Is the whole "bulk/cut" thing even relevant for beginners?

Is the whole "bulk/cut" thing even relevant for beginners?

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No, beginners can loose fat and gain muscle at the sale time

Nutrition is relevant to beginners

relevant enough for mark rippetoe to tell you to bulk at a 400-500 calorie surplus when doing starting strength


But seriously yes, you need to be in a calorie surplus. Don't try to escape the fundamentals, like, "Well that shit probably doesn't apply to me."

It does, and you need to take care of it.

only if you're a self-proclaimed """""hard-gainer""""" desu

he says 400 calorie surplus for most people who aren't fat fucks which is totally reasonable, as fun as it is to meme about Rippetoe turning people into lard golems only fit to barbell squat

Depends on your goals.

If you want to get big no matter what and gain some extra strength then bulking is what you should do.

If you want to have less fat, weigh less for whatever reason and gain more endurance through dropping more energy sapping bodymass then cut.

Simple as that.

No, begginers can recomp if they want to, but most people coming here as beginners are either fatasses or skinny as fuck, recomps are only really useful for skinnyfat or builtfat people.

It's not necessary to gain fat as an average skinnyfat beginner. It is possible to lose fat while gaining muscle, your body will extract the excess calories you need from your surplus of bodyfat.

Pic related is me 7 months apart, 140lbs consistently without gaining any weight.

>inb4 my awful nipples derail the thread

>recomps are only really useful for skinnyfat
i wish i knew this when i started lifting.
i just yolo bulked and now im in the middle of a cut, fml

Why are they so close together?


bulking is for lazy fat sacks of shit with no self control who will never make it and then claim they re doing it for muh functional strength, whatever that means since they re never going to compete in strongman or powerlifting competitions they will basically be fat as fuck to the general public.(few exceptions, mostly the bro who wasted time bulking and cutting when he couldve avoided the entire process by eating properly)

lean clean eating bro: able to accurately monitor muscle growth and not confuse it with fat,focused individuals with splits that just make sense, always perfect form and not suffering from biogorexia

jesus, how did you do that? routine?

Can't tell if you're serious or just busting my balls, but I will attempt to answer you as best as possible. I work out 5x per week, every week. I also aim for 100-120g protein per day and take a fuck load of supplements. I do a split of my own creation which is probably stupid but I like it.

>Day 1: Chest & Triceps
Start with flat bench in the 8-10 rep range, then tricep pushdowns, then use the pec dec machine and a few more random accessory exercises for those muscles depending on how I feel (skullcrushers, incline or decline bench with dumbbells or barbells, dips, cable flys, dumbbell tricep extension) 12 reps is always the target for the accessories, 3-4 sets. Obviously I don't do each accessory each week, I pick and choose based on what I want to do and what equipment is available and only usually spend 1 hr at the gym per day.

>Day 2: Back & Biceps
Start with deadlifts (usually 1 or 2 sets of 5 depending on how I'm feeling). Then chinups, barbell curls or preacher barbell curls, lat pulldowns, barbell rows and hammer curls. Recently started mixing it up a bit with some cable rows and front pulldown machine.

>Day 3: Shoulders (& legs when I feel like it, which is rarely)
Start with OHP 5x5, then upright barbell rows, lat raises, facepulls or reverse pec dec machine. If I feel like it afterwards is when I do squats or leg press.

You'd honestly be better off doing a proper program than some bullshit I made up though. The important thing is to stay motivated and go to the gym a lot and eat a lot of protein.

Damn Daniel. What supplements?

you've made some decent gains since I last saw your pic nipplebrah, mirin

so basically, to lean bulk just increase protein and cut out sugar (processed added sugar bullshit, not carbs in general)?

you realize you're supposed to bulk and cut between 10-12% bodyfat and 15-16% bodyfat as lower and upper limits, right? if you got fat on a bulk, that was user error on your part

what do you actually eat?

Creatine, Vitamin D3, Fish Oil, Whey, ZMA, occasionally caffeine pills and recently BCAA

Thanks, I think the banter about my nipples has actually inspired me in some weird way, like I think I can lift them further apart or something.

Protein is the only macro I track, other than that, I try to eliminate foods that are unhealthy and useless in favour of foods that contain protein, dietary fiber and micronutrients.

