Is there any point squatting? I'm a beginner dyel and my squat is fucking shit, it's level with my bench at lmao1pl8...

Is there any point squatting? I'm a beginner dyel and my squat is fucking shit, it's level with my bench at lmao1pl8... And that's with bad form, which i noticed today when my friend recorded me. I end up half squatting and then doing good mornings and even with just the bar im struggling with keeping the bar straight all the way down like pic related - more like low bar squat, but I think i still have the bar high. It's really demotivating to think I'm gonna have to start with the bar. I'll try share a video later to give a better idea.

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Get over yourself and just start with what you can lift with good form

I'm even struggling with the bar, and I don't think it's my legs strength thats the problem.

I started squatting 75 pounds two months ago. I could only get down about halfway. But gravity gives no fucks, and eventually I started getting lower and lower.

I did my first body weight squat yesterday, 175 pounds. So if you just keep doing it, your body will get the hang of it.

Side question, how many sets/reps are you doing?

Are you struggling to get down or to come up?

Why don't you upload the video somewhere so people can actually see? You probably just aren't used to actually using your legs like this and your legs and core are weaker than you thought. You cant let your ego get in the way or you'll never improve.

Going down.

I can only share my own experience, but I'd add more weight. I actually had difficulty controlling the bar and my body when it was light. I needed gravity to keep my straight, keep me in place. I struggled with 30 on the bar but 50 on the bar felt great. I went down super smoothly and it gave my legs a chance to get tight and activate.

I would not recommend this

drop weight until you can do it with good form. this isn't fucking rocket science dude. if your foundation is shit you aren't going to build anything worth a damn on top of it. we all start from somewhere, suck it up and fucking grind it out.


Both I guess... The problem is the line of the bar coming down is like pic related as opposed to straight like in the OP pic.

My friend has the video on his phone and he said he'd send it to me but he is sleeping atm.

I started squatting 95 pounds with extreme difficulty. I also started ohp 135 for reps.

It didn't take long for my squat to overcome even my bench. And that's without squatting all the time. Your legs aren't used to the movement nor are they strong enough. The only reason you shouldn't squat is if you hurt yourself all the time like I do. But even then I'm always looking for ways to get back into it.

It also took me less than a year to get to 315 in highbar squat with massive breaks in between (kept fucking up my hips bad). Now I hurt my knees squatting and even leg pressing. So tomorrow I'm going to try lowbar squats and see how that turns out. I will squat normally one day, and I envy the people who just don't want to do it because it's hard.

You should try working on the movement by doing goblet and then work into barbell

Please do some research before posting.

That seems like a shout actually.

Is right.

"im struggling with keeping the bar straight all the way down"

I have shit balance squatting down with just the bar because it weighs too little, but with weight on it I can keep it steady and in line because weight makes it harder to deviate the bar once you get set up.

>can't do lift properly with a certain weight
>just lift a heavier one!

This user is right you know...I read SS entirely, too

This thread exemplifies what I've found about lifting: On any issue there are people who will say one thing and people who will disagree with them.

OP: If something feels wrong, fiddle with it until it feels right, OR, just do something else entirely. If squatting feels awkward and you struggle, try with less weight. Try with your hands closer in or farther out. Try with more weight! You can do a lot of research, and I recommend you do, but nobody on this board or on the internet or in the world has YOUR body.

Be smart, stay safe, but do what feels right for you.

I argue that he should work on his mobility and form more before throwing on more weight. He indicated he struggles with the bar, and in the OP said he's tried it with a plate. Imo he should work goblet squats or even just bodyweight squats to get his form down first so he doesn't snap his shit.

He just said he cant keep the bar straight. That could be a low weight issue

My guess would be you have problem with mobility. Cross your hands on your chest mimicing front squat grip (elbows upwards) and then go down as low as you can. If you cannot go below the point where the crease of your hips is lower then top of the knee, then it is mobility and you gotta work on it. I realise the fact you probably know it already, but still - keep your core as tight as possible, retract and depress scapulae and most importantly work with your hips, drive them backwards, don't just go straight down.

PS. Some dipshits on this board will tell you this game is about numbers. It isn't. You go to the gym to make yourself better, so be humble about it, lower the weight and do everything with proper technique. You won't impress anyone with hurting yourself.

post legs. I need to see what someone's legs look like who struggles with the bar.

If you can't squat properly with just the bar, DON'T ADD MORE FUCKING WEIGHT. Yes it will push your body down into the proper position but you'll hurt yourself eventually. Work on mobility and form it shouldn't take more than a couple weeks if you're stretching every day and doing body weight or bar only squats to drill it into place.

I mean if it worked for you that's cool but I would never recommend anyone add more weight to make up for their lack of mobility. It's just going to develop bad habits.

He's having trouble going down, it's a form issue that could be resolved in 10 minutes with a half-decent coach or even just after thinking about the mechanics of a squat for a few minutes. His "mobility" is not the issue, unless he is literally a genetically deformed crippled old man. He just doesn't know what the fuck he's doing.

The reason adding weight usually works is because these kinds of issue are usually a problem with not keeping your center of mass over your ankles. Adding weight to the bar shifts your center of mass. More likely than not the faggot OP is keeping his back too vertical.

If he cannot squat then he is either a retard or someone who took 'sedentary lifestyle' one step further. I mean, come on, squatting is one of those primal activities you just fucking know. Take a deep breath, tighten your core, bend the knees, go down and it is fucking done. It is like not knowing how to jerk off...even when I didn't know I have to keep my heels on the ground (around the age of 10 I have noticed this) I was able to do a squat.

Can't seem to convert the video to webm under the 3mb limit so here are screenshots to show the motion of the bar:

You need to squat better

>high bar
There's your problem, buddy. Have this:

Yeah, i know, that's why I'm asking for advice.

>this thing is hard to do, please tell me I don't have to do it

I can tell you're gonna go far..