near the genetic max.

Came here to post this, cocksucka.