I never go hungry, I eat and eat and eat all day, but pretty much only healthy foods. Eggs & eggwhites, chicken & turkey, oatmeal, Greek yogurt, milk, nuts, multigrain bread, fruits & vegetables. Occasionally I will slip up and have some pizza or ice cream or a pint of beer, but for the most part my philosophy is to fill up on so much good food I'm not hungry enough to eat the junk food.

It's the shittiest meme of all time

If you're not lean GET lean. Then lift and eat more (but not enough to lose leaness)

That's all

>if you're not lean GET lean
you just described a cut
>then lift and eat more (but not enough to lose leanness)
you just described a bulk

how the fuck is it a shitty meme, again? unless you're taking bulking to mean intentionally fatfucking yourself with thousands of excess calories a day, which is not at all what bulking means

If I could go back and tell myself one thing, it's don't fall for the bulking meme.

Nice, your nipples look almost normal now


Why do your nipples look so confused

This is the truth, do not fall for the hard bulk meme.

Because tons of people and especially beginners take bulking the wrong way and think it means just eat whatever you want. I'll admit its not completely a meme but its easy to see frauds eating +1000 over surplus and thinking you should be doing that too.

Well but in that case it doesn't mean it's a meme, it just means people who don't know better take it the wrong way.
It's like calling SS or SL5x5 a meme because there are some who will lift 1 year or more with those routines.

name of the girlll

Mirin arm and nipple gains. Did you do a strength routine before your current split?


I'd grab me a handfull of those buns if you know what I mean

Post more of this fitness slut

i'll have the buns in the middle

>Is the whole "bulk/cut" thing even relevant for beginners?

ask another question, can you gain weight without eating more calories than your body is using?

that doesn't make bulking a meme, that makes beginners fucking stupid

Reminds me of the starwars1 aliens who plot with the sith lord and block the trades/unleash el invation on the princess planet.

It's like nobody understands what fat is.
You can gain muscle while burning fat, what do you think fat is a store of? When you eat too much food, the excess caloric energy is stored as fat (very simplified.) Fat is there for your body to use when your diet supplies a caloric deficit. "Gaining weight" and building muscle are absolutely two different things, and I think it's fair to assume that we are all more interested in building muscle than just unspecified weight gain.

Can you build muscle under a caloric deficit? Absolutely yes. This meme comes from skeletons who are already

No strength routine, I've pretty much been doing a split all along.

Never seen starwars, you got a pic of these aliens?

Top kek.

They wouldn't be aliens if I had pics of them. Moron.

I have been training for almost year now and I want to loose about 18 lbs. My TDEE is 2800 calories, should I start eating about 2300 calories a day? And how long will it take to achieve that.

6'2 and 182 lbs

>like I think I can lift them further apart or something

kek, srsly brah its not that bad. Belter progress, ´mirin.

nice progress and it looks like your nipple-Pangaea is gradually drifting apart, must be all the flyes

No they can't retard. That would literally be breaking the laws of physics. You can't build any mass on an energy deficit.

if only the body had some method for storing energy when an excess of calories is present and then releasing this energy later to compensate for a deficit in calories

so did you eat at a deficit or a surplus

I never tracked calories, or even bothered to calculate my TDEE, so I can't really answer that. If I had to guess I'd say surplus.

Kek I hope you are kidding. You CAN build muscle on a calorie deficit. Who told you that you can't? Veeky Forums memes?

You're correct that you can't have a net gain in mass on a caloric deficit, but you can still lose fat and gain muscle as long as overall your weight is going down

t. physicist


I recently started working out and I nearly doubled my caloric intake but dropped fats and sugars and I've got some pretty significant results. That's mostly just the noob gains though.

Get shredded enough and you can beat up anyone who insults your nips. I'm rooting for you.

Does pectus excavatum affect your bench press or your daily life in anyway?

It doesnt store the essential amino acids to build musculus dough

i actually dont really know what im talking about so dont take this seriously but i think i heard scoob say it once

mirin, that is pretty much my goal body

Kek what is muscle

That's the goal, thanks user

Daily life, no. Didn't even realize I had it before coming here. Bench maybe, I only do 135 x 9 after 7 months which isn't as good as it could be probably.

Seriously? Thanks if you're not memeing on me.
