Is it possible that protein causes back acne? Is it some kind of allergy...

Is it possible that protein causes back acne? Is it some kind of allergy? Or is it because I'm using cheap protein supplements?

possibly. What are you gonna do, quit eating protein? good luck

Idc, I'm happy with my current physique. I can still go to the gym to maintain the way I look now. Don't really want any more muscle at this point. So I guess giving up on protein isn't that bad of an idea.

Could be allergic to dairy products.

Whey comes from cows, you know.

protein is essential for life asshat.

Allergies or shit skin

Yea thanks, I might go to the doctor and have it checked
Well ofcourse dumbass. I obviously meant giving up on protein supplements

why are you even on protein supplements? 700 grams of chicken alone gives u 189 grams of protein.

Protein? No. Dairy? Probably.

It's probably the roids.

Yes. Well not the protein itself but the lactose in your whey will cause acne to some people

See a doc and check for allergies and cross reactions

Just go to a dermatologist and get something against acne. Some people are just fucked genetically.


It's almost like consuming a cow or any product from a cow is FUCKING POISON

M8 u r one dumb mofo

You probably don't wash your sheets and don't shower often enough

>Drink more water
>shower before workout
>shower after workout

That's pretty much it. And this is coming from a guy who had very persistent body acne.

Does this fucking dysinfo never die?

>hurr durr just eat clean and wash your clothes regularly

Fucking retards who once had teenage pimples thinking they are fucking experts on acne.

I said clean your sheets, how often do you do it, honestly?

Every week. I have cystic acne and my acne doesn't give a shit about sheets and food. I tried all of these retarded pseudo remedies. Washed them three times per week, went vegan, low carb, gluten free, tried all sorts of face wash regimes.

Just take fucking accutane OP and don't listen to these retards.

>shower before workout

It's not. Oils collect dirt and get stuck in your pores, sweating produces more oil. Taking a shower removes said oil and reduces the amount of dirt colllected during your workout,


Dirt, skin, and other impurities
Happy now? Nigger

Being clean reduces the chance for dirt and oil to get clogged in your pores, which reduces acne. That is not disinformation. Of course there are people who have other shit going on and need medication. For things like this, it's best to see if your own actions can make the situation better before jumping on medication. If it turns out if was the severe kind good now you know, but if it is just acne being cause by poor hygiene then it will return once you go off the meds and the cycle will repeat.

You have no fucking idea how acne works

Could be like me where you're allergic to lactose and gluten and fun. I literally can't eat anything that tastes good. Brb while I kill myself.

No, I do. U don't