Any pre-workout recommendations...

Any pre-workout recommendations? I'm considering getting pic related but I don't know too much about pre-workout at all and was wondering if it would be too strong to start with.

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Don't buy any of the powders, they are all overpriced.

Just use caffeine. Take your bodyweight in kg and multiply by three = your dosage. After you gain tolerance multiply by four, then five, and then six. After a dosage of your bodyweight in kg times six you should not need any more.

The only pre-workout powder I need

Load of shit just have black coffee or stop being a beta.

Goddammit I miss Scooby.

Mesomorph + Kre Alkalyne It's what I use and I feel like I'm on another level.

mesomorph, GAT nitroflex, and Piana's kill it and my go to, i like mr. hyde but that shit does not dissolve well

>Take your bodyweight in kg and multiply by three = your dosage. After you gain tolerance multiply by four, then five, and then six
100% nonsense

Coffe if you are poor like me, otherwise buy the most priced one

neither does jekyll.

what the fug pro supps

Mesomorph rocket pop


The rest

Buy a fucking ad you worthless marketers

I've used hyde for the longest and really recommend it. Definitely helped me pump better and keeps me up. It also doesn't make me crash which helps since I work after my workout

Enjoy your heart failure

Are the mods too stupid to see marketing this blatant?

I hear good things about that pre-workout. I may pick that up next. So far I haven't really noticed a boost of energy from the two pre-workouts I have used. I first got c4 and then after that didn't do anything, I got another one from my gym which is their brand (Lifetime Fitness). Both just seem to be flavored water to me.

Mr Hyde

They're pretty strong so dont take it within 3 hours before bed, maybe even more. It'll still be working in your body and make it hard to fall asleep

Not a huge fan of this stuff. Ive taken it about half a dozen times and it always leaves me feeling kind of gross halfway though my workout and afterwards and unless you are going to be in the gym for three hours this stuff will stay in your system for a good while after you work out so unless you workout in the morning it will totally screw up your sleep.

Best ive ever tried was PreKaged by Kaged Muscle, slight energy boost but not overkill, massive pumps and endurance, but its expensive af

Yeah gethin needs to get his head out of his ass with his pricing. I really like pre and rekaged, but damn if they aren't expensive.

On this topic, anyone have experience with pic related or other preworkouts with DMAA? considering giving it a try

DMAA always just made me feel a bit agitated and pissed, but ymmv

There's a deal for a years supply of Hyde pre-work on supplementhunt for $80

Mr Hyde + Oral Trestolone

All these gay ass pre workouts...

If you have access to: Try DVST8 - red crimson or the white one (preferably the white one), try Havok Tigers blood, Psychotic by Insane Labz, Edge of Insanity by Pharma Psyko, honestly I would just stick to the DVST8 or Havok both are clean af, and give you some good clean energy. The other ones can be overwhelming taking them back to back

For me it's black stone labs angel dustâ„¢ the best of the pre workout sups

Mr Hyde > Tigers blood

>a small dosage of 210 kg of caffeine

I take this back, I was thinking of a different tigers blood

>Not snorting pure caffeine powder

Enjoy being broke.

Hello Mr. Cresva.

I was about to get cray on you man.

Enjoy being a weenie

>rocket pop
>not going for the GOAT pineapple flavor



This is a good description, it's edgy but I always feel like fighting someone in traffic on my way to the gym after I sip down some DMAA

Sweat a fuck tonne tho so stay hydrated


He's got a decent squat

What's the point in preworkout? I wake up in the morning, have breakfast and a cup of coffee, and head to the gym.

Will taking this stuff actually increase my performance or is it just some addictive waste of money stimulant that motivates lazy people to go to the gym?

What makes it better than just coffee or caffeine pills?

It really depends on how well you respond to stims. Preworkout really just gives me the mental clarity and focus to kill my workout. I can go without PWO, but it's not as fun as if I were stimmed out of my ass.
As for how it compares to caffeine, it gives more than just energy. It'll put you in a different mind set and turns working out into a different experience. It'll also give a sick pump depending on which one you take

seconding DVST8
gave a more euphoric feeling compared to DMAA pwo.
DMAA felt a lot like
and describe, more intense and edgy

Mutant mayhem?